Defensive Driving & Safety Rules Chapters 3 and 4 in Work Book.

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2 Defensive Driving & Safety Rules Chapters 3 and 4 in Work Book

3 RESTRAINT SAFETY Seat Belt Law GDL: All Who has to wear under basic license? All The lap belt is worn low under the abdomen across the hips. Seat belts prevent –Being thrown from the car –Hitting dashboard or window –Sliding in the seat Child Restraint Law Rear facing: –Under 1; under 20 pounds; 26 inches Convertible Car seat: –than 40 pounds 40 inches Booster seat: –8 years and 80 pounds No one under in front seat –Under 12

4 Examples of Child Seats Rear Facing – new borns / infants Convertible Car Seat – toddlers Booster Seat– Children up to 8 yr. old or 80 lbs.

5 What are ABS? NOT Air bags, no, not “abs” they are anti-lock brakes! How do you test them? –Steady gentle pressure New drivers often –Slam the break possibly causing a skid

6 Windshield If I do not clear…… –Snow or ice The fine may be….. –$200-$500 –Regardless if it does not become dislodged


8 Blind Spot Video Clip Blind Spots!

9 HOW CLOSE IS TOO CLOSE? Stopping distance variables: –Reaction time **What can slow this down?** –Weather conditions –Vehicle size & brake condition –Roadway conditions or slope –Speed Stopping distance at –40 MPH=149 feet –60 MPH=366 feet

10 TURNING Always use a proper signal when: Stopping or slowing Turning Changing lanes At least 100 feet From the proper lane


12 “OH NO, PARALLEL PARKING!” 1.Select a space that is large enough. 2.Signal right to alert other drivers. 3.Check your mirrors before stopping. 4.Pull up alongside the vehicle in front of the empty space. 5.Check blind spots 6.Back up slowly, turning your steering wheel all the way to the right. Always look through the rear window when you are backing up. 7.Check to the side and front occasionally to make sure you are clearing the parked vehicle ahead. 8.When the front of your car can clear the rear bumper of the car parked in front of you, turn the steering wheel to the left while continuing to back up. 9.Look through the back window, and stop to avoid bumping the vehicle behind you. 10.Straighten your wheels and center your car in the parking space. 11.Your vehicle should be no more than 1 foot from the curb! Pg 27


14 SPEED CONTROL: most fatal collisions School Zone/Business/Residential 25 MPH Suburban Business/Residential 35 MPH Other roadways non-posted roads 50 MPH Highways / Interstates 55-65 MPH Drivers pay double fines for exceeding a 65 mph limit by 10 MPH. Double fines also apply to most other moving violations committed in a 65 mph zone. Fines are also doubled in CONSTRUCTION zones.


16 You are to keep to the________unless passing, on a one way street, or when it is impractical to travel on that side of the roadway. State law requires that motorists always yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. You may not pass on the _____to avoid a car turning left. An intersection which is regulated by a traffic signal or regulatory sign is _______. Driving on private property to avoid a traffic signal or sign is a motor vehicle violation.



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