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Scheduling Information Night January 14, 2013. Scheduling Night Agenda 7:00 – 7:15, Scheduling Overview 7:15 – 7:45, Guidance Presentations  Current.

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Presentation on theme: "Scheduling Information Night January 14, 2013. Scheduling Night Agenda 7:00 – 7:15, Scheduling Overview 7:15 – 7:45, Guidance Presentations  Current."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scheduling Information Night January 14, 2013

2 Scheduling Night Agenda 7:00 – 7:15, Scheduling Overview 7:15 – 7:45, Guidance Presentations  Current juniors will meet in the library  Current sophomores will meet in the choral room  Current freshmen will remain in the auditorium 7:45 – 8:15, Department Fair in the cafeteria

3 Scheduling Timeline Jan 22 – 25:  Classroom pre-scheduling information Jan 28 – Feb 6:  Core teachers will submit recommendations  Classroom student scheduling Feb 19 – April:  Individual scheduling; Student receives course requests May:  Course selection letters sent home June 14:  Deadline to make request changes

4 Classroom Scheduling Information: January 22 – 25 Teachers will spend time in class discussing the courses available in their departments  Discussions  PPT’s  Videos  Handouts

5 Core Teachers Submit Recommendations English, Math, Science, and Social Studies teachers will submit course recommendations to the School Counseling Department for each student’s core courses

6 BWHS Student Scheduling: January 28 – February 6 Counselors will meet with students through their English classes Students will review graduation requirements and diploma types Students will select their select their electives for next year

7 Individual Scheduling: February 19 – April Each student will meet individually with his/her counselor to review and refine their core courses and electives. Each student will leave their meeting with a selection of seven courses Student will bring home an unofficial copy of his/her requests for your review

8 Course Selection Letter Sent Home: May 2013 We will mail an official letter detailing your child’s 2013-2014 course requests

9 Course Request Deadline Deadline to change course requests: June 14, 2013. We cannot make course request changes after this date!

10 Schedule Changes Next Year Elective Changes Level Changes

11 Schedule Changes - Electives Students who do not receive their first choice in electives may be permitted to make schedule changes Students who receive their first choice in electives can not be permitted to change their electives unless extenuating circumstances exist

12 Schedule Changes – Academic Levels Level changes will be considered on a case-by-case basis Many factors are considered:  Student input  Parent input  Counselor input  Overall course load  Teacher feedback  Availability of alternate courses  Post-secondary plans  Individual strengths & weaknesses

13 Changes for 2013-2014 No “annex” or “satellite school” No boundary changes this year HS-6 in Loudoun Valley Estates is slated for a 2014-2015 opening  Boundaries to be determined – public meeting TBA  “Rules” to be determined be School Board

14 Changes for 2013-2014 2200 students projected FLEX Period will now be a Study Hall Classrooms = good Class size = good Gym/bleachers = good Cafeteria = 50 additional students per lunch Auditorium = 1042 seats Lockers = good Additional teachers & staff

15 Course Request Deadline Deadline to change course requests: June 14, 2013. We cannot make course request changes after this date!

16 Tonight’s Agenda 7:15 – 7:45, Guidance Presentations  Current juniors will meet in the library  Current sophomores will meet in the choral room  Current freshmen will remain in the auditorium 7:45 – 8:15, Department Fair in the cafeteria

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