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How to Plan a Successful Open House? Reatha H. Corbett September 13, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Plan a Successful Open House? Reatha H. Corbett September 13, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Plan a Successful Open House? Reatha H. Corbett September 13, 2014

2  Objective  Help clubs build their own open house planning kit & checklist  Goal  Members Leave Workshop Ready to plan their club’s open house Goal and Objective 2

3  When – Can you Earn District’s Incentives?  What are the District’s Incentives District 12 Toastmasters Incentives 3 Can We Talk?

4 Overview 1

5  A Warm and friendly environment  Good Food and ….  A sample Toastmaster meeting The Successful Open House 6

6  Organizing & Creating a Plan that generates excitement  Conducting an awesome & memorable Open House  Making a Follow-up connection with your Guest Turn Your Open House into New Member Magnet by 7

7 Organizing & Creating a Plan that generates excitement 4

8  Set a Date  Allow 3-4 weeks to plan Getting Started 8

9  Choose an Open House Chair  Food & Decoration Chair  A planning Committee  Registration Committee  Greeters  Toastmaster with helpers Get Everyone Involved 9

10  Club All-star  A District officer  A Prominent Speaker Select a Keynote Speaker 1212

11  Promote  Flyers /News Media /Social Media /email /Club Website  Other Resources  Meet up /Community Bulletin Board /Zvents /EventBright  Invite family members, friends and colleagues  Ask members to help you get the word out Invite! Invite! Invite! & then Invite Again 1313


13  Schedule All Open House Activities  Mini Toastmaster Meeting/Demo Meeting  Speaker  Table Topics  Evaluations  Break for Refreshments  Questions & Answer Session Create a Special Agenda for The Day 1515

14  Arrive early to set up registration table.  Be sure guests sign guest book.  Ensure guests feel welcome when they arrive Introduce guests to a club officer or experienced Toastmaster  Give out name badges and guest packets Be ready to explaining the guest packet contents and the Toastmaster program Registration Team 1717

15  Food Chair/Registration Team/ Decoration Team Arrive Early  Make a First Impression Create a Festive Environment 1919

16  Everyone Loves Free Food  Set-up a decorative Table  Good networking Opportunity Food Chair & Committee 1414

17  Follow the agenda  Monitor your time  Ask for Guest Comments.  Invite guests to join  Invite them back to visit your club at their earliest convenience.  Be available to answer guests questions Conducting The Open House Meeting 2020

18 Making A Follow – Up Connection 1010

19  Friendly Phone Call  Write thank you notes to guests.  A hand-written thank you  A personalize “thank you” email is acceptable. Follow – Up with Guest 2020 Provide Club Contact Information

20 2121 A Simple Open House Checklist  Choose a specific date at least a month in advance.  Select an Open House Committee.  Use an Open House Checklist to plan the event.  Create a flyer, promotional materials and social media  Post event in the Club Events Calendar/ on your club web site  Invite past members, current members and potential members  Reach out to District Open House chair if you need help.  Use an abbreviated agenda for Demo Meeting.  Provide your guests with information about Toastmasters & your club

21 2 Celebrate your Club Have a Great Open House & lots of fun!

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