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Science Final Project Clarifying info All information can be found on Mrs. Davisson’s website under “Chemistry Final Science Fair Project” Get started:

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Presentation on theme: "Science Final Project Clarifying info All information can be found on Mrs. Davisson’s website under “Chemistry Final Science Fair Project” Get started:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Final Project Clarifying info All information can be found on Mrs. Davisson’s website under “Chemistry Final Science Fair Project” Get started: Long onto your computer, go to that section, and download “Science Fair Project 2015 Chemistry” Explore all the resources!

2 Project Sections and Important Deadlines ________ Initial Ideas ________ Science Proposal/ Purpose (5 pts) ________ Project Background (15pts) ________ Hypothesis, Materials List, Experimental Procedure (20pts) ________ Research Data (30pts) ________ Analysis and Conclusion (30pts) ________ Research Report (40pts) ________ Three-Panel Display Board (35pts) ________ Presentation Due (25pts)

3 Groups You may work with one other person from your class or one of your teachers other classes (with approval). If you work with another person, choose someone that you work with effectively. Both of you will earn the same grade. If you wish to work by yourself, you also must get teacher approval.

4 First Step: Identify the Question (Or Selecting Your Science Subject) Probably the most difficult part of a biology project is coming up with a good subject to research. I suggest that students think about WHAT INTERESTS them and think of a TESTABLE QUESTION about the subject. There should also be some practical applications or interest in your topic. It should somehow apply to, relate to, or interest some part of society. Pg2-3 of packet

5 Background: RESEARCH section: It is written in essay form as an introduction to your topic and explaining other information you collect about your topic and your variable(s). MLA format: Typed, double spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman Include in text citations (author last name in parentheses after info you summarized from them) Include work cited with minimum of 6 sources (at least 3 academic sources) in alphabetical order, that match your in-text citations.

6 Minimum of 3 paragraphs 1.General intro of topic. What is it, brief overview 2.Discuss experiment: define vocab and variables 3.Discuss other research that relates to your project Background:

7 Common Errors in Background Avoid 1 st person Be direct, this is informational writing (the point is to get across information, not show of fancy writing skills) Clear topic/thesis Clearly explain the planned experiment in 2 nd paragraph Must cite in- text (can not be in work cited if not cited in text somewhere) Need all web addressed in work cited for online sources


9 Initial Idea due (pg 2): period 1,2,3: Monday March 16 th period 6: Thurs March 12 th Purpose and Background (pg 3-4) due: Period 1,2,3: Monday March 30 th period 6: Thursday 4/ 2 *subject to change, with notice, by teacher

10 Variables: Control: comparison group - placebo, water, not change etc Variables: Independent: things you are changing Dependent: Thing you measure Constants: Things you keep the same

11 Procedures: Use the worksheet to help- fill out and turn in – (pg 5 & 6) Hypothesis: – If…., then… statement: not required, but need to include a cause (______ will happen when…. Or ______ will be observed because…. Ex: If the amount and temperature of water increases, then the plant will grow taller because of the increase water. Type your procedures! – You might as well type your hypothesis and materials list too. – You need them typed for the final report anyway Due: per 1,2,3- Friday 4/24 per 6- Tues 4/28

12 Plagiarism You will be turning your final report in through, and plagiarism will earn you a 0. Easiest way to avoid plagiarism: – Cite all sources, in text – Use quotation marks for small quotes, summarize bit quotes in your own word – Do NOT copy and paste from a website, ever!

13 Data Tables IndependentDependent Indepen dent Trail 1Trial 2Trail 3Average

14 Example data tables


16 Graphs Dependant variable (units) independent variable (units) All Graphs Need: Title Labeled axis Units as needed Title Key:

17 Bar graph: – used to compare things between different groups often qualitative data (non numbers) but not always

18 Frog EnvironmentWetDryDamp Days Frog Lives911646 All Graphs Need: Title Labeled axis Units as needed




22 Line Graph: – determine relationships between the two different things – Usually quantitative data (numbers)

23 Days of Practice Rating of skill on scale of 1- 10 13 23 34 44 55


25 Number of meals Day1234 Amount of food 1 meal2 meals3 meals4 meal Energy level3578 All Graphs Need: Title Labeled axis Units as needed

26 Pie Charts: when you are trying to compare parts of a whole

27 Common Errors in Background Avoid 1 st person Be direct, this is informational writing (the point is to get across information, not show of fancy writing skills) Clear topic/thesis Clearly explain the planned experiment in 2 nd paragraph Must cite in- text (can not be in work cited if not cited in text somewhere) Need all web addressed in work cited for online sources


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