Information about STINT November 17, 2014. Goals Set up by the Swedish Government in 1994 with the mission to internationalise Swedish higher education.

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Presentation on theme: "Information about STINT November 17, 2014. Goals Set up by the Swedish Government in 1994 with the mission to internationalise Swedish higher education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information about STINT November 17, 2014

2 Goals Set up by the Swedish Government in 1994 with the mission to internationalise Swedish higher education and research Promotes knowledge and competence development within internationalisation and invests in internationalisation projects proposed by researchers, educators and leaderships at Swedish universities. Promotes internationalisation as an instrument to: - Enhance the quality of research and higher education - Increase the competitiveness of universities - Strengthen the attractiveness of Swedish universities

3 Grants Grants for Double Degree Programmes Initiation Grants Joint Brazilian-Swedish Research CollaborationJoint Brazilian-Swedish Research Collaboration Joint Japan-Sweden Research CollaborationJoint Japan-Sweden Research Collaboration Korea-Sweden Research Cooperation Postdoctoral Transition Grants for InternationalisationPostdoctoral Transition Grants for Internationalisation Strategic Grants for Internationalisation Teaching Sabbatical

4 Grants for Double Degree Programmes Aim: internationalise and renew higher education at Swedish higher education institutions, primarily on undergraduate but also on graduate level. Target: Development of new educational collaborations between Swedish and foreign higher education institutions. Applicants: Dean or equivalent with a responsibility for decisions regarding new education programmes Duration: Up to three years Funding: Maximum SEK 750,000 with a co-funding in a sum at least as great as that being applied for.

5 Grants for Double Degree Programmes The main partner should be outside EU/EFTA. Selection criteria: A)contribution to higher education on all levels (qualitatively and quantitatively) B)sustainability and growth potential C)level of renewal in regard to internationalisation, and D)quality of the proposals planning and project setup. Applications should be made in English and submitted through STINT’s application system.STINT’s application system Deadline: 15.00 on February 3, 2015.

6 Initiation Grants Addressing the main objective of STINT: strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish universities through the development of international relationships. Not covering concerted, long-term efforts but providing support for situations in which it’s needed to act quickly when the opportunity arises. Implementation of short-term projects targeting the building of new and strategically interesting international relationships. Applications may be submitted continuously throughout the year (5 assessments per year) Hight flexibility about the contents

7 Joint Brazilian-Swedish / Japan-Sweden /Korea-Sweden Research Collaboration It supports projects of high scientific quality which are clearly contributing to the activities of participating educational establishments. Applicants should be working at a university in Sweden and have obtained their PhD Duration: up to four years, conditional upon the acceptance of an interim report after two years. Partnership: at least one Swedish and at least one Brazilian/ Japanese/Korean party and the partnership must be balanced (the benefits and the mobility should not be primarily in one direction). A parallel application is to be submitted by the Brazilian, Japanese or Korean parties to the respective local Agencies (CAPES/MEC, JSPS or NRF). Applicants may have on-going projects in the Initiation Grants programme, but otherwise there must not be any on-going STINT projects.

8 Joint Brazilian-Swedish / Japan-Sweden /Korea-Sweden Research Collaboration The ideal partnership project will have activities encompassing research as well as higher education (pure research partnerships are anyway allowed) Young researchers and doctoral students should be involved Existing long-standing partnerships are not prioritized. Selection criteria: 1)contribution to the educational establishments’ internationalisation, 2)scientific quality and novelty and 3)planning and support. Deadline: October

9 Postdoctoral Transition Grants Goal: support promising young researchers in Sweden after a postdoc period (which included at least one year abroad) in order to maintain and further develop their international network early in their careers. It does not fund traditional postdoc periods abroad. Duration: up to three years. Funding: mobility, stays abroad or foreign researcher’s stays in Sweden. Applicants should be employed by and active at a university in Sweden and have obtained their PhD. A maximum of two years should have passed since the applicant completed a postdoc period (of at least one year) outside of Sweden.

10 Postdoctoral Transition Grants Applicants must have research funding, either from the university or externally. The main partner must be outside the EU/EFTA. Applicants may have on-going projects in the Initiation Grants programme, but otherwise there must not be any on-going STINT projects. Applications will be assessed by experts, focusing on how the proposed international partnership fulfils the following three criteria: 1) contribution to the educational establishments’ internationalisation, 2) scientific quality and novelty and 3) planning and support. Deadline: October

11 Strategic Grants for Internationalization Globalization raises the bar for clear goals and strategies for internationalisation at universities. Goal: contribute to the renewal and development of internationalisation strategies at university level. The programme is aimed at the university leadership. Applications should incorporate strategically important internationalisation initiatives which also utilise the experience and dedication of individual leaders in their field at each university. Applications are submitted by the president of a Swedish university High flexibility in the activities to be carried out Deadline: March

12 Teaching Sabbatical Participating teachers will reside at the foreign university for the autumn semester (August to December). Activities: teach, either by delivering an own course or in partnership with a colleague at the host university The stay should be performed at STINT selected universities based in the US, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and the United Arab Emirates Objective: gain an understanding of how these establishments maintain their educational quality standards. How is teaching conducted? What is their approach to “good” education? How is the relationship between research and teaching managed? How are staff and students recruited? What career opportunities are there? How do they work with the “third mission”?

13 Teaching Sabbatical Great emphasis on involving the university leadership and how the universities will use returning teachers’ experiences in various ways towards positive dissemination impacts. Ongoing relationships between Swedish and foreign universities after the scholarships will be welcomed. Swedish establishments are invited to nominate two candidates each. The largest universities according to research and teaching staff (including KTH) may nominate three. STINT’s aim is to provide at least ten scholarships a year. Deadline: September

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