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THE MIDDLE AGES The Anglo-Saxon Period The Medieval Period

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1 THE MIDDLE AGES The Anglo-Saxon Period The Medieval Period 449-1066

2 THE NORMAN CONQUEST Battle of Hastings 1066
Beginning of The Medieval Period Harold, king of England, defeated by William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy

3 THE NORMAN CONQUEST Consequences of Norman Invasion
Inventory and seizure of property Martial law put into effect Strong central government established Lines of authority clearly defined

4 THE NORMAN CONQUEST William the Conqueror
Efficient and ruthless soldier Able administrator Able to conquer the entire country Reigned for twenty-one years

5 THE NORMAN CONQUEST The Normans Descended from the Vikings
Seized and remained in northwestern France (Normandy) Adopted many French customs

Positives Superb soldiers Excellent administrators and lawyers Great borrowers and adapters Negatives Lacked inventiveness Lacked original ideas

7 THE NORMAN CONQUEST The Fusing of the Norman and Anglo-Saxon Cultures
Neither dominant Anglo-Saxons adapted to the Norman ways Realized they could raise their place in society through the Church or through the court Began to mingle with the Norman overlords

8 Thomas Becket Henry II’s Lord Chancellor Archbishop of Canterbury
Defended the claims of the Church against the interests of the King Murdered by several of Henry’s knights Became a saint of the Church and a hero of the people

William had a great deal of land at his disposal Retained much for himself The rest he granted to his soldiers Felt he was free to deed land by royal charter Expected obedience and service in return Introduced into England the feudal system



Feudalism Nobody owned land independently Only as a vassal of an overlord, who in turn owed allegiance either to some great noble or the king Feudalism is an elaborate chain of loyalties Rent paid principally in military service to the overlord

The Domesday Book Sometimes called Doomsday Created in 1086 by William Many disputes occurred over vague property lines A complete inventory of all property Listed all landowners and showed the extent of their claims Taxes could now be based on real property Previously, there had been a uniformed tax for all

14 THE MEDIEVAL CHURCH Responsible for creating a common culture & a common set of beliefs in Western Europe from the 11th to 15th century Latin became the language of all educated persons Despite national loyalty, every person was responsible to the Church The Church grew and prospered during the period Continued to be the dominant force in preserving and transmitting culture

15 MEDIEVAL LIFE As the period progressed, herding became more important than farming Common people now paid their overlords from their wages rather than in farm labor Wide-spread production and exportation of wool encouraged the growth of cities in the north More people began to live in towns instead of manors Many became immensely rich Developed native forms of literature, songs and ballads, and a native drama

16 MEDIEVAL LIFE These new merchants were the first to form guilds
Societies to regulate prices and standards Cottage workers also eventually formed guilds The guild system encouraged a kind of extended family life

17 MEDIEVAL LIFE With prosperity and growth in population, the English turned to other kinds of work The great English cathedrals Often took several hundred years to build

18 MEDIEVAL LIFE Winchester Cathedral

19 MEDIEVAL LIFE Lincoln Cathedral

20 MEDIEVAL LIFE Salisbury Cathedral

21 MEDIEVAL LIFE Yorkminster Cathedral

22 MEDIEVAL LIFE Guilds were founded for many of these workers
Stonecutters and masons Carpenters Glass blowers Stainers

23 MEDIEVAL LIFE Life in the Middle Ages was difficult and challenging
Travel was difficult and challenging Most food had to be consumed in season No refrigeration Winters were difficult The difficulty of life was balanced with religious festivals, magnificent tournaments, and brilliant pageantry

24 MEDIEVAL LIFE Medieval Clothing

25 MEDIEVAL LIFE Medieval Clothing

26 MEDIEVAL LIFE Medieval Tournament

27 MEDIEVAL LIFE Medieval Festival

28 ENGLISH LAW William the Conqueror instituted written public documents for most government actions Common Law Refers to law common to the whole country and all its people, instead of laws applying only to certain classes of persons Primogeniture Gave the firstborn son exclusive right to inherit his father’s titles, lands and estates

29 ENGLISH LAW Ordeals Innocence or guilt was settled by tasks
In 1215, Pope Innocent III declared that the ordeal system was irrational Secular governments had to find a suitable replacement for ordeals Jury system

30 ENGLISH LAW The Magna Carta
In 1215, a group of angry barons forced King John ( ) to sign the Magna Carta Established that levies must be made with the consent of the barons Limited the king’s taxing powers Foreshadowed the right of trial by jury and the beginnings of representative government in Parliament

31 THE CRUSADES The first Crusade was proclaimed in 1095 by Pope Urban II

32 THE CRUSADES Other Crusades followed in 1191, 1202, 1217, and 1270

33 THE CRUSADES Each Crusade began with a desire to rescue Jerusalem from the Turks

34 THE CRUSADES Most ended squalidly in raiding, looting, and a tangle of power politics

35 THE CRUSADES Results of the Crusades
Christian Europe exposed to Arabic culture Commercial and intellectual horizons broadened Knowledge and all manners of refinements in living were brought back from the East Encouraged the ideal of true knightly behavior known as chivalry Considerable importance in literature Joined to the companion idea of romance

36 The Hundred Years’ War 1337-1453
The English monarchy never voluntarily relinquished its hold on its French possessions Numerous costly wars in France, culminating in the Hundred Years’ War Eventually England was driven from France

37 The Hundred Years’ War The Longbow
Used by the English from the time of Edward I ( ) Six-foot bows Yard-long arrows capable of piercing a knight’s armor Longbows and gunpowder did much to end the Middle Ages

38 THE BLACK DEATH In 1348, the Black Death came to England
First of a series of plagues that killed more than a third of the population Scarcity of labor caused by the plagues resulted in the death of feudalism

39 THE WARS OF THE ROSES Civil war between the House of York and the House of Lancaster House of York’s emblem was the white rose House of Lancaster’s emblem was the red rose

40 THE WARS OF THE ROSES In 1485, Henry VII succeeded Richard III
Henry united the feuding families through marriage Ended the wars and founded the Tudor line With Henry’s accession, the real Middle Ages vanished Henry VII Richard III

Medieval romance consisted largely of tales of chivalry to which were added a love interest and all sorts of wonders and marvels Fairy enchantments Giants Dragons Wizards Sorceresses

42 MEDIEVAL LITERATURE Three Principal Sources
Britain King Arthur and his knights Based on Celtic folklore Almost no historical basis Illustrate chivalric ideals of honor, courage, courtesy, and service to women

43 MEDIEVAL LITERATURE Three Principal Sources
France The court of Charlemagne

44 MEDIEVAL LITERATURE Three Principal Sources
Rome Classical stories such as the conquest of Troy

45 GEOFFREY CHAUCER 1340?-1400 First great figure in English literature
Greatest work belongs not to romance but to poetic and humorous realism The Canterbury Tales

Came from the common people of early England and Scotland Not written down but recited and sung Flourished in the 14th and 15th centuries Carefully collected and published in the 18th century Influenced the whole German Romantic movement and the English Romantic poets

Popular drama’s origins are in the Middle Ages Miracle Plays Performed by trade guilds during holiday times celebrating religious festivals Rough dramatizations of Biblical stories Performed on large wagons or on platforms erected in marketplaces or innyards Wicked characters were played as comic characters

Took the place of miracle plays toward the end of the Middle Ages, during the dark and troubled times of the 15th century Elaborate and sophisticated dramatic allegories in which characters representing various virtues and vices confronted one another Most famous was Everyman Still performed today Although not English in origin, a thoroughly English adaptation of it soon became very popular

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