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Writing Introductions and Conclusions

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1 Writing Introductions and Conclusions

2 Objectives Understand the purpose of introductions and conclusions
Learn how to write effective introductions and conclusions

3 3-Part Structure An essay always consists of: An Introduction
Body paragraphs A Conclusion

4 Introductions The purpose of the introduction is to identify the topic AND make your reader want to read more. A weak or boring introduction will make your reader lose interest. You don’t want to bore your reader before the essay even begins.

5 What goes into an Introduction?
Catchy opening (called a “Hook”) to grab the reader’s attention 2-3 sentence summary or background information of the topic Thesis statement One sentence that says exactly what the essay is about Usually contains 3 items

6 Introductions move from general to more specific
General: Attention-grabbing hook (2-3 sentences) More specific: Summary of topic (2-3 sentences) Introductions move from general to more specific Most specific: Thesis statement (1 sentence)

7 The Hook Anecdote (interesting story) Surprising fact
Startling statement Interesting quote Question that makes the reader think The hook MUST relate to the topic!

8 Let’s Practice! In your groups, you will be writing a compare and contrast essay between the novel Island of the Blue Dolphins and the true story of the “Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island.” We’ll start together with an introduction.

9 What kind of hook should we use? Here are some options:
An anecdote about being left to survive on a deserted island An important or surprising quote from the novel or one of the articles A thought-provoking question (related to the topic) In your groups, choose one of these options and write a quick rough draft of your hook

10 Next, we need to give some background information.
What is it that we will be discussing in this essay? How does the hook you used relate to this more specific information?

11 Last, you need a thesis statement
You need a statement that explains exactly what you will discuss in your essay This is the most specific and most important sentence of the introduction Usually includes 3 items that will be discussed in about 3 body paragraphs In your group, identify the 3 main differences between the fiction and nonfiction story of the “Lone Woman” These 3 items will be included in your thesis statement

12 Conclusions A good conclusion will leave a lasting impression on your reader You want your reader to remember WHAT you said and WHY you said it

13 What goes into a Conclusion?
You can think of the structure of the conclusion as the opposite of the structure of the introduction Introductions move from general to specific Conclusions move from specific to general

14 What goes into a conclusion?
Restate the thesis Summarize your main points (the 3 things from your thesis statement and body paragraphs) Make a general statement about why your reader should care

15 Conclusions move from specific to general
Most specific: Restate Thesis Conclusions move from specific to general Less specific: Summarize the main points General: Statement about why your reader should care. Connect to your hook.

16 Tips for writing body paragraphs
Start with a topic sentence (a sentence that states what the paragraph will be about) Be specific and stick to the point Even if you think you have the perfect sentence, only include it if it has something to do with the topic of the paragraph Use transition words to show you are changing topics Decide on an organizational pattern before you write

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