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We have to create our own future People are realizing that they are a force of nature and essentially free to create their lives however they want them.

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Presentation on theme: "We have to create our own future People are realizing that they are a force of nature and essentially free to create their lives however they want them."— Presentation transcript:

1 We have to create our own future People are realizing that they are a force of nature and essentially free to create their lives however they want them to be. People are realizing that they are a force of nature and essentially free to create their lives however they want them to be. To realize the extraordinary power of a group of people who, securely rooted in their individual creative power, bond together to collectively bring into being a vision that none could accomplish alone. To realize the extraordinary power of a group of people who, securely rooted in their individual creative power, bond together to collectively bring into being a vision that none could accomplish alone.

2 METONIC ORGANISATION A metanoic organization is one that has undergone a fundamental shift of orientation from the individual and collective belief that people must cope with life and are, in the extreme, helpless and powerless from the individual and collective belief that people must cope with life and are, in the extreme, helpless and powerless to the conviction that they are individually and collectively empowered to create their future and shape their destiny. to the conviction that they are individually and collectively empowered to create their future and shape their destiny.

3 LEADERS A metanoic organization calls for leaders who have developed themselves beyond personal mastery to organizational mastery; that is, they have the ability to sustain a collective vision and they have the ability to sustain a collective vision and work in union with others to bring it about. work in union with others to bring it about.

4 LEADERSHIP Leadership in a metanoic organization functions principally in three areas. The leader is the custodian or steward of the organizational vision. The leader is the custodian or steward of the organizational vision. The leader empowers and coaches others to create what they want; that is, to be true to themselves and to expend their life-energy creating results worthy of their human spirit. The leader empowers and coaches others to create what they want; that is, to be true to themselves and to expend their life-energy creating results worthy of their human spirit. The leader is a creator of structure. The leader maintains and shapes structures that channel the creative energy of everyone toward producing the results to which they are all committed. The leader is a creator of structure. The leader maintains and shapes structures that channel the creative energy of everyone toward producing the results to which they are all committed.

5 LEADERSHIP To focus on creating a truly collective vision to which everyone can wholeheartedly commit himself, and on empowering members to create the results that they as individuals want to create. To focus on creating a truly collective vision to which everyone can wholeheartedly commit himself, and on empowering members to create the results that they as individuals want to create. Many do not work with the often unnoticed elements of structure, such as beliefs and values, that are central to focus and unifying human energy. Many do not work with the often unnoticed elements of structure, such as beliefs and values, that are central to focus and unifying human energy. One major challenge for the metanoic leader is to help weave the many threads of individual vision into a collective fabric which is satisfying to everyone’s personal vision. One major challenge for the metanoic leader is to help weave the many threads of individual vision into a collective fabric which is satisfying to everyone’s personal vision.

6 LEADERSHIP Metanoic organizations seek a vision to which everyone in the organization can wholeheartedly subscribe. In the quest for an organizational vision, a leader’s own vision may indeed evolve and change during the group process each person’s vision for the organization can be as vital as any other’s, because it is in the differences between these visions, as well as in their similarities, that the underlying purpose of the organization is clarified. Metanoic organizations seek a vision to which everyone in the organization can wholeheartedly subscribe. In the quest for an organizational vision, a leader’s own vision may indeed evolve and change during the group process each person’s vision for the organization can be as vital as any other’s, because it is in the differences between these visions, as well as in their similarities, that the underlying purpose of the organization is clarified. Each person’s contribution is vital to that clarity; each person participates in the leadership of the organization, whether or not they occupy formal leadership roles. Each person’s contribution is vital to that clarity; each person participates in the leadership of the organization, whether or not they occupy formal leadership roles.

7 LEADERSHIP-Alignment The desired state of alignment is one in which people can freely commit their life energy to a certain collectively desired result (an organizational vision). The desired state of alignment is one in which people can freely commit their life energy to a certain collectively desired result (an organizational vision). It is a state in which individuals realize that the actions they desire to take will allow them to be true to themselves as well as to their organization. It is a state in which individuals realize that the actions they desire to take will allow them to be true to themselves as well as to their organization. The leader’s custodial role is, first, to see that a genuine organizational vision emerges and, second, to make sure it remains alive and well. The leader’s custodial role is, first, to see that a genuine organizational vision emerges and, second, to make sure it remains alive and well.

8 In metanoic organizations, leaders create an environment for alignment by evoking from the members a collective vision to which they can all be committed. In metanoic organizations, leaders create an environment for alignment by evoking from the members a collective vision to which they can all be committed. Alignment is a natural byproduct of a group of people striving together to achieve a lofty vision. It happens when people are focused on a common objective that they also see as in some way fulfilling their own personal visions. Alignment is a natural byproduct of a group of people striving together to achieve a lofty vision. It happens when people are focused on a common objective that they also see as in some way fulfilling their own personal visions. People cannot commit their energy to a compromise or particularly, to something that falls short of allowing them to express their personal life purpose. People cannot commit their energy to a compromise or particularly, to something that falls short of allowing them to express their personal life purpose.LEADERSHIP-Alignment

9 LEADERSHIP As a leader, it is essential for you to verify whether you are committed to the organization’s purpose and vision. to the extent that you pretend to be, you will be manipulating yourself and others. Moreover, you will be unable to enroll others in it. As a leader, it is essential for you to verify whether you are committed to the organization’s purpose and vision. to the extent that you pretend to be, you will be manipulating yourself and others. Moreover, you will be unable to enroll others in it. The second major function of leadership in a metanoic organization is to enable others to come into the full presence of their own creative power. The essence of personal power is to see clearly what you want to create and then to habitually mobilize your resources to manifest that vision. The second major function of leadership in a metanoic organization is to enable others to come into the full presence of their own creative power. The essence of personal power is to see clearly what you want to create and then to habitually mobilize your resources to manifest that vision.

10 LEADERSHIP-empowerment When empowering others, the leader’s task is to help them determine what is truly important for them and the results they will commit themselves to bringing into being. When empowering others, the leader’s task is to help them determine what is truly important for them and the results they will commit themselves to bringing into being. This requires that you have a relationship of trust and truthfulness with them that you are on the level with them, and are willing to let the chips fall where they may. If the vision captures their spirit, they will enroll themselves. If not, they won’t. This requires that you have a relationship of trust and truthfulness with them that you are on the level with them, and are willing to let the chips fall where they may. If the vision captures their spirit, they will enroll themselves. If not, they won’t. Evoking creative potential from people and calling them personal mastery involves continually and gently coaching them to clarify the results they truly want and encouraging them to mobilize their resources to pursue those results. Evoking creative potential from people and calling them personal mastery involves continually and gently coaching them to clarify the results they truly want and encouraging them to mobilize their resources to pursue those results. Coaching people to create what they truly desire is inherently non manipulative because, at any moment in time, the power remains in the hands of the individual being coached. Coaching people to create what they truly desire is inherently non manipulative because, at any moment in time, the power remains in the hands of the individual being coached.

11 LEADERSHIP-creating structure The third principal role of a leader in a metanoic organization is to create structures conducive to creating desired results. The third principal role of a leader in a metanoic organization is to create structures conducive to creating desired results. Structure largely predetermines organizational behavior and performance and is, therefore, very important, since poorly designed organizational structure will tend to limit energy flow among members and thwart inspiration. Structure largely predetermines organizational behavior and performance and is, therefore, very important, since poorly designed organizational structure will tend to limit energy flow among members and thwart inspiration. Aligned, personally masterful individuals not only create directly what they want, they also create personal structures that are conducive to creating these results. Aligned, personally masterful individuals not only create directly what they want, they also create personal structures that are conducive to creating these results.

12 Personal &organizational structures Seniors clearly responsible Seniors clearly responsible Rewards and incentives Rewards and incentives Compensation and performance review systems Compensation and performance review systems Personal and organizational goals Personal and organizational goals Belief structures Belief structures Values Values Habits or norms Habits or norms The availability and flow of information The availability and flow of information Physical processes Physical processes

13 Personal &organizational structures Building structures that channel their personal energy toward their visions, they also create structures that channel the energy of everyone toward producing the results to which they are all committed Building structures that channel their personal energy toward their visions, they also create structures that channel the energy of everyone toward producing the results to which they are all committed The power and beauty of these personal and organizational structures is that, once constructed, they operate almost automatically and require very little conscious attention. The power and beauty of these personal and organizational structures is that, once constructed, they operate almost automatically and require very little conscious attention. These contradictory structures do, in fact, cause us to work at cross purposes and expend our creative energies getting nowhere, structural conflict in organizations is generally viewed as undesirable. These contradictory structures do, in fact, cause us to work at cross purposes and expend our creative energies getting nowhere, structural conflict in organizations is generally viewed as undesirable.

14 Personal &organizational structures It has been said that over 80 percent of apparent personality conflicts in organizations are, at their root, structural conflict. It has been said that over 80 percent of apparent personality conflicts in organizations are, at their root, structural conflict. The job of leadership in a metanoic organization is to keep the primary structures, such as goals and values, continuously in the organizational focus, so that a conflict among subordinate structures is always viewed from the larger focus. The job of leadership in a metanoic organization is to keep the primary structures, such as goals and values, continuously in the organizational focus, so that a conflict among subordinate structures is always viewed from the larger focus. Leaders should always be seeking to identify those structural conflict that are, in fact, dysfunctional and should be dismantled. Leaders should always be seeking to identify those structural conflict that are, in fact, dysfunctional and should be dismantled.

15 Personal &organizational structures Inspired performance is a function of inspired people operating with vision and purpose in well-conceived organizational structures, those that are designed primarily to foster the creation of a collective vision and to channel the creative energies of everyone toward producing the results to which they are all committed. Inspired performance is a function of inspired people operating with vision and purpose in well-conceived organizational structures, those that are designed primarily to foster the creation of a collective vision and to channel the creative energies of everyone toward producing the results to which they are all committed.

16 Personal &organizational structures Great organizational leaders, like great scientists, use intuition and reason to complement each other. They guide their analyses with their intuition, and they verify their intuitive insights with rational analysis. Great organizational leaders, like great scientists, use intuition and reason to complement each other. They guide their analyses with their intuition, and they verify their intuitive insights with rational analysis. Although formulating an organizational vision is paramount, the other two leadership abilities – enrolling and empowering others and designing functional structures – are just as essential.. Although formulating an organizational vision is paramount, the other two leadership abilities – enrolling and empowering others and designing functional structures – are just as essential..

17 Personal &organizational structures A system may be defined as the web of interrelationships between elements that work together for some purpose. A system may be defined as the web of interrelationships between elements that work together for some purpose. The structure of a system influences performance, independent of the individuals involved The structure of a system influences performance, independent of the individuals involved The structure of the whole system governs, if not determines, the total organization’s performance. The structure of the whole system governs, if not determines, the total organization’s performance.

18 Systems Thinking The first has to do with the tendency of a system to resist attempts to change its performance, even when those changes would be “for the better”. The first has to do with the tendency of a system to resist attempts to change its performance, even when those changes would be “for the better”. This characteristic is at the root of many failures of our well-intentional efforts to upgrade organizational performance, This characteristic is at the root of many failures of our well-intentional efforts to upgrade organizational performance, The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back. The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back. At the root of this phenomenon is a quality called “compensating feedback.” Efforts to increase performance are fully compensated for by the system as a whole. At the root of this phenomenon is a quality called “compensating feedback.” Efforts to increase performance are fully compensated for by the system as a whole.

19 Systems Thinking Leverage points are thus generally found in a part of the system distant from the first manifestations of symptoms. Leverage points are thus generally found in a part of the system distant from the first manifestations of symptoms. In metanoic organizations people realize that the structure of the system, although abstract and difficult to observe, is vital to performance. In metanoic organizations people realize that the structure of the system, although abstract and difficult to observe, is vital to performance. They understand that leverage points in complex systems can be terribly unobvious and far removed from the observed symptoms. They understand that leverage points in complex systems can be terribly unobvious and far removed from the observed symptoms.

20 Intuition Intuition is a key to creativity and its development is vital to a metanoic organization They create an environment that nurtures intuitive development along with rational analysis. They recognize intuition’s vital role in personal vision, alignment, and systemic thinking. They create an environment that nurtures intuitive development along with rational analysis. They recognize intuition’s vital role in personal vision, alignment, and systemic thinking. People’s intuitive sense of the consistency between alternative objectives and personal purpose guides their choice of personal and organizational pursuits. People’s intuitive sense of the consistency between alternative objectives and personal purpose guides their choice of personal and organizational pursuits. As individuals deepen their intuitive awareness of each other, activities fall into an easy, almost unconscious synchronization As individuals deepen their intuitive awareness of each other, activities fall into an easy, almost unconscious synchronization As an organization becomes more accepting of intuitive modes of comprehension, alignment can develop in ways appropriate to business As an organization becomes more accepting of intuitive modes of comprehension, alignment can develop in ways appropriate to business

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