Presentation on the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Gail Armstead Hankins, Ph.D. Candidate for Associate Dean July 6, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation on the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Gail Armstead Hankins, Ph.D. Candidate for Associate Dean July 6, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation on the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Gail Armstead Hankins, Ph.D. Candidate for Associate Dean July 6, 2006

2 Role of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs To assure that all students in the College of Management receive a value rich education through –quality teaching (coordination through the departments); –support services through the office of academic affairs; and –a sense of community through their involvement in COM and at NCSU. Resulting in committed loyal alums.

3 Role of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs To provide leadership within the college as a unifying link between departments and units in order to move the COM as a whole to the next level. The next level in reputation, rankings, and service. The next level in academics and diversity.

4 Role of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs To provide service, service, service! –To the university as an integral member of the operational councils and committee. –Service to the college as we strive to become a more diverse entity serving the population needs of the state of NC. –Service to the students as we impact the institutional structure imperative to their success and progress towards degree. –Service to the faculty and staff as we optimize resources to facilitate the achievement of excellence in their positions.

5 Preparation - Education Background: Excellent communication skills through experience and education. Ph.D. Degree University of Florida Speech (Minor in Management) 1985 Graduate M.S. Degree Florida State University Rhetoric and General Speech 1975 Graduate B.A. Degree Florida State University Speech and Mass Communication 1973 Graduate (Minor in History)

6 Preparation – Professional Experience September, 2000- Present: Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, North Carolina State University, College of Management, Raleigh, North Carolina August, 2004 – December, 2004: Interim Associate Dean, North Carolina State University College of Management, Raleigh, North Carolina July, 1992 –August, 2000: Director of Academic Affairs/African-American Coordinator, North Carolina State University, College of Management, Raleigh, North Carolina July, 1986 - June, 1992: Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University, Department of Communication, Raleigh, North Carolina January, 1987 - present: Consultant, Raleigh, North Carolina March, 1984 - December, 1986: President/Treasurer, Lady Gator, Inc., Gainesville, Florida January, 1980 - December, 1985: Assistant to the Dean for Minority Affairs, College of Business Administration and School of Accounting, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida January, 1979 - December 1979: Monitoring and Evaluation Unit Supervisor, Manpower Division Administrative Office, Northeast Florida Manpower Consortium, Jacksonville, Florida. August, 1977 - December 1978: Senior Human Services Planner, Manpower Division Administrative Office, Northeast Florida Manpower Consortium, Jacksonville, Florida.

7 Preparation – Professional Experience Courses Taught: Organizational Behavior Managerial Effectiveness Business Communication Public Speaking Interracial Communication Intercultural Communication Communication Apprehension Freshman Advancement Seminar 1& 2

8 Preparation- Administration Reports and Projects - Reports and projects required countless hours of research, solicitation, collection, coordination, and compilation of data. During the course of the year I prepared the following reports and completed projects as listed. AACSB Business School Questionnaire Report AACSB Interim Maintenance Report (sections) Diversity Initiative Progress Reports Compact Plan Annual Report (sections) COM Annual Report (sections) NC K-12 Activity Report (twice yearly) Various Surveys for Peer Institutions Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan for COM EBI Undergraduate Exit Survey EBI Faculty Assessment Survey Plan and Expedited COM New Faculty Orientation Student Credit Hour Report for 2003 - 2004

9 Preparation - Administration Committees (COM and University Committees) Administrative Team COM Honors and Awards – Chair (including Outstanding Extension, Honorary Degrees, Holladay Medal, Outstanding Graduate Faculty, etc.) Extension Operations Council Human Resources Advisory Council Associate Dean’s Council (August –December, 2004) Associate Dean’s Representative to The Faculty Senate Academic Policy Sub- committee (2004-05) Undergraduate Academic Operations Council (August-December, 2004) African American Coordinating Committee Provost Diversity Task Force for Admissions Centennial Middle School Campus Advisory Board Policy, Procedures, and Regulation Committee African American Symposium Advisory Committee Task Force for Living and Learning Communities

10 Preparation - Administration Other Responsibilities, Involvement and Accomplishments Represented Dean and/or Associate Dean as needed on several committees, interviews, and other functions. Serve as COM Affirmative Action Officer Serve as Coordinator for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Participated in orientation activities for both incoming freshmen and transfer students. Participated and assisted in COM graduation programs. Participated in all student networking functions, Freshmen Party, Dean’s reception, Donuts with the Deans, Graduation Parties, and many others. Coordinated information dissemination for Wachovia Lectures Participated in COM Graduate Symposium Participated in COM Women’s Conference Academic Advisor for African American Freshmen Faculty Advisor - Society of African American Corporate Leaders Manage the Distribution of Wachovia Diversity Funds

11 Preparation– Professional Development Participated in UNC System Leadership Institute for Deans and Administrators, Chapel Hill, NC, June 9, 2004. Attended AACSB International Conference, New Orleans, LA, April, 2003 Attended the AACSB Associate Deans Conference, December, 2000 Scottsdale, AZ.

12 VISION FOR THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS AND COM North Carolina State University College of Management was created because a need existed. From its’ humble beginnings the college was not your typical B-School. With three Departments and the smallest administration on campus we have grown from 2,157 in 1992 with 113 entering freshmen to 2,666 in 2005 and a freshmen class of 384 for fall,2006. COM was founded outside the box and to grow and strive we must continue on this path. COM will face many challenges in the future, but challenges are just opportunities waiting to happen.

13 Challenges/Opportunities Managed Growth/University Changes Diversity Involvement Development

14 Questions? THANK YOU!

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