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Customizing your Twitter Background. Agenda Why bother? What to consider Design specifics Other elements Samples.

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Presentation on theme: "Customizing your Twitter Background. Agenda Why bother? What to consider Design specifics Other elements Samples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Customizing your Twitter Background

2 Agenda Why bother? What to consider Design specifics Other elements Samples

3 Customizing your Twitter Background Why Bother? Nearly everyone with a Social Strategy has a Twitter Account It is easy to do and helps polish your image Not everyone utilizes the branding opportunity Social Media is about personal relationships – Get Personal Do it once and forget about it

4 Customizing your Twitter Background Branded

5 Customizing your Twitter Background Branded This is the opportunity to direct people to where you want them to be, help promote your blog, Facebook, or other online presences or contact information.

6 Customizing your Twitter Background Boring

7 Customizing your Twitter Background What to Consider Who do you want to reach? What image do you want to portray? Where do you actually want your customers to reach you? How important is it to you to be seen as technically savvy?

8 Customizing your Twitter Background What to Consider When developing the content to put on your Twitter page, Consider: – Your Picture – Email Address – Company Logo – Phone Number – Physical address – Other online resources Facebook YouTube Blogs Etc. Do you think you can find this guy? Good use of space

9 Customizing your Twitter Background Now that you have all of your content considered – Let’s consider design

10 Customizing your Twitter Background Design Specifics Choosing the right dimensions – The best choice for most monitors is at least 1600 pixels x 900 pixels. – 2500 x 1600 will cover almost all resolutions and monitors. – Twitter content will take up the middle (865 pixels)

11 Customizing your Twitter Background 1600 pixels 900 pixels

12 Customizing your Twitter Background Design Specifics Choosing the right image /content Since the background will be obstr ucted by the Twitter content in the center of the window, the main image itself shouldn’t contain important or contact information The most important part of your background is the left hand side

13 Customizing your Twitter Background USE THIS AREA

14 Customizing your Twitter Background Design Specifics Place your Branding in the “sweet spot” on the left side You will be safe with a width of 65 - 70 pixels; 70 pixels will be unobstructed for anyone with a resolution of 1024×768 or larger (99% of Twitter users) Using a photo editing program, choose your design or picture that is at least 1600×900 pixels as mentioned above. – In the top left corner, place your branding Logo Contact information Picture Just remember to stay at 70 pixels or less.

15 Customizing your Twitter Background 888-555-1212 Mr. T - Realtor

16 Customizing your Twitter Background Design Specifics These tips should ensure that your image fits properly, Sometimes, there are problems, The best thing to do is to test the image. – Upload the image to your Twitter page >> Settings >> Design >> Upload your image. You might need to modify and re- upload.

17 Customizing your Twitter Background Other customizations In the Twitter Settings area, you have the opportunity to further customize your page. Since you are already here, you might as well look at how different colors combinations affect your page. You can customize the font, colors, backgrounds (main area), etc. Have fun.

18 Customizing your Twitter Background Here are some Samples for your inspiration

19 Customizing your Twitter Background




23 Stay Tuned for More Social Marketing Tips

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