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Prospectin g. Prior Customer List (for returning campuses) Easiest sales to regain Contact 2 months before they ordered the previous year Introduce yourself.

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Presentation on theme: "Prospectin g. Prior Customer List (for returning campuses) Easiest sales to regain Contact 2 months before they ordered the previous year Introduce yourself."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prospectin g

2 Prior Customer List (for returning campuses) Easiest sales to regain Contact 2 months before they ordered the previous year Introduce yourself as the new Campus Manager Reference specific event Make sure they are still responsible for ordering

3 Prospect List What groups should you include? –Groups you are involved in –Groups you have friends involved in –Greek organizations –Non Greek organizations –Sports teams (intramural, varsity, club)

4 When to Contact Groups Reach out to all prospects before school starts to introduce yourself as the new CM Reach out to them again once school starts 2 months before their event that you know they are having

5 How to find contact information for Prospect list Utilize your school’s website –List of Student Organizations –Event Calendar –Date of the student organization fair Go to Greek Life and Student Activities office –Play the role of an interested student, not a sales rep Use Facebook!!!!!

6 Example The University of Virginia –University Calendar –Date of the student organization fair –Organizations & Councils

7 Organization Fair Things to bring with you to the fair: –1 minute pitch on University Tees –Business Cards –Sign in sheet for everyone you meet Name, email, phone, organization –Promo items to give away What to do when your there: –Go early and stay late –Walk around to every table and meet everyone –Send follow up emails to everyone you met through your school email address with a University Tees signature (Why?)

8 Panhel & IFC Meetings Things to bring with you to the meeting: –1 minute pitch on University Tees –Business Cards –Snacks –Sign in sheet for representatives to fill out Name, email, phone, organization –Promo items to give away –Go at least once a semester

9 What to say when contacting a Prospect Whether calling or emailing a group for the first time you want to make sure to do the following: Tell them who you are Briefly tell them what University Tees does and how you can help their group SETUP IN PERSON MEETING

10 090 00 2 876543215 1 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds What are your take-aways?

11 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds What are your take-aways?

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