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Johnson Logistics Solutions Office of Systems and Information Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Johnson Logistics Solutions Office of Systems and Information Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Johnson Logistics Solutions Office of Systems and Information Technology

2 Follow the rules Stay up to date

3 New programs installed Passwords changed Spam email being sent Increased network activity Security programs uninstalled Computer does things on its own

4 Disconnect network cable Notify Systems staff immediately Run security software –Anti-virus –Anti-spyware/malware

5 Do not use Johnson email address Think before you post Speak for yourself Keep secrets secret Observe security protocols

6 Multiple users have access to resources File sharing Examples Not installed on company owned devices Not used or logged in while on VPN

7 Internet filters Search engine filters Don’t guess the address Secure sites Use your senses


9 Legitimate looking email Real company Asks for personal information to avoid certain disaster Call the company before opening Delete and delete some more Spear phishing f i r s t. l a s t @ j o h n s o n l o g i s t i c s. c o m


11 At least eight characters At least three upper and/or lower case letters plus punctuation, symbols, and numbers Variation Variety I love my cat Iluvmyc@t Iluvmyc@t!2013





16 We defined IT security We identified sources of threats We discussed –Online security –Email security including phishing –Password best practices –Hardware security –Wireless Internet security

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