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Chap 4 Climates & Biomes.

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1 Chap 4 Climates & Biomes

2 Climate Determined by temperature precipitation
Affects species distribution Species adapt to conditions Different climates lead to different communities of organisms, especially vegetation. Affected by Topography Wind currents Ocean currents Elevation Latititude

3 Topography and Local Climate:
Interactions between land, oceans, mountains, & cities affect local climates. Figure 5-8

4 US Topography Figure 3-9

5 Ocean currents influence climate by
distributing heat mixing and distributing nutrients.

6 Wind Currents: Convection Cells
Heat & moisture are distributed over the earth’s surface by vertical currents, which form six giant convection cells at different latitudes. Figure 5-6

7 Similar changes occur moving from:
Latitude & Elevation Similar changes occur moving from: the equator to the poles: Latitude lowlands to mountaintops: Elevation Figure 5-11

8 Biomes: Large regions categorized by: Climate (Temp & Precipitation)
Soil Plant (& animals to lesser degree) Each biome contains many ecosystems whose communities have adapted to differences in climate, soil, and other environmental factors.

9 Temperature & Precipitation  Biome

10 Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn High mountains Polar ice
Polar grassland (arctic tundra) Tropic of Capricorn Figure 5.9 Natural capital: the earth’s major biomes—the main types of natural vegetation in various undisturbed land areas—result primarily from differences in climate. Each biome contains many ecosystems whose communities have adapted to differences in climate, soil, and other environmental factors. Human ecological footprints (Figures 3 and 4 on pp. S12–S15 in Supplement 4) have removed or altered much of the natural vegetation in some areas for farming, livestock grazing, lumber and fuelwood, mining, and construction. Temperate grassland Tropical grassland (savanna) Chaparral Coniferous forest Temperate deciduous forest Tropical forest Desert Fig. 5-9, p. 106

11 Biome: determined by precipitation, temp, & soil type

12 3 Categories A. Cold – avg Temp below 5°C (41°F)
Tundra Boreal Temperate – avg Temp 5°C to 20°C (68°F) Temperate Rainforest Temperate Seasonal Forest (Deciduous) Woodland/Shrubland (Chaparral) Temperate Grassland /cold desert Tropical – avg Temp above 20°C Tropical Rainforest Savanna / Tropical Seasonal Forest Subtropical Desert

13 Climate diagrams Show Temp/Precip
Growing season

14 Tundra Cold, treeless with low-growing vegetation.
In winter, the soil is completely frozen. Growing season is very short, about 4 months during summer. The underlying subsoil, known as permafrost is an impermeable, permanently frozen layer that prevents water from draining and roots from penetrating.

15 Tundra Climate – cold year round, very little rain, but wet in summer (melting) Located – near the poles NPP – low Decomposition – very slow Soil – nutrient depleted, thin and often frozen Limiting Factors – water, sunlight , cold, nutrients Biodiversity – low Vegetation – low growing plants Adaptations include: shallow roots for frozen soil, grow close together for warmth, grow underneath snow Animals – birds and mammals in summer, wolves, foxes and bears year round Adaptations include: migration and hibernation for winter, summer and winter “coats”, Major Human impacts – climate change, resource exploration (oil, gas, etc)

16 Boreal Forest primarily coniferous (cone-bearing) evergreen trees that can tolerate cold winters and short growing seasons. found between about 50˚ and 60˚ N Europe, Russia and North America. very cold climate, plant growth is more constrained by temperature than precipitation. The soil is nutrient-poor due to slow decomposition.

17 Boreal Forest (Taiga, Coniferous Forest)
Climate –cold year round, moderate rain all year Located – around 60o latitude NPP – moderate Decomposition – low Soil – nutrient poor and acidic Limiting Factors – cold, nutrients, light, water Biodiversity – moderate Vegetation – mostly evergreen trees (conifers) Adaptations include: needles to conserve water and energy, chemicals to repel grazers, shaped to allow snow to slide off Animals – grazing animals including moose, bears, bobcats, chipmunks and squirrels Adaptations include: insulating layers of fur or feather, seasonal color changes, migration Major Human impacts – forestry, acid rain, resource exploration, climate change

18 Temperate Rainforest Moderate temperatures &high precipitation
Coast biome and can be found along the west coast of North America from northern California to Alaska, in southern Chile, on the west coast of New Zealand, and on the island of Tasmania. The ocean currents help moderate temperature & provide a source of water vapor. nearly 12-month growing season: winters are rainy and summers are foggy. The mild temperatures and high precipitation supports the growth of very large trees.

19 Temperate Rain Forest Climate – moderate temperatures year-round and seasonal rainfall (foggy summers) Located – in the Northwest US/Canada, southwest Argentina and the east coast of Australia NPP – high Decomposition – slow due to cool temps Soil – nutrient poor and acidic Limiting Factors – light and soil nutrients Biodiversity – moderate Vegetation – large coniferous trees, ferns and mosses Adaptations include: climbing or hanging to access sunlight, leaf shape to allow water to fall Animals – wide variety including slugs, wolves and deer Adaptations include: camouflage to hide, migration, and hibernation Major Human impact – Logging and tree farming

20 Temperate Seasonal Forest
Receive over 1 m (39 inches) of precipitation annually. Found in the eastern United States, Japan, China, Europe, Chile and eastern Australia. Dominated by broadleaf deciduous trees such as beech, male, oak and hickory. Warmer summer temperatures favor decomposition so soils generally contain more nutrients than those of boreal forests.

21 Temperate Seasonal Forest (Deciduous Forest)
Climate –wet year round with 4 seasons Located – 30-60o latitude NPP – high Decomposition – rapid Soil – fertile due to decomposing leaf litter Limiting Factors – sunlight, cold winters Biodiversity – high Vegetation –mostly deciduous trees with multiple lower layers Adaptations include: trees lose leaves in winter to conserve energy, Animals –wide variety and diverse food web Adaptations include: hibernation, migration or food storage for winter, camouflage Major Human impact – Deforestation for agriculture and logging

22 Woodland/Shrubland: Chaparral
Found on the coast of southern California, southern Australia, southern Africa and in the area surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters There is a 12-month growing season, but plant growth is constrained by low precipitation in summer and by relatively low temperatures in winter. Wildfires are common and plants are well adapted to both fire and drought.

23 Woodland / Shrubland (Chaparral)
Climate – mild temperatures with a rainy and dry season Located – 30-60o latitude near bodies of water NPP –moderate Decomposition – moderate Soil – nutrient poor (rain leaches nutrients) Limiting Factors – rainfall in summer, low temps in winter, fire maintained Biodiversity – moderate Vegetation – scrub-like plants that are similar to desert plants, succulents and drought tolerant trees Adaptations include: storing water, waxy coatings, deep roots, leaves turn brown or fall off to conserve water, fire adapted Animals – variety of small animals like lizards, snakes, deer, owls, and some larger predators like mountain lions Adaptations include: nocturnal, live close to the ground, camouflage, burrowing Major Human impacts – human started fires and fire suppression activities, urbanization

24 Temperate Grassland/ Cold Desert
lowest average annual precipitation of any temperate biome. These are found in the Great Plains of North America, in South America, and in central Asia and eastern Europe. Cold, harsh winters and hot, dry, summers Plant growth is constrained by both insufficient precipitation in summer and cold temperatures in winter. Plants include grasses and non woody flowering plants that are well adapted to wildfires and frequent grazing by animals.

25 Temperate Grassland / Cold Desert
Climate – distinct seasons with a rainy and dry season Located –between 30-60o latitude NPP – low Decomposition – rapid Soil – excellent, deep and nutrient dense Limiting Factors – water in summer, cold in winter, fire maintained Biodiversity – moderate (but varies) Vegetation – mostly grasses, tall grasses in wetter areas, low grasses in drier areas Adaptations include: deep roots, fire adapted, Animals – Adaptations include: Major Human impact – agriculture

26 Tropical Rainforest average annual temperatures exceed 20˚C.
located approximately 20˚ N and S of the equator. found in Central and South America, Africa, SE Asia, & NE Australia. warm and wet with little temperature variation. more biodiversity than any other terrestrial biome and contain up to two-thirds of Earth's terrestrial species.

27 Tropical Rain Forest Climate - Warm year-round, wet and humid year round Located - near equator, specifically around the ITZC NPP - High Decomposition – rapid Soil - thin, nutrient poor and acidic because decomposition rates are so rapid Limiting Factors – light, soil nutrients Biodiversity – highest on land Vegetation – a wide variety, but dominated by broadleaf evergreen trees Adaptations include: waxy leaves to keep extra water out, leaves shaped to allow water to drip off Animals – wide variety with a diverse and complex food web Adaptations include: Camouflage and specialization Major Human impact – deforestation for farming

28 Tropical Seasonal Forest / Savanna
Warm temperatures and distinct wet and dry seasons Central America, on the Atlantic coast of South America, in southern Asia, in northwestern Australia, and in sub-Saharan Africa. Soil is fairly fertile and can be farmed due to high decomposition rates, but the low amount of precipitation constrains plants from using the soil nutrients that are released. Grasses and scattered deciduous trees are common.

29 Tropical Seasonal Forest / Savanna
Climate - Warm year round with a rainy season and a dry season Located – south of the equator between 30-60o NPP - High Decomposition – moderate Soil – fairly fertile Limiting Factors – water, fire maintained Biodiversity – varies based on rainfall with scattered trees and tall grasses Vegetation – forests in the wetter areas, grasses in less wet areas Adaptations include: losing leaves during dry season to conserve water, fire maintained community Animals – wide variety particularly grazers and predators Adaptations include: Nocturnal hunting during dry season, migration for water, burrowing to avoid water loss, specialized hunting and defensive traits Major Human impact - deforestation for farming

30 Subtropical Desert This biome is found at 30˚ N and S with hot temperatures and extremely dry conditions. The Mojave Desert in the southwestern United States, the Sahara in Africa, the Arabian Desert of the Middle East and the Great Victoria Desert of Australia are all subtropical deserts. Cacti, euphorbs and succulent plants are well adapted to this biome.

31 Subtropical Desert Climate - Warm and dry year round
Located – 30o above and below the equator NPP – Very low Decomposition – very slow Soil – almost non-existent Limiting Factors – water, nutrients Biodiversity – varies based on rainfall with scattered trees and tall grasses Vegetation – sparse and generally low to the ground with shrubs, cacti and succulents Adaptations include: no leaves, waxy coatings and water storage to conserve moisture, deep or very spread out roots to reach water, spines and protection from grazers Animals – wide variety particularly grazers and predators Adaptations include: Nocturnal animals, hibernation to escape heat, water conserving (dry feces, moisture absorbing skin) and avoid overheating (reflective skin, burrowing) Major Human impact – off road vehicles destroy delicate soil crust and threaten organisms

32 Forested Biomes All forested biomes receive a sufficient amount of rainfall to support trees Community of plants and animals are typically distributed in various layers: Emergent layer of branches above the canopy Canopy of full–grown trees Understory of tree saplings Undergrowth of herbaceous plants and shrubs

33 Another way to organize Biomes: Cold, Temperate, & Tropical for: Desert Grassland Forest


35 Cold & Temperate Deserts
Great Basin Desert (NV/UT) Woodland/Shrubland/Chapparal

36 Hot/Subtropical Deserts

37 Cold Grasslands (Tundra)

38 Temperate/Seasonal Grasslands (Prairie/Steppe)

39 Tropical Grassland (Savanna)

40 Cold Forest (Boreal Forest/Taiga)

41 Temperate/Seasonal Forests
Deciduous (Seasonal) Forest Temperate Rainforest

42 Tropical Forest

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