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The Roaring Twenties : economic and cultural explosion that dominated the decade Or….. Jazz Age: Growth of new American culture revolving around new forms.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roaring Twenties : economic and cultural explosion that dominated the decade Or….. Jazz Age: Growth of new American culture revolving around new forms."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roaring Twenties : economic and cultural explosion that dominated the decade Or….. Jazz Age: Growth of new American culture revolving around new forms of entertainment and urban cultural life Or… Age of Normalcy: Return to practices of discrimination, laissez faire, and isolationism that have been traditions in American Government

2 - Economic Boom – 33% increase in incomes, 60% increase in GDP, increased standard of living Why? 1. European Demand – Destruction after World War I 2. New Business Techniques - Mass Production + Assembly Line – Henry Ford - Credit and Installment Plans - Advertising 3. Consumer Economy – - Consumerism – not just buying for necessity but buying goods for pleasure – discretionary goods and services


4 - Consumerism – 1.The Automobile – Henry Ford – Model T - 1924 - $295 - 1930 - 30 million

5 2. Airplane – 1927- Charles Lindbergh

6 3. Consumer Goods: (Irons, Vacuums, Toasters, Washing Machines, Refrigerators) But mostly……

7 -The Radio – Marconi

8 -Jazz Music – Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Cotton Club

9 - Flappers + Dance Marathons - Movies – The Jazz Singer -Sports – Baseball -Babe Ruth - Harlem Renaissance – Langston Hughes

10 The 1920s was marked by many cultural conflicts – most of which were Change v. Tradition or Urban v. Rural 1. Communism + The First Red Scare - Russian Revolution and Comintern - Labor Strikes – 3600 in 1919, Boston PD - 30 Letter Bombs, 8 Cities, Wall Street - A. Mitchell Palmer + Palmer Raids - 6000/500 2.Immigrants - Nativism - Radical Ideas - Sacco and Vanzetti - 1921 – Emergency Quota Act - 3%/1910 - 300,000 - 1924 – National Origins Act - 2%/1890 - 1929 - 150,000 - No Asian Immigration, No Limits on Latin America

11 3. Alcohol - 18 th Amendment + Prohibition - Bootlegging + Speakeasies - Organized Crime, Racketeering, and Al Capone - Protestant Fundamentalism 4. Science - New Technology and inventions – Consumerism – Changing American values and culture - Evolution v. Fundamentalism - John T. Scopes - Dayton, TN - Biology - Scopes Monkey Trial - 1924 - Clarence Darrow v. William Jennings Bryan

12 5. African Americans - Great Migration - Marcus Garvey + Black Nationalism - Back to Africa Movement and UNIA - Harlem Renaissance - 1919 – Race Riots in 25 Cities - Chicago - Jim Crow Laws + Lynchings 6. New Women - 19 th Amendment - Educational and Job opportunities - Margaret Sanger - Birth Control Movement - Flappers - Alice Paul - ERA - Divorce Rates

13 Ku Klux Klan Birth of a Nation – D.W. Griffith Ku Klux Klan – Against Catholics, Jews, Immigrants, Scientists, Communists, African Americans, and changing urban society – 4 Million Members in 1924

14 Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge returned the US to normalcy in politics 1.Isolation and Disarmament - Kellogg-Briand Pact - Washington Conference – 9 Power Pact, 5 Power Pact, 4 Power Pact - Dawes Plan 2. Laissez- Faire - Supply-side economics - Gov’t support of business, strikes, taxes, tariffs 3. Corruption - Teapot Dome Scandal- $500,000 in bribes

15 Sept. 1929 – Stock Market Index = 400 Black Thursday – 10/24 Black Tuesday – 10/29 By 11/13 – Index = 200, $30 Billion Lost This began a depression that would last for 12 years and be the worst in American History.

16 1.Business Decline – Overproduction, Foreign Trade, and Tariffs 2.Distribution of Wealth in United States 3. Over speculation in the stock market – Buying on Margin 4. Bank Failures – 9000 banks closed in 4 years 5. International Crisis – Dawes Plan? Germany, Britain, and France cannot repay war debts 6. Federal Reserve Bank – Raised Interest Rates and Cut Circulation of Money

17 - 1932 – 25% Unemployment, 50% in Cities - Farmers -Tenant Farmers and Sharecroppers

18 - Homelessness – Hobos and Hoovervilles

19 Dust Bowl and Okies



22 Malnutrition, Starvation, health problems – Bread Lines and Soup Kitchens


24 - Family Values – Divorce, Marriage, and Birth Rates Down - Discrimination – Women, Asians, Hispanics, and African Americans, Scottsboro Boys - Entertainment – Movies, Radio, and Books


26 Trickle Down Theory + Supply side Economics - Individualism 1. Public Works – Hoover Dam 2. Hawley – Smoot Tariff – 60% 3. Reconstruction Finance Corp – loans to banks, business, and farms- only spent 20% of $2 Billion budget Public’s Anger – Hoovervilles, Hoover flags, Hoover Blankets - Bonus Army – 20,000 WWI Veterans + General MacArthur Election of 1932 – Herbert Hoover (R) v. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D) – New Deal



29 1st Inaugural Speech – “Nothing to fear but fear itself” March 5 – Bank Holiday + The First Fireside Chat - Elected to four terms – Great Depression and WWII The New Deal : Three R’s: Relief: Programs designed to solve people’s immediate problems, relief from homelessness, poverty, hunger Recovery: Programs designed to fix the American economy, help industry and farmers recover from economic decline Reform: Programs designed to change American government to ensure another great depression could not occur Alphabet Agencies - The First Hundred Days (March – June 1933) and the Second 100 Days (1935)

30 Relief - Aimed at solving people’s immediate problems 1. Unemployment – Public Works Programs – FERA, CWA, CCC, PWA, WPA, TVA 2. Homelessness – HOLC Recovery - Aimed at fixing industry and farming so they could prosper – NIRA, AAA, FSA Reform- Aimed at fixing the system so it wouldn’t happen again – SEC, FDIC, Social Security, Fair Labor Standards Act

31 New Deal Programs to Remember 1.Public Works – 20 Million Jobs - CCC – created jobs for urban youths in conservation projects - TVA - built over 30 hydroelectric dams 2.Recovery – AAA and NRA - Supreme Court Packing Scheme - Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances


33 New Deal Programs to Remember 3. Legacy -Social Security- Old Age Pension, Unemployment and Disability Insurance, AFDC, Payroll Taxes - FDIC – Insured bank deposits up to $2500 ($250,000 today) - SEC – Regulates Stock Markets – Protects investors, requires financial reports, investigates fraud - Wagner Act – protected unions in the United States - Fair Labor Standards Act – No Child Labor, 40 hr. workweek, minimum wage

34 The Bad: 1. Didn’t End the Depression 2. Civil Rights – CCC, TVA, Anti-lynching laws? – Democratic Party and Southern Support 3. 1940 – National Debt = $43 Billion The Good: 1. Confidence in America + FDR – Fireside Chats and use of the Media 2. Increase power of President and the scope and power of the federal government – Welfare, Workers Rights, Banks and Stock Market 3. Democratic Party - New Deal Coalition – Civil Rights and Minorities, Women, Urban, Poverty 4. Legacy: Public Works, SEC, FDIC, Social Security, minimum wage, Unions

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