1 The Rotary Club of Rockdale County 2010 Club Survey Summary Results The Fun Club – Where We Put Service Above Sleep!

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1 1 The Rotary Club of Rockdale County 2010 Club Survey Summary Results The Fun Club – Where We Put Service Above Sleep!

2 Basic Demographics 2 There were 33 total respondents; however, not all responded to all questions. Responses reported in percentages are based on the number of respondents to that specific question. In addition, there may have been 4 responses options for a question, some options were not chosen by any respondents and therefore are not listed “Representative Responses” are representative of responses provided most often to a question. For example; if there were 10 “yes” responses with or without additional comments, those included in this presentation were “most representative” or “summarized” the other comments To “highlight” responses, in either extreme; many or few, some responses were combined. For example if the majority of responses were equally divided between “excellent and adequate” the responses were combined as a percentage. If there were extremes, e.g. “excellent” responses were few the responses were separated to highlight the response The Service Project Opportunity question was asked twice – so both lists of responses are included Average time to complete survey = 20m Survey open response time = 3 weeks


4 Rotary International and Our Club – Recruiting New Members 4 Questions:  What makes Rotary International attractive to new members?  What aspects of Rotary International could potentially be a barrier to new members?  What makes The Rotary Club of Rockdale County attractive to new members?  What aspects of The Rotary Club of Rockdale County could potentially be a barrier to new members?

5 “What Makes RI Attractive?” Representative Responses “What Makes RI Attractive?” Representative Responses “What aspects of RI could be potential barriers?” Representative Responses “What aspects of RI could be potential barriers?” Representative Responses Service Networking If you are a local Rotarian you are also a member of a world wide club, recognized around the world The reputation of the organization and mission. The opportunity to make a difference Prestigious organization with a tremendous history of service to others on a local and global scale. Gives members unique opportunities to develop their leadership skills in meaningful ways. Just that the "work" here in Conyers is taking place worldwide and that is awesome Costs that are not fully understood I think most people do not know what Rotary is. So my guess is that nothing attracts people for the most part Politics The support of specific UN sponsored projects. The "international" scope when the US is in such a challenging situation A sense of disconnect from International Projects; financial; time- investment constraints Do they really make a difference and or do some of the projects overlap with other organizations? 5 Rotary International – Recruiting

6 “What Makes The Rotary Club of Rockdale County Attractive?” Representative Responses “What aspects of Our Club could be potential barriers?” Representative Responses “What aspects of Our Club could be potential barriers?” Representative Responses Service Networking Service to the community, business connections, friendship Great folks - often looked upon as Conyers' "cream of the crop" The membership includes a very diverse group of folks who enjoy each other's company and like to have a good time while doing good Just that the "work" here in Conyers is taking place worldwide and that is awesome Early time is good for business men and women who can't wait to get going. Primarily, it really is a FUN CLUB. Cost Time commitment There far to much emphasis on perfect attendance...make-ups, etc. We're all busy people who have other priorities beyond Rotary. While I do think there should be some minimum attendance standards... the requirement for make-ups is a burden. Rotary creates a guilt trip over missed meetings Lack of knowledge about what we do in the community. The financial investment. The demographics of the club - age, gender, race I think our club is way too political. I find comments about Obama and particularly those that were made about Hank Johnson very offensive. We're no longer a "good old (white) boys club" and we need to be sensitive to the fact that we've got females, minorities and even a few liberals in the club now. When I rejoined in 2008, I quickly wondered whether being a card- carrying Republican was a qualification they forgot to tell me about Our club has the reputation of the "fun club". Our presentation of fun sometimes ventures beneath the margin of good taste and dignity. Slang such as "I'm screwed", "pissed" "ho" etc. has no place coming from the mouth of a Rotary Club President when addressing the club or any other member for that matter. Fun is fine, but degrading behavior by a few Rotarians reflects the values of the club. I think we should do better 6 Our Club – Recruiting

7 Our Club – Culture 7 Question  Do you feel welcome in our club?  33 responses = yes  2 respondents cited “cliques” as a potential reason some may not feel as comfortable as they could  Representative comments I am still trying to really get to "know" folks and become a more than just a member but a new friend of all I meet I make myself welcome, so no problem, But there do seem to be cliques. This does not bother me, but it may some people I feel comfortable with the group. Would like to see more of the members get involved in club projects. It can be discouraging when others don't participate at all

8 Our Club – Culture 8 Question  Do you feel comfortable sharing concerns with club leaders?  30 responses = yes  3 responses = no  Representative Comments I don’t want to be perceived as a complainer I feel very comfortable but I don't know if everyone would join me in feeling this way. It appears that a new member is sometimes inducted and left alone to work their way through to get any further attention from anyone other than their sponsor and any prior relationships made outside of the club If a member shares something with the club president & requests it remain confidential then respect those wishes. It is understood that some of the Board members will be informed but should be informed of the members wishes

9 Our Club – Involvement 9 Question  How would you rate the level of our club’s involvement in the following types of activities?  Club Service  Vocational Service  Community Service  Local Service Projects  International Service  International Service Projects  Member Development  Membership Orientation  Club Public Relations  Fund Raising  Family of Rotary  The Rotary Foundation  Fellowship  New Generations  GRSP

10 10 Our Club - How would you rate the level of our club’s involvement in the following types of activities? o Club Service o Excellent or Adequate = 98% o Community Service o Excellent or Adequate = 79% o Insufficient = 21% o Vocational Service o Excellent or Adequate = 70% o Insufficient = 18% o Unaware = 12% o Local Service Projects o Excellent or Adequate = 67% o Insufficient = 33% oInternational Service oExcellent or Adequate = 57% oInsufficient = 33% oUnaware = 10% oInternational Service Projects oExcellent = 12% oAdequate = 16% oInsufficient = 16% oUnaware = 10% Our Club – Involvement

11 11 Our Club - How would you rate the level of our club’s involvement in the following types of activities? Member Development  Excellent = 1%  Adequate = 61%  Insufficient or unaware = 26% Membership Orientation  Excellent = 1%  Adequate = 84%  Insufficient or unaware = 15% Club Public Relations  Excellent or Adequate = 69%  Insufficient = 31% Fund Raising Club Service  Excellent or Adequate = 88%  Insufficient = 12% Family of Rotary  Excellent or Adequate = 90%  Unaware = 10% The Rotary Foundation  Excellent or Adequate = 90%  Insufficient = 10% Fellowship  Excellent or Adequate = 94%  Insufficient or Unaware = 6% New Generations  Excellent or Adequate = 54%  Insufficient = 36%  Unaware = 10% GRSP  Excellent or Adequate = 88%  Insufficient = 6%  Unaware = 6% Our Club – Involvement

12 Our Club – Member Learning and Development Our Club – Member Learning and Development 12 Question: Would you be interested in learning more about Rotary through training and education opportunities such as Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)? Yes = 30% No = 52% Don't know enough about available opportunities = 18%

13 Our Club – Member Learning and Development Our Club – Member Learning and Development 13 Question: Would you be MORE interested in participating in Rotary training and education programs such as RLI if you were reimbursed your tuition cost? Yes = 42% No = 58%

14 Our Club – Involvement in RI 14 Which of the following RI Programs would you be interested in participating in? Global Networking Group - Rotary Fellowship = 10 Global Networking Group - Rotary Action Groups = 10 Friendship Exchange = 11 International Service Project = 15 NOTE – respondents could select more than one response Other comments: Unsure of these choices I have no idea really about any of the above programs to make an educated decision I do not know what all of the above are GSN team leader

15 Our Club – Financial Investment 15 Question: How would you rate the following costs associated with membership in our club? Club Dues  Reasonable = 87%  Unreasonable = 13% Weekly meetings - Bragging Bucks, C.A.R.T. Alzheimer's fund - Reasonable  Reasonable = 96%  Too Little = 3% Voluntary contributions to service projects  Reasonable = 90%  Too Much = 10%  Too Little = 10% Voluntary contributions to The Rotary Foundation  Too much = 3%  Reasonable = 87%  Too Little = 10% Voluntary contributions to GRSP  Too much = 6%  Reasonable = 78%  Too Little = 6% Voluntary contributions to Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy  Too much = 6%  Reasonable = 94%

16 Our Club – Satisfaction 16 Question: Are you giving serious consideration to leaving Rotary at this time?  No = 31  Yes = 2  Reasons:  Family considerations or demands  Do not have the time or money to be a more effective member

17 Our Club – Service Projects Priorities 17 Question: Mark any project or activity below that you believe our club should consider NOT continuing being involved in: Father Daughter Dance = 2 Target Empty Stocking = 1 Salvation Bell Ringing = 2 C.A.R.T. Alzheimer's Bucket = 1 Eagle Scout/Gold Award Scout Banquet = 2

18 Our Club – Service Project Opportunities 18 Question: Are there other projects in our community that our club should be leading or participating in? If so, what are they? Based on #20 I think others are already focused on each of these causes and activities. I recommend that we use this time and money to focus on our core projects. I'm not sure F/D dance is worth the effort - but we've made such a big deal of this it may be hard to stop. I would suggest we change this to a Father/Daughter community service project with maybe a dinner afterwards Cleaning Up Rockdale, Habitat for Humanity Create a Rotary park in the county Community beautification efforts (e.g., roadside clean-up) I'm sure there are, but the club needs to look for them more than they are so as not to become stagnant Community UW BBQ and campaign kick-off Stuff the Bus school supplies drive Community shoe-box project Mercy Heart We should be doing a lot more with Pine Street and with Rotary youth We need a better fund raiser School related activities The above listed projects are all great to do as a club. Would like to see more literacy and youth programs in place. We are missing a great opportunity in the encouragement and the development of our future community leaders Literacy Community Action Team (CAT) Identify and sponsor more children to receive Ferst Foundation Books for their own personal library (not a community resource library - which defeats the goal of the Ferst Foundation)

19 Our Club – Service Project Opportunities 19 Question: Please identify one local community need that you believe the Club should address through a Service Project Community Awareness of our communities needs, and how they can become involved Homelessness Feed the hungry More focus on reading in early grades Helping local citizens clean their houses or yards The soon to be announced "Hands on Rockdale" project via Leadership Rockdale...stay tuned!! Mentorship with the youth in the community Mercy Heart Clinic Mercy Heart RER Food Bank Kid's College - volunteer and fund Beautification Projects, literacy programs for all ages, drug/addiction programs for low-income individuals. Wheelchair ramps for the disabled or elderly (ok, more than one but attempting to give examples) Voter education Resume helping the parenting program Organizing and developing a youth citizenship program Please see responses to question number 21 above

20 Our Club – Project Participation 20 Have you participated in club projects in the past year? Yes No If yes, how did you become involved? I volunteered = 22 I was asked = 9 I was told = 2

21 Our Club – Club Activity Participation 21 Question: Please indicate your involvement in the following types of activities: Membership development Member orientation and education Local service projects International service projects* Club public relations Fundraising The Rotary Foundation Fellowship - e.g. Socials Family of Rotary GRSP Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy Interact (Salem High School)* Note – only International Service Projects and Interact were programs in which at least 6 of 33 respondents said they either wanted to be involved or did not know how to get involved

22 Our Club – Club Activity Satisfaction 22 How would you rate your level of satisfaction when you are involved in club activities and projects? Very Satisfied or Satisfied = 31 of 33 Personal Time Conflicts was the most often cited as a reason for any level of dissatisfaction Comments: Don't know far enough in advance and lack the confidence that I can contribute Don't seem to do many "hands on" projects I am not personally dissatisfied; however, many people have commented to me they would like to be more involved except for the main items listed above. Our attack on activities can be a bit intimidating, to say the least Would like more members to get involved in projects

23 Our Club – Meeting Satisfaction 23 How would you rate the following aspects of our weekly meetings? Amount of Rotary content Excellent = 35% Adequate = 45% Insufficient = 20% Length Excellent = 50% Adequate = 50% Program organization Excellent = 53% Adequate = 47% Time for fellowship Excellent = 41% Adequate = 56% Insufficient = 3% Networking opportunity Excellent = 39% Adequate = 55% Insufficient = 6% Meals Excellent = 16% Adequate = 62% Insufficient = 22%

24 Our Club – Meeting Satisfaction 24 Question: How would you rate the following aspects of our weekly meetings? Location  Convenient = 83%  Inconvenient = 17% Meeting Time  Convenient = 94%  Inconvenient = 6% Comments: Do you have a recommendation for a different meeting time or location? Seven Gables I would recommend that we may consider an evening club meeting once a month for both make up and to get more and younger people involved Rockdale Career Academy No - don't change anything Noon on Tuesday or Wednesday Cherokee Run, 7 Gables, 2 Guys and a Grill, Criole While hospital food isn't overly exciting - the hospital as the meeting location is attractive and professional in manner. The time of meeting works - we are all busy and start our days early anyway. That's why I joined a breakfast club - it doesn't interrupt business in the middle of the workday 8:00 am more centrally located

25 Our Club – Meeting Satisfaction 25 Please rate the following aspects of our weekly meeting Service Satisfactory = 97% Unsatisfactory = 3% Décor/Atmosphere Satisfactory = 97% Unsatisfactory = 3% Meal quality Satisfactory = 76% Unsatisfactory = 24% Meal cost Satisfactory = 78% Unsatisfactory = 12% Parking availability Satisfactory = 100%

26 Our Club – Meeting Satisfaction 26 Comments: We need to be mindful to allow our guest speakers adequate time to speak particularly those that travel distances to come to our meeting We are second when it comes to room assignments The small room is too small Would like to have more of the club members highlighted. How about Vocational talks, or member spotlight, member birthday parties, something that encourages all members to get engaged with meetings. Bragging Bucks makes the meeting fun and does this to a point We used to have very member each year give a vocational talk. We don't do that anymore Need more member involvement on a consistent basis. Need to use technology available to spice up the meeting I miss Alain's food! Would like to see healthier options, like wheat toast or whole grain breads and boiled eggs, tomato juice Meals are OK - not bad, but nothing to write home about I think the food is bland and lacking in "personality." Often, I have a light breakfast, and after the meeting, have a breakfast elsewhere because I am so unimpressed with the breakfast fare

27 Our Club – Meeting Recommendations 27 Question: Which of the following changes would improve our club meetings? Note – respondents could select more than one response Better speakers = 9 More focus on fellowship = 6 Increased variety of program topics = 14 Increased emphasis on vocational information = 9 More involvement of family = 4 Better time management = 4 More service opportunities discussed = 15 More leadership opportunities = 5 Comments: Old town bike committee-promotes cycling and pedestrian exercise on paths and roads Great speakers last year! As an out-going program coordinator, I think that continued focus on quality speakers is important and should be viewed as continually evolving to be even better year by year Small 'minute' call outs on what we have accomplished Hank Johnson - He was really eye opening Gov. Deal Jeff Myers GRSP Student in addition to ours to learn more about the world Governor Deal would be a big deal Atlanta Airport head. A supreme court justice. Effect of illegal immigration on the costs to our communities Need to stay away from programs/speakers that ask for donations AND the ones who do receive Rotary contribution present on the agency work and how it impacts the community More info about happenings of Rotary worldwide. Important dates in Rotary, etc. Local issues Less local speakers and more regional/state speakers and/or programs

28 Our Club - Satisfaction 28 How would you rate the amount of our club’s fellowship activities? Right Amount = 88% Too Few = 12% What response does your spouse/partner/family have to your involvement in Rotary? Note – respondents could select more than one response Feels proud of my involvement = 24 Thinks Rotary takes too much of my time =2 Wants to know more/be involved = 4 Thinks Rotary is too expensive = 3 Wants to meet/interact with other Rotary spouses/partners/families = 7 Would like to become a member = 1

29 Our Club – Communications 29 How would you rate the amount of Rotary information provided through our club Web site/newsletter? Adequate = 90% Insufficient =10% Comments: Do not need more emails More about what is going on in our community - what are needs are in the community. What other Rotarians are doing in the community? At firsts I thought it was really insufficient because I was not educated on Club Runner/Rockdale website. There is still much outdated information on the site, but it has a lot of potential for the upcoming year I rarely use the web site simply because I don't think of it as a vehicle of timely information. A lot of info is old news Communication suffered this year. Board meetings were rarely announced. Would also like to get weekly announcements about programs/speakers at the beginning of the week so that we can invite potential members and guests to visit that may have an interest in the topic. (could improve recruiting efforts too) Programs listed and up to date. Weekly programs get posted each week Service and other events posted ASAP as we complete them Rockdale Facebook gets advertised on website More info about up-coming programs would be nice. A better depiction of our club's history would be nice. Otherwise, club web site is a vast improvement over years past

30 Our Club – Communications 30 How often do you use the club web site to access information about the Club, Club Members, Rotary International? At least once a week = 4% Every now and then = 35% At least once a month = 55% Never = 6% Which of the following words would you use to describe our club web site? Note – respondents could select more than one response Interesting = 5 Useful = 16 Informative = 16 Boring = 7 Limited = 6 Uninformative = 1 Easy to navigate = 9 Difficult to navigate = 3

31 Our Club – Communications 31 Which of the following words would you use to describe our club weekly bulletin? Note – respondents could select more than one response Interesting = 11 Useful = 17 Informative = 13 Boring = 5 Limited = 7 Uninformative = 3

32 Our Club – Membership 32 Do the classifications within our club (see weekly bulletin/Club Directory) held by our current club members accurately reflect the business, professional and community leadership makeup of Rockdale County? Why or why not? Yes, but could always use more classifications and members I think we have an appropriate mix of professions, government and businesses represented We could always use different members Not sure - don't know that much about the community leadership makeup They do reflect the different businesses Yes because the classifications within our club current club members accurately reflect the business, professional and community leadership makeup of Rockdale County. Yes, because we cover a wide range of professionals and community leaders could use some more areas I am sure No. They are outdated and limited Yes I think we have a good variety of vocations within our county Close -- racial diversity is still a challenge Would like to see larger business representatives become members. (i.e. manufacturer's in the area, such as Solo, AT&T, Pratt) Secretary can update classifications real time We have some overlap and competing members. We need some more folks from the city government. We need to expand our vocations represented. Yes; could always add more folks to the mix though

33 Our Club - Membership 33 Do the ages of our members reflect the ages of the business, professional and community leader population in our community? Why or why not? Yes, ages are varied in the community as well We have a diverse group from very young (with small children) to old (with grandchildren) No We need younger members Need more diversity. Need to attract more African-Americans as well as younger business people Need younger up and coming leaders Yes because the ages of our members reflect the ages of the business, professional and community leader population in our community Yes, the Interact Club is involved and that covers the younger generation I think our group is in the lower echelons of community leadership. The majority of the community leaders are in the noon club. I am glad we have the sheriff, some judges and district leaders Probably not; younger members needed Yes, but some younger professionals would be welcome Yes and no. Where is the 30-something crowd? Pretty much so I think we have a good reflection of ages in our club

34 Our Club – Membership/Recruiting 34 If not what age-groups should we focus on in the future? 30-35 = 32% 35-40 = 33% 40-45 = 22% 45-50 = 16% 50+ = 19% Note – it is more desirable for this question to be a forced choice. However, it appears that respondents were able to choose more than one age group

35 Our Club Membership/Demographics 35 My Rotary club’s membership represents the gender composition of business, professional and community leaders in our community Yes = 70% No = 10% Not sure = 20% The members of my Rotary club reflect the true ethnic diversity of the community in which I live Yes = 25% No = 65% Not sure = 10%

36 Our Club – Membership Diversity 36 I believe my club is diverse Yes = 48% No = 45% Not sure = 7% I believe my club needs to continue its efforts toward greater member diversity Yes = 67% No = 19% Not sure = 14%

37 Our Club – Club Size 37 Do you believe our club membership is The right size = 67% Too small = 33% If it is not the right size, what would the appropriate number of members be? 55-60 = 3 60-65 = 4 65-70 = 3 70-75 = 3 100+ = 2

38 Our Club – Growth 38 How supportive would you be in starting another Rotary Club? Very supportive – we need to do this now = 3% Somewhat supportive – if we do start another club, I will help financially and be involved = 22% Not supportive – I would recommend that we do not start another club = 75%

39 Our Club – Growth 39 How supportive would you be in starting a Rotaract Club, a Rotary-sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30? Very supportive – we need to do this now = 12% Somewhat supportive – if we do start a Rotaract Club, I will help financially and be involved = 59% Not supportive – I would recommend that we do not start a Rotaract club = 29%

40 Our Club – Satisfaction 40 If you had to describe our club with a single phrase, what would it be? Uplifting/Motivating = 58% Fun time = 32% Boring = 0% Time with Friends = 10%

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