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The American Revolution

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1 The American Revolution
Chapter 6.3 Dark Hours

2 Advantages & Disadvantages
United States Inexperienced army, no navy Had no money But were fighting for a cause Great Britain Best army & navy in world long-distance, unruly colonists War was unpopular at home



5 Hessian mercenaries hired by the British Crown.

6 Raising Troops About 200,000 Americans fought in Continental Army or Militias Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation Offered freedom to any slave that fought for the British 5,000 free black soldiers served in mixed American armies


8 Native Americans Fought on both sides, but favored British = trade & safety Iroquois Confederacy does not survive the war after American attacks.

9 Women in the War Many served as doctors, spies, or ran businesses.
Some fought Deborah Sampson Molly Pitcher.

10 American Invasion of Canada Fails 1775-76

11 Battle of Long Island 1776 General Howe captures New York
Washington able to retreat but 1,000 Patriots were captured Spies burned half of NYC to ground




15 Nathan Hale


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