Blood and the Cardiovascular Systems

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1 Blood and the Cardiovascular Systems
HAP Chapter 12 and 13 Blood and the Cardiovascular Systems

2 I. Introduction A. Blood 1. Functions… a. Transports nutrients b. Carriers of oxygen c. Helps to remove wastes (CO2) d. Delivers hormones e. Distributes heat f. Maintains stability / promotes homeostasis

3 II. Blood and Blood Cells
A. Types of Blood Cells 1. Red Blood Cells 2. White Blood Cells 3. Platelets * All made in red bone marrow * Make up 45% of blood B. Plasma 1. clear liquid that contains… -amino acids, proteins, carbs, lipids, vitamins, hormones, electrolytes, and wastes

4 III. Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)
A. Description and Function 1. biconcave – increases O2 absorbtion 2. hemoglobin – 1/3 of rbc a. Helps bind O2 b. Blood color… -oxyhemoglobin (red) -deoxyhemoglobin (dark) 3. 4 to 5 million per mm3 4. RBC lives 120 days

5 B. Production and Destruction of RBC’s 1. Production a
B. Production and Destruction of RBC’s 1. Production a. Erythropoietin – hormone that controls RBC production (pg. 305) b. B-Complex Vitamins and folic acid -DNA Synthesis c. Iron – O2 holders 2. Destruction a. Macrophages – phagocytize damaged RBC’s b. Liver – removes bad blood cells / recycles

6 IV. White Blood Cells (leukocytes)
A. Basic Function 1. Protect against disease 2. Why part of cardiovascular / blood systems? B. Types of WBC’s (pg 308) 1. Neutrophils – 54-64% of WBC’s -2-5 lobes 2. Eosinophils – 1-3% of WBC’s -2 lobes 3. Basophils – 1% -cytoplasmic granules 4. Monocytes – 3-9% -kidney shaped and large 5. Lymphocytes – 25-33% -round with a thin rim of cytoplasm

7 C. Functions of WBC’s 1. Destroy bacteria cells 2. Produce antibodies 3. Diapedesis – move outside of blood system -amoeboid motion 4. Remove allergens from body 5. Release heparin – blood clot inhibitor D. WBC counts 1. 5 – 10 thousand / mm3 2. > 10,000 ? 3. < 5,000 ? Infection Aids or another serious disease

8 V. Blood Platelets (thrombocytes)
A. Functions 1. close breaks in the skin and blood vessels 2. form blood clots

9 VI. Blood Plasma A. Plasma Proteins 1. Albumins – smallest, 60% abundance a. Made in liver b. Help to regulate osmotic pressure -keeps water in blood vessels -stabilizes blood pressure 2. Globulins – 36% abundance a. Types 1. alpha 2. beta 3. gamma

10 b. Functions 1. transport lipids and fat soluble vitamins 2
b. Functions 1. transport lipids and fat soluble vitamins 2. gamma – type of antibody 3. Fibrinogen – largest, 4% abundance a. Made in liver b. Blood coagulation

11 VII. Hemostasis A. Def – Stoppage of bleeding B. 3 Ways of stopping blood loss by the body 1. Blood Vessel Spasm a. Vasospasm – blood vessels contract -immediate response -spasm lasts a few minutes, but 30 min effect b. Platelet plug begins to form c. Platelets release serotonin (more contractions)

12 2. Platelet Plug (pg. 314) a. Platelets stick to rough or torn surfaces and each other b. Can help with small breaks, not large ones 3. Blood Coagulation (pg. 315) a. Most effective b. Fibrinogen  fibrin (long sticky threads) -platelets and blood cells get caught

13 Permissible Blood Type of Donor
VIII. Blood Groups A. 4 types (pg 317) 1. A, B, AB, O 2. RBC’s have antigens -agglutination occurs when blood doesn’t match 3. Blood Type Antibody Permissible Blood Type of Donor A Anti B A and O B Anti A B and O AB Neither Anti A or B AB, A, B, O O Both Anti A and B

14 B. Facts 1. Type O – universal donor 2. Type AB – universal recipient 3. Most common O+ (38%) 4. Least common AB- (0.7%)

15 C. Rh Factor 1. either positive (85%) or negative (15%) 2
C. Rh Factor 1. either positive (85%) or negative (15%) 2. affects blood transfusions and pregnancy 3. Rh and pregnancy… (pg 319) a. Erythroblastosis fetalis (blood disease) -anemia, jaundice, edema, liver and spleen problems, hydrops (fluid in lungs, heart and abdominal organs)

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