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Stages of Learning Int 2 Badminton Skills and Techniques.

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1 Stages of Learning Int 2 Badminton Skills and Techniques

2 Associative Stage At this stage of learning you will: Start putting the sub-routines together. Become familiar with the sequence and timing of the various sub-routines involved. Correct small faults, and then repeat the corrected movement over and over again.

3 Associative Stage You still have to think about the execution of the skill but some parts will be automatic. You can execute the skill in more demanding performance situations and practices, but the skill can still break down under moderate pressure

4 Our Practices at Associative Stage Feeder Practice 2 Repitition Drill Set Pattern Rally

5 Feeder Practice This is a progression from the feeder practice we did at the cognitive stage of learning. I started at base. My partner played high serves to the back of the court. I chassed to the back and played an overhead clear. I then returned to base I did 3 sets of 15 repetitions. I focused on linking the sub-routines of the shot

6 Feeder Practice This feeder practice is a progression as the practice is more game like. This practice is more game like as I had to play the overhead clear after moving to where the shuttle is.

7 Repetition Drill In this drill I played an overhead clear rally with an opponent. After each shot I had to return to base position. A weak overhead clear was punished with a smash. My aim in this drill was to keep my opponent at the back of their court so that they couldn’t play a smash.

8 Repetition Drill This drill was appropriate as I repeatedly played the overhead clear. This meant that I was able to groove the sub-routines of the skill. I was also able to see the importance of playing the shot well as it stopped my opponent playing a smash.

9 Set Patterned Rally With my partner I played a set patterned rally. The rally consisted of a high serve to start followed by: Overhead Clear Drop Shot Net Shot Underarm Lift My goal was to complete the sequence 10 times

10 Set Patterned Rally This type of practice was appropriate as I could continue to develop my overhead clear in a game like situation. My court movement was also developed as I had to move to the back and front of the court. The variety in this practice also prevented me from becoming bored. This ensured that the quality of my practice was high.

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