The Present Perfect tense How and when to use it Alnajah JH School.

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Presentation on theme: "The Present Perfect tense How and when to use it Alnajah JH School."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Present Perfect tense How and when to use it Alnajah JH School

2 له استخدامات كثيرة وبشكل عام تدل على عمل ما بدا في الماضي وله علاقة في الحاضر. 1) عمل ما بدأ في الماضي وانتهى في الماضي ولكن ما زال أثره مستمرا حتى الان. He has broken his leg. هو قد كسر ساقه. «الأثر: ما زالت ساقه مكسورة ولم تعالج بعد». I have bought a new car. أنا قد اشتريت سيارة جديدة. «الأثر: حصلت على سيارة جديدة». Alnajah JH School

3 2) عمل ما بدأ بالماضي ومستمر حتى الان. Alnajah JH School

4 How to form the Present Perfect? I We You They haveV3 They have moved into a new apartment. Alnajah JH School

5 He She It He She It has V3 He has moved into a new apartment. Alnajah JH School

6 Past Participles What is V3? For regular past tense verbs, the –ed form: liked, walked, worked, talked For irregular past verbs, memorize: been, seen, had, eaten, shown, written (p.205) Alnajah JH School

7 Do you know the past participles? Click Here to Find Out. Click! Or here! Or here, too. Alnajah JH School

8 Key words for present perfect Already = (adv.) before now I have already finished my homework. Not yet = (adv.) not before now Scientists have not discovered a cure yet Alnajah JH School

9 Key words for present perfect Never = (adv.) not at any time in the past, including now I have never seen such a beautiful sunset! Ever = (adv.) at any time, including the present ** Used only in questions Have you ever ridden a horse? Alnajah JH School

10 Reminder about Adverb Placement With two verbs (auxiliary and main verb), place the adverb between them I have never eaten raw fish. Alnajah JH School

11 Key words for present perfect Before = at some time in the past behind the present time I have been to Las Vegas before. Several times, many times, a few times, a couple of times, a lot of times = for indefinite or repeated past actions Alnajah JH School

12 Key words for present perfect Since and for Since + specific point in the past when the action started I have lived here since 1987. For + duration, length of time I have lived here for 34 years Alnajah JH School

13 Practice: since or for? _______ January _______ 10 years _______ Monday _______ 12 noon _______ I got up _______ 5 minutes _______ four days _______ 6:00 _______ Wednesday _______ a month _______ November 1 _______ 2004 _______ an hour _______ I was young Alnajah JH School

14 Need more practice with since and for? Click Here! Or here! Alnajah JH School

15 Online Practice Simple Practice Forming Questions in Present Perfect Change to Present Perfect More Practice Still More Practice Alnajah JH School

16 Any Questions about Present Perfect? Alnajah JH School

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