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Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values Do Now: What values do you have that clash with your parents or with the.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values Do Now: What values do you have that clash with your parents or with the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values Do Now: What values do you have that clash with your parents or with the older culture?

2 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values WILF Describe the attitudes of Americans following WWI Describe the Presidency of Warren Harding Describe the impact of the policies of Calvin Coolidge Describe the culture of the 1920’s

3 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values End of WWI: Treaty of Versailles blames Germany, U.S. does not ratify it fearing further foreign entanglements Soldiers return from war, attempt to get their former jobs back Economy returns to peace time operations

4 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values “Return to Normalcy” Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge campaign on slogan Return to isolation from World Politics Slow the reforms of Progressives, returning to more Laissez Faire business policies

5 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values Warren Harding (1920-1923) Returns America to neutrality Faces many scandals: Teapot Dome Scandal: Secretary of the interior accepted bribes from oil officials allowing them to use government land to drill for oil Theft in by the head of the veterans bureau and fraud by Alien Property Custodian

6 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values Calvin Coolidge Returns to a laissez faire approach to business Oversees “Coolidge prosperity”—40% increase in National Product 30% increase in income Labor unions lose power Farmers begin to experience problems because of falling crop prices Minorities still experience discrimination and low wages Raised tariffs again to protect American industries Lowers taxes on big businesses

7 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values Mass Consumption: New technologies and available money led to people buying more goods: Cars, washing machines, refrigerators, irons, vacuums…etc all became necessary items for the individuals

8 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values Increased Leisure Time: New technologies along with shorter work weeks allowed individuals to enjoy more activities: Movies Radio and music (Jazz Age) Baseball becomes the “national sport”

9 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values Do Now: Based on Tuesday’s lessons, what actions symbolized a return to traditional values and what symbolized shifting values?

10 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values Changes for Women: Following the passage of the 19 th amendment and assistance in World War I— Women start cutting their hair shorter and wearing shorter skirts Women began smoking and drinking with men Women began to be more sexually active… FLAPPERS!

11 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values Prohibition: Alcohol is still banned by the 18 th amendment Organized crime begins to provide alcohol to those who want it (Al Capone) Speakeasies develop across the nation for those who can pay… Illegal stills make their own alcohol

12 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values Literature: F. Scott Fitzgerald writes The Great Gatsby about the Many authors fled to Europe…fed up with the United States following World War I Ernest Hemingway…

13 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values The Scopes Trial (Monkey Trial) John Scopes teaches evolution in Kansas, a violation of the law Participates in a highly publicized trial, loses and is fined $25 Shows a clash between science and religion

14 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values The Harlem Renaissance: A period of significant achievements for African Americans, primarily in the arts and literature Important figures: Langston Hughes, Bessie Smith, Duke Ellington

15 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values The Red Scare (1919-1920) The Red Scare was a nation-wide anti-radical hysterial Provoked by mounting fear and anxiety that a Bolshevik(Russian) revolution in America was imminent. This revolution would change church, home, marriage, civility and “American way of life” Immigrants often the primary target for red scare attacks Sacco and Vanzetti

16 Learning Objective: We will learn how the 1920’s represents a clash of values The Roaring 20’s….

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