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Parliamentary Procedure SWASAP EMERGING LEADERS INSTITUTE Jeff Kahlden-Weatherford College.

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2 Parliamentary Procedure SWASAP EMERGING LEADERS INSTITUTE Jeff Kahlden-Weatherford College

3 Characteristics of a presiding Officer Willingness to work Self-confidence Ability to learn parliamentary procedure Well-developed voice Neat appearance Fair and impartial judgement Skill in leading people

4 Importance of Parliamentary Procedure Primary Purpose- Achieving the goals of the meeting Serves as a code of ethics Enhances a democratic way of making a decision Makes a meeting run smooth and timely

5 The Board Often Voted Upon or Appointed Represent the stakeholders Make decisions based upon the membership Accountable to the members Team-Each Member serves a purpose

6 So you chose or got chose to be a president or President-Elect Memorize constantly used procedures Make sure all know what’s being debated upon Learn how to conduct voting Know the steps in a meeting Learn how to handle points of order and appeals Know more about Parliamentary Procedures than others

7 Secretary & Treasurer Secretary Notice of meetings Prepare order of business Read minutes, correspondence, and record minutes Keep official records Treasurer Entrusted with the custody of the organization’s funds Bills and collections Treasurer’s report Arrange Audits

8 Other Board Members Past-President Representatives Parliamentarians Committee Chairs-Standing or Appointed

9 Let’s meet! Establish a quorum Call to Order Establish & Adopt Agenda - Reading & approval of minutes - Reports-Officers - Reports-Committees - Unfinished Business - New Business Adjourn

10 Let’s Get Moving Main Motion Motion is a formal proposal by a member to bring forth business before an assembly To begin- Get Recognized! Stand and Deliver-Mr. Pres. or Madam Pres. - No Sitting - Be proper and loud-Some meetings require name and location

11 After Getting Recognition State your motion: I Move that …. Next-Second it! (Typically you can yell this out or stand to second) The Chair will then state the question The chair is responsible for making sure that it is worded correctly Then its on to Debate

12 Debate Motion is on the floor Debatable Amendable Speakers must be recognized Call for the question Debate needs to be applicable to the motion

13 Question has been called Lets Vote All in favor say… Show of hands Secret Ballot Standing Roll Call It is final following the vote

14 Amendments How Do we Amend Modifies the main motion I move to amend the main motion by…. Must approve/vote on the amendment first Then vote on the amended motion Voting/final Types of Amendments Insert or Add Words Strike Out Words Strike Out and Insert Words

15 Different Types of Votes Majority Vote-Most common and defined as more than half Two-Thirds Vote- required for particular circumstances and most notably suspending the rules Majority of Membership-All members must vote Unanimous Consent or Acclimation Chairman does not vote unless its by ballot or they will change the vote

16 Other types of motions Incidental Point of Order Appeal the Decision of the Chair Suspend Standing Rules Division of Assembly Nominations Parliamentary inquiry Withdraw a motion Subsidiary Lay on the table Previous Question Refer to a committee Amend

17 Parliamentary Procedures The more you study it and use it-The better you will get Remember be firm and committed and most folks will not question you Get help-Appoint a Parliamentarian

18 Lets Practice

19 THE END Keep On Practicing!

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