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Developing the Local Area Agreement 2008 Jenni Naish, Partnerships Manager Simon Leftley, Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services Southend-on-Sea.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing the Local Area Agreement 2008 Jenni Naish, Partnerships Manager Simon Leftley, Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services Southend-on-Sea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing the Local Area Agreement 2008 Jenni Naish, Partnerships Manager Simon Leftley, Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services Southend-on-Sea Borough Council ‘Creating a better Southend’ Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous - Excellent

2 Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent Creating a better Southend Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Sustainable Community Strategy 2007-17 Agreed by the Council Owned by Southend Together Together Partners vision of Southend for 2017 9 Ambitions, 46 Objectives Sustainable Community Strategy 2007-17

3 Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent Creating a better Southend Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Southend Together Board Southend Together a) Executive b) Performance Review Group 4 x Key Strategic Partnerships (and sub partnerships) 4 x LAA Block Leads

4 Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Southend Together – Member representation Board and Executive Cllr Holdcroft Safer & Stronger Communities Board Cllr Mrs Carr, Cllr I Robertson, Cllr Mrs Holland Children & Learning Partnership Board Cllr Mrs Carr, Cllr Mrs Robertson Health & Well Being Board Cllr Flewitt, Cllr Mrs Salter Enterprise & Community Environment Partnership Board Cllr D Garston, Cllr Flewitt, Cllr Lamb

5 Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent - Creating a better Southend Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Local Area Agreements – the principles Medium term delivery plan of Community Strategies Tackle issues unique to the locality Alignment of partners priorities Provide value for money from joined up services Win ‘hearts and minds’ on long-term challenges (housing, climate change, cohesion, health) Deliver measurable better outcomes on the ground - better quality of life and wellbeing

6 Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent - Creating a better Southend Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Local Area Agreements – the practice Focus on area outcomes and performance rather than individual partners LAA only place where government will agree targets with local authorities and partners Reduced performance reporting to Gov’t? Single area based grant rather than lots of funding streams. Alignment with partners priorities – including Council’s Corporate Priorities A vital component of Corporate Area Assessment.

7 Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent - Creating a better Southend Southend-on-Sea Borough Council For Southend this means… Up to 35 (+16) targets from National Indicator Set £8.3m Area Based Grant from 2008 Performance Reward Grant for improved performance – likely £1-2m £5m reward for achieving 13 existing ‘stretch’ targets by 2010

8 Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent - Creating a better Southend Southend-on-Sea Borough Council ‘Quality of life, for life’

9 Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent - Creating a better Southend Southend-on-Sea Borough Council 35 designated targets 22 local targets LAA Priorities Strengthening the local economyStrengthening the local economy Raising aspirations and achievement Raising aspirations and achievement Making a safer place to live Making a safer place to live Leading a cohesive community Leading a cohesive community Tackling health inequalities Tackling health inequalities Safeguarding a high quality, sustainable Safeguarding a high quality, sustainable environment environment Revitalising Southend’s image Revitalising Southend’s image

10 Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent - Creating a better Southend Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Timeline for agreeing LAA Scrutiny Committees review LAA – end March/ early April Southend Together Board agree LAA priorities and indicators – 15 April Full Council agree LAA priorities and indicators – 24 April – 24 April Conclude negotiation on targets - early May LAA formally submitted to GO East - 16 May Central Government ‘sign off’ LAA - June 2008

11 Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent - Creating a better Southend Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Democratic engagement Represented on Represented on Southend Together Board Southend Together Executive Key Strategic Partnerships (KSPs) Preparation of SCS in 2006 Preparation of SCS in 2006 Stakeholder events Stakeholder events Member’s briefing sessions Member’s briefing sessions Scrutiny Scrutiny ‘Sign off’ of LAA by Cabinet and Council ‘Sign off’ of LAA by Cabinet and Council

12 Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Supporting People and Housing Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent - Creating a better Southend NI 155 – Number of affordable homes delivered (gross) Local - Repeat incidents of domestic violence (2007 Stretch target and 2008 Local indicator) NI 136 – People supported to live independently through social services NI 142 – Number of vulnerable people who are supported to maintain independent living

13 Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Adult Social Care Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent - Creating a better Southend NI 146 - Adults with learning disabilities in employment NI 150 - Adults in contact with secondary mental health services in employment (Local indicator) NI 125 – Achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation/ intermediate care NI 130 – Social care clients receiving Self Directed Support Local – Adults/ older people receiving direct payments (2007 Stretch target and 2008 Local indicator) NI 136 – People supported to live independently through social services

14 Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Health indicators (led by SEE PCT) Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent - Creating a better Southend NI 39 – Alcohol-harm related hospital admission rates NI 53 – Prevalence of breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks from birth NI 56 – Obesity among primary school age children in Year 6 (2007 Stretch target and 2008 Local target) NI 112 – Under 18 conception rate

15 Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Health indicators (led by SEE PCT) ….cont…. Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous – Excellent - Creating a better Southend NI 113 – Prevalence of Chlamydia in under 20 year olds (Local target) NI 120 – All age, all cause mortality rate NI 123 – 16+ current smoking rate prevalence (2007 Stretch and 2008 Local indicator)

16 Any questions? Jenni Naish, Partnerships Manager Simon Leftley, Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services Southend-on-Sea Borough Council ‘Creating a better Southend’ Safe – Clean - Healthy - Prosperous - Excellent

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