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WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM. Instructor: MSG MARTIN Purpose: To inform all soldiers of the requirements and procedures involved in the weight control program.

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2 Instructor: MSG MARTIN Purpose: To inform all soldiers of the requirements and procedures involved in the weight control program. References: AR 600-9, 10 June 1987 9 th RRC Policy Letter FM 21-20, 30 September 1992

3 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM SEMI-ANNUAL WEIGH IN At minimum, all personnel will be weighed when they take the record APFT OR at least every 6 months All measurements taken in PT uniform No requirement to weigh in after each APFT

4 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM TAPING PROCEDURES Re-measure height measurement to nearest ¼ inch. Follow procedures for determining Male and Female body Composition in AR 600-9, Appendix B.

5 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM FAILURE TO MEET BODY COMPOSITION STANDARDS Soldiers will be: Flagged Counseled Provided weight reduction counseling Formally enrolled in WCP Weighed Monthly

6 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM SCREENING PROCESS MEETS HT/WT TABLE Appearance Satisfactory Yes No Yes No Action Required Meets Body Fat STD No Action Required No Medical ** Problem Yes Medical ** Treatment No ** Identified During Evaluation Required When Para 18C Applies All Others Proceed To Next Step 1. ENT WCP 2. FLAG 3. NUTRITION COUNSELING A

7 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM A WT Loss In Any 2 Consecutive Months A Start/Continue In WCP Sat * Progress In 6 Months Yes Medical Problem No Meets Body Fat STD Below HT/WT Table A Consider Separation NoYes WEIGHT CONTROL ACTIONS No Yes Medical Treatment Yes No Yes A Meets Body Fat STD Yes 1. Remove from WCP. 2. Lift Flag * Satisfactory Progress Is: Loss Of 3 to 8 Pounds Per Month No

8 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS Unsatisfactory progress after any two consecutive monthly weigh-ins. May be referred by the commander or supervisor to health care personnel for evaluation or re-evaluation. Unable to determine a medical reason for lack of weight loss, the commander or supervisor will inform the individual that- a. Progress is unsatisfactory. b. Individual is subject to separation.

9 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS After a period of dieting and/or exercise for 6 months soldiers who have not made satisfactory progress will be processed as follows: a. No medical reason to cause overweight condition, the individual will be subject to separation.

10 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM SATISFACTORY PROGRESS Personnel will be continued in a WCP after the initial 6-month period if they- a. Still exceed the body fat standard. b. Made satisfactory progress toward their weight loss or are at or below the screening table weight

11 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM RE-ENTRY INTO THE WCP Following removal from a WCP if the individual exceeds the screening table weight and the body composition standard within 36 months, the following will apply: a. Occurred within 12 months from the date of the previous removal from WCP and no medical reason, subject to separation. b. After the 12 month, but within 36 months from the date of the previous removal from WCP and no medical reason, individual allowed 90 days to meet the standards. c. Soldiers entered/reentered in a WCP after pregnancy, prolonged treatment, or hospitalization will be considered to be in a new WCP.

12 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM MEDICAL EVALUATION Request a medical evaluation when the soldier has a medical limitation, pregnant, or requested by unit commander. If an underlying or associated disease process is diagnosed health care personnel will- a. Prescribe treatment to alleviate the condition and return personnel to their unit. b. Hospitalize individual’s for necessary treatment (AD). USAR soldiers referred to personal physician at soldiers expense. c. Determine whether the individual’s condition is medically disqualifying for continued service.

13 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM INDIVIDUAL GOALS A 5% zone below the screening table weight ceiling is suggested as a help to soldiers in targeting their personal weight at a level which will minimize the probability of exceeding the screening table weight. All personnel are encouraged to achieve the more stringent DOD-wide goal. { Males-20%, Females-26%}


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