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City of Bristol College James Boston Business Advisor APPRENTICESHIPS.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Bristol College James Boston Business Advisor APPRENTICESHIPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Bristol College James Boston Business Advisor APPRENTICESHIPS

2 Presentation Structure City of Bristol College – our credentials Apprenticeships – good for business What are Apprenticeships Apprenticeship Frameworks The costs of an Apprenticeship Work the Apprentice will do during the Apprenticeship Support offered to the Apprentice

3 Our Credentials One of the largest colleges in UK 40,000 learners £65m turnover Work based learning experts: £4m Workplace training £8m Apprenticeships Judged by Ofsted to have “outstanding employer responsive provision”

4 “Apprenticeships are the best business model for encouraging learning, developing mentoring and passing on specialist skills ” Sir Alan Sugar

5 Apprenticeships – Good for Business Introduce new ideas and innovation Increased productivity Improved quality standards Increased staff retention and motivation A more talented and diverse workforce Greater competitiveness Cost-effective, relevant training

6 Apprenticeships Modular work-based training programs Competence – based qualification – QCF (NVQ) Knowledge – based qualification – Technical Certificate Functional Skills Employment Rights & Responsibilities Personal learning & thinking skills Available at 3 levels – Standard, Advanced & Higher Duration of Apprenticeship – range from 1 to 4 years depending on Framework

7 Apprenticeship Frameworks Accounting Business Admin Team Leading Management Customer Service Providing Financial Services Construction Engineering Painting and Decorating Warehousing Hospitality & Catering Childcare Health & Social Care Playwork Supported Teaching and Learning Youthwork Horticulture Equine Animal Care Retail Contact Centre

8 Costs Apprentice is an employee – contract of employment and paid a wage Apprentice minimum wage - £2.60 per hr Rules apply for over 19’s with minimum wage Can have fixed term contracts Training Costs 16 – 18 fully funded Over 19 – reduced fee payable 25+ Full Cost

9 AGE Grant £1500 Employers with under 250 staff Who employ a 16-24 year old apprentice Providing no apprentice started in the last 3yrs

10 Recruiting Apprentices Dedicated recruitment team for new vacancies All posts are advertised on National Apprenticeship Website Preferred partner advertising can be arranged with relevant local press/media Pre selection – match applicants prior to interview Initial Assessment – testing levels of Maths and English Support for interviews Apprenticeships can also be offered to existing staff and we will provide support and briefings to identify eligible staff and induct to the training programme

11 NAS Vacancies Employers complete the Vacancy Template with an Apprenticeship Advisor from City of Bristol giving full details of the Apprenticeship job opportunity – wage, job description, hours of work The vacancy is then advertised on NAS website to generate interest from applicants Apprenticeship Advisers will support employers to short list and facilitate the recruitment process if required Once an Apprentice is employed then the College will complete the formal Apprenticeship training induction and enrolment process

12 Work the Apprentice will undertake Off the job learning - Knowledge –either at College or off work station On the job learning - Competence Day to day activities involved with job Portfolio of evidence created – assessed in workplace Supported by Individual Learning Plan (ILP) A clear learning pathway SMART targets with regular reviews Chart progress and celebrate success Achievement Apprenticeship Completion Certificates

13 What Businesses say about City of Bristol College 97% of businesses that use the College would recommend to other businesses 95% of businesses felt that the College understood their business needs 97% felt that the College Training met their business or training need

14 Contact the City of Bristol College A team of Business Advisors are available to support you Telephone : 0117 312 5020

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