Pork, the other white meat Industry/Production Farrow to Finish Feeder pig Producer Grower to Finisher Seedstock.

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2 Pork, the other white meat

3 Industry/Production Farrow to Finish Feeder pig Producer Grower to Finisher Seedstock

4 Farrow to Finish Pigs are owned from conception through marketing to the packer. Primarily located in the “Corn Belt” states Soybean meal serves as a the basis for diets for hogs. Iowa produces 25% of all the hogs in the U.S.. Gestation period for hogs is 3months 3 weeks 3days or 114- 116 days.

5 Con’t World leaders in swine numbers –China –Ussr –US Per capita Denmark leads with the U.S. ranking 3rd Daily care of farrowing houses is required Value Based Marketing is more prevalent in this industry than other meat species.

6 Feeder pig Producers Same as farrow to finish except that the pigs are marketed as feeder pigs weighing 30-50 lbs. There are very few of these producers.

7 Seedstock Provide the producers with the genetics for the commercial industry. Generally purebred breeders, however some are producing x-breed gilts for replacement. Selection criteria is based upon “sire” and “maternal” line needs and thus may vary from one breed to the next. More concerned with the commercial swine industry than other red meat species.

8 What are the types of Hogs? Primary Lean Cuts = hams, loins, picnic shoulder, Boston Butts Meat Type Hog: more than half the weight of a Number 1 animal is Primary Lean Cuts Bacon Type Hog: less than 1/2 is PLC –large litter size –little value in U.S. except to increase litter size

9 Parts of the Hog

10 Hogs Cuts of Meat

11 Hog Selection industry Feed Conversion Rate: pounds of feed needed to make a pound of hog –no more than 3 lbs of feed per 1 lb of hog Minimum Litter Size = 9 First Litter should have a combined pig wt at 21 days of 95 lbs or more –110 lbs for a mature sow

12 Feeding Hogs Need more protein & vitamins than ruminants lots of water - susceptible to heat stress Feeders need lots of protein Finishing needs lots of energy Crude Protein = total protein in feed, not all is used by the animal Digestible Protein = amount of protein that the animal can actually use

13 Feeding Hogs Antibiotics often added to feed to prevent disease, grow faster Full Feeding: animals get all the feed that they want (self feeder) –usually not done with breeding stock, if sows are too fat, they won’t get pregnant Hand Feeding: animals are fed rations at chore time

14 Hog Management Sanitation is critical –facilities should be easy to clean - concrete –inspect new pigs –clean pens whenever pigs are moved –isolate new pigs for 3 weeks Cholera can wipe out an entire herd Chester White needs sun protection –sunburn Pens = maximum of 30 pigs / pen

15 Breeding Flush sows before breeding –increasing level of nutrition 4 days before farrowing, put sows in farrowing crate (disinfect pen & sow) Heat lamp on babies Exercise sow daily 3 Days old - clip needle teeth(immediately)

16 Breeding 10 days old - begin creep feeding (feed for the babies only) 1 month - vaccinate & castrate males 2 months (30 lbs) - wean

17 Livestock Terms What do you call a mature male hog? Boar What do you call a mature female hog? Sow What do you call the act of giving birth? Farrowing What do you call a castrated male hog? Barrow

18 Livestock Terms What do you call an young female hog? Gilt What is the gestation for hogs? 114 days or 3 months, 3 weeks, & 3 days

19 Berkshire

20 Black with 6 white spots: one on each foot, the snout, and tail Erect ears Leaner with less fat

21 Chester White

22 Duroc

23 Red or Reddish- Brown Color Droopy Ears Known for prolificacy and hardiness of meat Good Feed Conversion

24 Hampshire

25 Black with white stripe around front shoulders Known for carcass quality Other half of bluebutt cross

26 Landrace

27 Pink or White Droopy Ears Large litters

28 Poland China

29 Black with white spots on feet and tips of tail and nose, may have white elsewhere Droopy ears Carcasses with low back fat and large loin eyes

30 Spots

31 Spotted Poland China White and black, with neither covering more than 80% of body Also known as Spots Large framed bodies

32 Yorkshire Pink or White Known for mothering ability Long bodies, good for bacon Half of bluebutt market hog, the most common crossbreed

33 Feed Ingredients Carbohydrates –Corn –Wheat –Oats –Barley –Sorghum Protein –Soybeans –Fish Meal Hogs require a substantial amount of protein in their diet, but can’t digest it without carbohydrates. Therefore pig feed is balanced with a carbohydrate and a protein, most commonly corn and soybeans.

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