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Cooking and restaurants. Ways of cooking food boil: in water, e. g. potatoes or rice fry: in oil or butter above the heat, e. g. sausages grill: under.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooking and restaurants. Ways of cooking food boil: in water, e. g. potatoes or rice fry: in oil or butter above the heat, e. g. sausages grill: under."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooking and restaurants

2 Ways of cooking food boil: in water, e. g. potatoes or rice fry: in oil or butter above the heat, e. g. sausages grill: under the heat, e. g. toast or meat roast: in the oven using oil, e. g. meat bake: in the oven without oil, e. g. cakes (Note: Food which is not cooked is raw.)

3 How would you like your steak? rare (= cooked quickly and red inside) medium-rare (= cooked longer but still red in the middle) medium (= cooked more and pink) well-done (= cooked longer and not pink)

4 What does it taste like? Taste the sauce (= try a bit to see if it´s good) and add salt if necessary. You can really taste the garlic in this. It´s very tasty. (= lots of flavour – a positive word)

5 Describing food and drink salty: lots of salt hot/spicy: lots of spices, e. g. curry, chilli sweet: lots of sugar bitter: e. g. very strong coffee sour: e. g. lemons fresh: recently produced or picked, e. g. fresh bread, fresh fruit fattening: food wich makes you put on weight/

6 Describing food and drink fattening: food which makes you put on weight/get fat, e. g. cream, cakes, etc. healthy: good for your health/fitness, e. g. salad or fruit chilled (= very cold), e. g. white wine is usually chilled still: describes water without gas sparkling is water with gas (also called fizzy water)

7 A typical menu Starters Leek and potato soup Onion soup Grilled spicy prawns Spaghetti with courgette and bacon Warm goat´s cheese with spinach salad Ham omelette Caviar egg

8 A typical menu Main Courses Pan fried salmon with spinach Breast of chicken in a white wine sauce with mushrooms Roast fillet of pork with apple sauce Grilled steak in a pepper sauce Boiled beef, mixed vegetables, potatoes Grilled chicken, French fried potatoes

9 A typical menu Desserts Chocolate cake with cream Fresh fruit salad with cream Pancakes with ice-cream Chocolate mousse Strawberries with fresh cream Apple pie Selection of cheese with home-made bread

10 Useful words mousse (= a light cold food made from eggs mixed with cream: chocolate mousse, salmon mousse) pepper – 1. powder (greyish black or creamy coloured powder produced by crushing dry pepper corns, which is used to give a spicy/hot taste to food) - 2. vegetable that is usually green, red and yellow, has a rounded shape and is hollow with seeds in the middle

11 Useful words paprika – a red powder used as a spice to give a slightly hot flavour to food, expecially in meat dishes salt cellar (US usually saltshaker) – a small container with salt pepper pot (US pepper shaker) – a small container with several holes in the top that contains pepper

12 Useful words pepper mill – a small device, the top part of which you turn by hand to crush the peppercorns vinegar oil napkins toothpicks

13 Exercises Do you often eat the following food in your country? If so, do you eat it in the same way? raw fish fried rice fried eggsbaked potatoes roast beefraw spinach roast peppersboiled eggs grilled cheesebaked bananas

14 Exercises Look at the menu and answer these questions: 1.Which starter doesn´t contain vegetables? 2.Which dish contains pasta? 3.Which main course may be rare or well- done? 4.Which main course is definitely cooked in the oven?

15 Exercises 5. Which main course will probably be quite spicy? 6. Which main course contains alcohol? 7. Which dessert(s) will be quite sweet? 8. If you don´t want to put on weight, which would probably be the best dish for the main course? 9. What would be your advice to people who don´t want to put on weight?

16 Exercises Choose an adjective which could describe these things: honey …………….bacon ………………… lemon …………….fillet steak …………. bread …………….cakes …………………. mineral water … ………………..

17 Exercises Answer these questions about the food you like, and eating in your country. If possible, answer another person the same questions. 1.Do you eat steak? If so, how do you like it cooked? 2.Do you like hot spicy food? 3.In restaurants, do you normally drink still or sparkling water?

18 Exercises 4. Do waiters normally leave fresh bread on the table? 5. Do you normally eat a starter, main course and dessert when you eat out? 6. How many of these do you normally find on the table in a café or restaurant in your country? salt pepper oil vinegar napkins toothpicks

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