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The Life of Jesus (23) The Transfiguration. Background Matt. 17:1-13, Mk 9:1-13, Lk. 9:27-36 After Peter’s confession – Matt. 16:16-18 The beginning of.

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Presentation on theme: "The Life of Jesus (23) The Transfiguration. Background Matt. 17:1-13, Mk 9:1-13, Lk. 9:27-36 After Peter’s confession – Matt. 16:16-18 The beginning of."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life of Jesus (23) The Transfiguration

2 Background Matt. 17:1-13, Mk 9:1-13, Lk. 9:27-36 After Peter’s confession – Matt. 16:16-18 The beginning of His preparation to go to Jerusalem

3 The Event Jesus went upon a high mountain Mountains significant throughout Biblical history – Mt. Sinai, Mt. Carmel, Mt. of Beatitudes, Mt. of Olives, Mts. Gerazim and Ebal, etc.

4 The Event Peter, James and John are with Him Jesus went to the mountain to pray ( Lk. 9:28-29 )

5 The Event Jesus was “transfigured” ( Matt. 17:2, Mark 9:2 ) metamorfo/w Metamorphosis His appearance altered – face shone like the sun and clothes white & glistening ( Mk. 9:3, Matt. 17:2 ) The glory of Jesus manifested

6 The Event Moses and Elijah appear to Him They spoke of His decease in Jerusalem ( Luke 9:31 ) e\#zodos (exodos)

7 The Event As disciples awake, they see the three conversing Peter said, “Master it is good that we are here…” and offered to build 3 tabernacles ( Matt. 17:4, Lk. 9:33 ) Peter was not thinking!

8 The Event The voice from heaven spoke from a cloud “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” ( Matt. 17:5, Lk. 9:35 ) When the voice ceased, only Jesus was there.

9 The Event They were instructed to tell no man of these events until after the resurrection “Why must Elijah come” (cf. Mal. 4:5-6 ) Jesus said he had come (in spirit) fulfilled in John the Baptist ( Matt. 17:11-12 )

10 The Event They go down from the mountain and Jesus prepares to go to Jerusalem. His 3 disciples a little more sure of who He was (but they still had room to go).

11 The Purpose? To build up Jesus for what was ahead. He was human! ( Phil. 2:5-8, Heb. 2:17-18, 4:15 ) Peter, James & John needed the encouragement The message – Hear Him!

12 Why Moses and Elijah? Both experienced remarkable departures from this earth Deut. 34, 2 Kn.2 Both needed Jesus for a time they did not stand up for God Both had been rejected similar to Jesus

13 Why Moses and Elijah? Moses represented the Law and Elijah the prophets Lk. 24:44, Rom. 3:21- 22 The voice said, “Hear Him!” A major theme of NT church – Col. 2:4, Heb. 8:6, Gal. 3:24

14 The Glory of Jesus Do we truly appreciate His greatness? God’s glory in Him – cf. Ex. 34:29-35, 2 Cor. 3:7-9 We beheld His glory – John 1:14, 2 Pet. 1:16-18 Jesus is “Highly exalted” (Phil. 2:9). Is He glorified in our lives?

15 Will we be transfigured? The word found 4 times in NT - Matt. 17:2, Mark 9:2 Concerning us – Rom. 12:1-2, 2 Cor. 3:18 Just as Jesus was changed, so we need to change our lives to manifest His glory.

16 Beholding His glory… …will we be glorified together with Him? Rom. 8:16-17

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