Front Row 1Row 2Row 3Row 4Row 5Row 6 LindseyIsraelProjectorLaurenX CoryMarcus X VictorTristonJada ChynaDeniyah XPaulLamiaCaleb EstiverCrystal XArielDe’QuanJordan.

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Presentation on theme: "Front Row 1Row 2Row 3Row 4Row 5Row 6 LindseyIsraelProjectorLaurenX CoryMarcus X VictorTristonJada ChynaDeniyah XPaulLamiaCaleb EstiverCrystal XArielDe’QuanJordan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Front Row 1Row 2Row 3Row 4Row 5Row 6 LindseyIsraelProjectorLaurenX CoryMarcus X VictorTristonJada ChynaDeniyah XPaulLamiaCaleb EstiverCrystal XArielDe’QuanJordan YasmineBrian XAntonioDaisyKhalil TyrahXXXDemetriusJala XXXXXX


3 Warm up questions 1. How does “Hollywood” glamorize alcohol and drug use? Include specific examples in your answer. 2. Do you think social media has influenced the use of alcohol? Why or why not?

4 Table of Contents 1. Warm – up Questions 2. Steroids Guided Notes 3. Venn Diagram 4. Male/Female picture 5. Steroids Crossword 6. Marion Jones:Press Pause 7. Protective vs. Risk Factors 8. What do you know about alcohol part 1

5 Alcohol Truth or Myth.

6 Teen Drunk Driving   What is your first reaction after watching this video?  Why do you think individuals drive a car after they have consumed alcohol even though everyone knows it is a risky decisions? 

7 1. Drinking and driving is the #1 killer of teens.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

8 False  Car accidents are the leading cause of death among teens, and one-third to one-half of those accidents are alcohol-related. Teens are more likely than adults to drink too much when they drink, increasing the risk of accidents. Over 2,000 young people die every year in alcohol-related car crashes.  alcohol-related-deaths.html alcohol-related-deaths.html  About 5000 teens die every year due to teen alcohol use.

9 2. Coffee will sober up a person faster.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

10 False  Time is the only thing that sobers a person up.

11 3. It is none of my business if a friend is drinking and driving.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

12 False  It should be our business if a friend is drinking and driving.

13 4. If someone has been drinking causes a death in a car accident, they can be sentenced to life in prison.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

14 True  They can be charged with vehicular homicide.

15 5. 50 % of domestic violence cases involve alcohol use.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

16 False  2 out of 3 (66%) cases of domestic violence involve alcohol use.

17 6. Drinking only 5 beers in 2 hours is NOT binge drinking.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

18 False  Binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 grams percent or above. This typically happens when men consume 5 or more drinks, and when women consume 4 or more drinks, in about 2 hours.

19 7. You can be arrested for “Driving While Impaired” for driving while using other drugs.  TRUE  FALSE

20 True  This includes illegal, prescription drugs and over the counter drug.

21 8. Drinking alcohol will affect someone’s ability to make good decisions.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

22 True  There is a substance in alcohol that blocks the judgment area of the brain, which is the area of the brain that we use to make decisions.

23 9. Alcohol use is involved in almost half of all homicides in the US.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

24 True  In a recent study, on average, 48% of homicide offenders were reportedly under the influence (any trace of alcohol in system) of alcohol at the time of the offense and 37% were intoxicated (amount of alcohol is above the legal limit).  They found no demographic variations across age, gender, or race, although the proportion testing positive within the United States appears to be decreasing over time.

25 10. Teenagers will become addicted faster to alcohol than adults.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

26 True  Teenagers do become addicted faster alcohol than someone who starts drinking as an adult due to adolescent brain development.  This is true for all drugs.

27 11. Switching between beer and liquor will get you drunk faster.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

28 False  One drink (5 ounce glass of wine; a 12 oz can of beer; mixed drink with 1 ½ ounces of liquor) has the same amount of alcohol in it.

29 12. Liquor has more alcohol per serving than beer.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

30 False  Remember each serving has the same amount.  12 oz beer  4-5 oz of wine  1.5 oz of liquor

31 13. Alcohol is a stimulant.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

32 False  Alcohol is a depressant

33 14. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome can only be passed to the baby if the mother drinks heavily every day.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

34 False  Even small amounts of alcohol can cause FAS.

35 15. Mints will cover the smell of alcohol on your breath.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

36 False  The alcohol smell with stay as long as it is in your stomach. The smell is not only on your breath but from your skin pores as well.

37 16. The legal BAC for DWI in NC is.8  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

38 False .08 is the legal limit

39 17. People under 21 may possess alcohol but not buy it.  A. TRUE  B. FALSE

40 False  Alcohol is illegal for anyone under 21.

41 Death of an Innocent Poem   How does this poem make you feel?

42 Drinking Wheel Activity 

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