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Building Financially Resilient Communities. Thrive Close the gap + inequality Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Organising.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Financially Resilient Communities. Thrive Close the gap + inequality Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Organising."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Financially Resilient Communities

2 Thrive Close the gap + inequality Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Organising

3 A Big Thank You to our Partners: And many more too numerous to name here…

4 Facts and Figures for the NE UK cities = ‘seas of normality with pockets of deprivation’, m’bro = ‘seas of deprivation with pockets of normality’ ANEC (Assocn NE Councils) Estimates £940m out of the NE Economy Welfare Reform and Cuts 2014-15 Infrastructure spend London = £3k, NE=£5 ‘Economic Leakage’ and Trade Surplus £720 per working age adult in M’bro M’bro CAB x10 increase in payday debt over four years, negotiated £8m of £10m as non-priority debts £200o per month down from local newsagent Linthorpe Village Proliferation of high-interest lender (Ramsdens and Wonga sponsorships)

5 1. Projects Steps forward for women Supported women towards more sustainable livelihoods and improved wellbeing. Good outcomes around confidence and benefit uptake Work undertaken by Thrive Project Coordinator Money Pathways Worked with 24 of the most financially excluded low-income households in Teesside Money mentors from partners including CAB, 5 Lamps and others worked alongside Thrive staff and dedicated volunteers Positive outcomes to test use of money mentoring. Investing in Volunteers (Investment Fund); Devising fit-for-purpose roles, recruiting for volunteers from across Stockton with specific support for those experiencing social exclusion

6 2. Community Organising

7 Leverage - Plan for the NE ‘Money only listens to money’ Move your money corporate style 1. Target LA leaders and NE MP’s to put Financial Resilience onto agenda of ANEC 2. Get ANEC to research profiling of areas according to bank and credit data they request and receive 3. Draw up a list of priorities for financial resilience 4. Invite all the banks to come round the table and ask THEM what they’re going to do to deserve the procurement of £100’s millions???

8 Some indicators Facilities of BBA’s Distribution of BBA’s Free to use ATM’s, £5 withdrawals Employment Branch distribution Financial Advice Free banking for CU’s

9 Some Asks Back LGA plans to limit proliferation of high-cost credit and gambling on high streets Expanding lower-cost alternatives Action on jobs and employment: to improve wages and conditions of employment, including challenging the practice of ‘zero hours’ contracts Action on welfare reform: to mitigate its impacts and ensure fair treatment

10 Contact Thrive Newtown Resource Centre Stockton on Tees TS19 0DE

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