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Reproduction. Broad Ligament suspends the female reproductive tract in the pelvic cavity has three portions.

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1 Reproduction



4 Broad Ligament suspends the female reproductive tract in the pelvic cavity has three portions

5 Ovary release ova- egg 50,000 - 150,000 potential eggs present at birth release hormones progesterone estrogen

6 Oviduct (fallopian tube) connect ovary to uterine horns

7 Oviduct three portions infundibulum ampulla isthmus

8 Oviduct ova remains in oviduct for 3-6 days 1/8 inch in diameter 20 cm. Long in a cow

9 Uterus passageway for sperm cells from cervix to oviduct produce histotroph - nourishes developing embryo until placenta forms expel fetus at parturition

10 Parturition birth

11 Uterus site of pregnancy

12 Cervix located between uterus and vagina forms a barrier between the internal and external environment thick walled, many ringed organ

13 Vagina point where urinary and reproductive tracts join receptacle for semen passageway for fetus

14 Vulva outer opening of reproductive tract

15 Clitoris sensory organ


17 Male Reproductive Tract Testes - male gonad located externally in scrotum except in birds produce sperm produce male hormone - testosterone

18 Scrotum thermal regulatory organ temperature control necessary for sperm production cannot occur at body temperature

19 Scrotum heat can cause infertility spermatogenesis - maturation of sperm cells - takes about 50 days

20 Epididymis 10 - 15 days for the sperm cells to pass through the epididymis Functions - maturation of sperm cells storage of sperm cells

21 Vas Deferens passageway for sperm cells

22 Accessory Glands Seminal Vesicles Prostate Gland Cowper’s gland

23 Accessory Glands Provide 95-98% of total ejaculate volume

24 Seminal Vesicles secrete fructose - energy source for sperm 40-80% of ejaculate volume

25 Prostate Gland secretes enzymes 15-30 % of ejaculate volume

26 Cowper’s Gland cleanse and neutralize urethra keep sperm from dying

27 Urethra passageway for semen carries semen to the end of the penis

28 Retractor Muscle retracts penis pulls the penis back within the sheath

29 Sigmoid Flexor extends penis from the sheath

30 Penis deposits semen in the female reproductive tract

31 Sheath encloses the penis

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