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Agenda Current status of technology Technology within PR Social Media & Wearable Technology Trends Tips for Stakeholder Relationship s Q&A.

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3 Agenda Current status of technology Technology within PR Social Media & Wearable Technology Trends Tips for Stakeholder Relationship s Q&A

4 What is the current status of technology?  We are dealing with a mutli-media, multi-channel mix.  Time is as important as content.  Brands are prepared for RTM moments [prepared and organic ones] to provide more  Interactive experiences for consumers  Opportunities to showcase personality  Prospects to establish sustainable relationships  Rise of Platform tensions  Twitter & Meerkat  Facebook & Google  Twitter & Instagram  Facebook & Snapchat

5 Shift in news consumption (NiemanLab, 2015)

6 Social Data = Power of understanding audiences

7 Transparency+ Security = Control

8 Rising concerns & trends  Rising concerns  “Scripted reality” & “scripted persona”  From love to fear of technology [ex. Privacy]  Important trends  Stakeholders want transparency and authenticity from brands, organizations, and PR.  Community and engagement are key factors for sustainable success.  Advocates and influencers gain power with technology.


10 Source: AdWeek (January 15, 2015)

11 Practitioners have to explore and test these new tools to test out for clients and campaigns to engage stakeholders. Professors have to learn new tools to integrate and apply in course lessons as well as in assignments, projects, and igniting connections. HUGE pressure to be innovative, strategic, and relevant for the field Balancing innovation and use is a challenge.

12 MAJOR IMPACTS OF TECHNOLOGY ON PR  According to the Institute for Public Relations Research, new media impacts PR in the four areas:  Our messages  Our organizational structure  Our work  Our stakeholder relationships New technology significantly impacts our reputation in and outside of our field.

13 Image Retrieved from Gini Dietrich [SpinSucks Blog]

14 Goals and Objectives Audience Analysis Stakeholder Relationships Listening & Monitoring Community and Culture New Media Education Training Technology Adoption History Strategic Storytelling Image retrieved from

15 Established tools for PR Emerging tools for PR


17  Free real-time audience engagement  Interact with others on Twitter [connected video and shows audiences what you are watching]  Strong notification system and you know exactly who is watching and following the feed  Mobile and desktop  Powerful tool for live events [demonstrations, conferences, customer services, press conferences]  Product launches / announcements / press conferences / exclusive speeches  Live cooking classes / fashion shows / music concerts / athletes and fans exclusive interviews

18  On the ground communications  Emergencies  Live video feed on the ground  Reporting live from locations  Crisis communications  Citizen Journalism across platforms  Real [and right time] storytelling  Recruiting for programs [ex. back to school, graduation]  Study abroad  Meetings  Tours  Real estate / locations / tourism


20 Social Media Coordinator for X Games Adam Moussa: Create and engage audiences with visual stories from many mediums

21 Headgear (Microsoft Hololens & Google Glass) => Augmented reality Virtual Reality Headgear (Oculus Rift) Smart Watches GoPro Source: 1/wearable-technology-in-the-classroom-infographic/

22 GoPro  Content created user base = successful branded content.  User Generated Content from a unique POV  Sharing unique content visually engages audiences

23 Oculus Rift & Immersive Storytelling  Immersive Journalism as part of a collaborative effort between Garnett, Oculus Rift, and Journalists  Des Moines Newspaper with Oculus Rift and Farmers  VR Storytelling

24 Other cases  Marriot  Used Oculus Rift to have virtual tours of their hotel in Maui  4D Experience that could transform hotel and travel industry  Topshop  Virtual tour and experience of the catwalk show [London]

25 Virtual Reality + Oculus Rift  Immersed into the story  Huge WoM potential  New way to present and interact with information  360 degree storytelling  Interacting with elements through VR  Emotional & Physical reactions  Still used among innovators  Complex technology  Expensive – Cost of entry  Other competitors rising [Sony, Microsoft, HTC Vive]  Some situations can be traumatic for others to experience Pros Cons


27 Photo by fractalznet - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License with Haiku Deck

28 Photo by Squire of Cydonia - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License with Haiku Deck

29 Photo by - Creative Commons Attribution License with Haiku Deck

30 Photo by.Bambo. - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License with Haiku Deck

31 Photo by takot - Creative Commons Attribution License with Haiku Deck

32  Meerkat: 'Everyone has a story to tell,' says founder of live- streaming app | Technology | The Guardian  Twitter limits access of fast- growing Meerkat live-stream app - CNET  SXSWi 2015 Breakout App: Meerkat - Allison+Partners Blog  Top 3 Ways Brands Can Utilize the Meerkat App  CNET Update - Meerkat mania: Live-streaming app is new Twitter trend - YouTube  10 ways brands can use Meerkat and other social video streaming apps | Stephen Waddington  Stephen Waddington’s PR Stacks resources [tools]:  Razor Social Tool Directory: azorsocial azorsocial


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