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Germs, Guns, & Steel 10-15-14 1. Where did the Europeans contract the first infectious diseases (Flu, smallpox, measles) from? 2. What disease had the.

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Presentation on theme: "Germs, Guns, & Steel 10-15-14 1. Where did the Europeans contract the first infectious diseases (Flu, smallpox, measles) from? 2. What disease had the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Germs, Guns, & Steel 10-15-14 1. Where did the Europeans contract the first infectious diseases (Flu, smallpox, measles) from? 2. What disease had the most effect on the Native Americans? 3. Name one animal that was domesticated by the Europeans ? 4. What percentage of the Native Americans died due to European diseases? 5. How did the Spanish kill Atahualpa in the end?

2 European Nations Settle N. America

3 Background  Spain’s colonization did not go unnoticed by other European countries  England & France quickly became interested  Treaty of Tordesillas- divided lands between Spain/Portugal  Treaty was ignored by European countries

4 New France  French started exploring in early 1500s  Jacques Cartier- reached gulf of eastern Canada  Came across St. Lawrence River  Followed it to present day Montreal  Samuel Champlain  Sailed up St. Lawrence River  Founded Quebec- Base of France’s colonial empire in N. America  New France  Explored/claimed upper Mississippi & Great Lakes region  Sieur da La Salle- explored lower Mississippi to the Gulf of Mex.  Claimed entire river valley for the French (named it Louisiana)  Main economic activity was trading furs

5 England’s 1 st Attempt  Ronanoke- The “LOST Colony”  1 st attempt of English to Settle N. America  Granted by Elizabeth I  Sir Walter Raleigh placed in charge  Settlers did not have proper supplies  Worked with/kidnapped Indians and forced them to help settlers survive  15 men sent back to Britain to obtain supplies  Returned to find no body  90 men, 17 women, & 9 children vanished  Word “Croatan” carved on a post  Possible attack of indians  Mystery has never been solved

6 Jamestown  King James founds a charter to N. America  3 ships/ 100 settlers  1607 reach coast of Virginia  Name colony Jamestown  Disastrous start  More interested in finding gold than farming  First few years, 7/10 would die due to hunger, disease, or battles with natives  Gaining foothold  Started farming tobacco  Became main cash crop (highly demanded in Europe)

7 Religious Groups to America  Pilgrims- 1620  2 nd English colony- Plymouth, Massachusetts  Persecuted in England for their religious beliefs  Puritans- 1630  Group from Anglican Church- England  Much larger colony than Pilgrims  Wanted to build a model colony for all Christians to follow  Establish New England

8 Dutch Land Claims  1609- Henry Hudson  English explorer for Netherlands  Explored 3 water ways that are named after him  Hudson River, Hudson Bay, & Hudson Straight  Established fur trade with Iroquois indians  Established forts on present day Albany & Manhattan Island- New York  Called their claims New Netherland  Claimed land in Caribbean  Built tobacco/sugar plantations  Enslaved Africans used as labor source

9 Struggle for N. America  Expansion caused tension between French, English, & Dutch in N. America  English vs. Dutch  English forced Dutch to give up their colony  Took it without firing a shot  Renamed colony to New York- honor of Duke of York  England established colonies from Maine to Georgia  13 total British colonies- 1.2 million settlers

10 Struggle Cont.  French & Indian War  English start to expand into land claimed by French in Ohio Valley  Part of a larger conflict – 7 years War being fought in Europe  British colonist defeated French with help from British army  French surrendered their N. American land  British seized control of eastern half of N. America


12 Native Response  Response to invaders were different throughout N. America  Many worked closely with Dutch & French and benefitted from it  English  Needed more land for settlers to build houses/farm  Took land that natives hunted or grew their crops on  Religion  English considered natives heathens- people w/out faith  Both sides felt that the other were agents of the devil

13 King Philip’s War  Powhatan tribe  Attacked/killed 300 in a village close to Jamestown  Colonists massacred hundreds of indians in response  Metacom- “King Philip”  Powhatan chief  Attacked colonial villages killing hundreds  Both sides massacred hundreds  Within a year colonists defeated natives

14 Disease  More destructive than weapons  Smallpox, measles, & other diseases  Contributed to less labor available for use in the colonies  Began turning to Africans as the main source of colonial labor

15 Mankind Questions 10/23/13 1. Why did the Pilgrims travel to the New World? 2. Who was the Native American that was the first to greet the Pilgrims speaking English? 3. Who was the Native American that Samoset brought to the Pilgrims to help them survive? 4. What crop did Squanto introduce to the Pilgrims that was key to their survival? 5. What percentage of all Americans today can trace their descent back to the original 50 Pilgrims?

16 Mapping exit Questions Pg. 130 1. Which nation claimed the largest area of the present day U.S. in 1754? 2. The Ohio Valley was located along the Ohio River. What French-controlled river did the Ohio flow into? 3. How did Britain’s N. American empire change by 1763? 4. How do you think the expansion of these empires effected the Native Americans who were already occupying these lands?

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