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How to write an Essay Example: Give 3 major reasons why Egyptian civilization remained nearly unchanged for nearly 3000 years. Provide specific examples.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write an Essay Example: Give 3 major reasons why Egyptian civilization remained nearly unchanged for nearly 3000 years. Provide specific examples."— Presentation transcript:


2 How to write an Essay Example: Give 3 major reasons why Egyptian civilization remained nearly unchanged for nearly 3000 years. Provide specific examples from the text, lectures and your own research.

3 How to approach essay writing

4 Preparing and Planning Research is the key task! 1) Read widely 2) Work out a broad structure 3) Put your work in a logical sequence 4) An emerging answer All of this should seamlessly blend into writing the essay.

5 Essay Structure IntroductionMiddleConclusion Abstract SubstantiveConclusive

6 Introduction Beginning (or abstract) Context What is being discussed,argued or demonstrated Use the key phrases in the essay title Keep it relevant

7 Introduction Example “Egyptian gods in the underworld, hearing the prayers of their Egyptian subjects through the priests of their Gods awaken, open the vast caverns of the underworld and push up the precious silt which separates Egypt’s people from the parched desert which surrounds them. In the minds of the Egyptians, this happened almost every year on schedule. This regular pattern served to assure that divine order would continue and change held at bay.”

8 Thesis Statement A one- or two-sentence condensation of the arguments or analysis to follow. For example: “Ancient Egyptian society remained relatively unchanged for almost 3000 years due, in part, to geographical, religious and social factors.”

9 The Main Body (Substantive) §P§Present evidence using specific information §L§Logical order (Chronological?) §A§Analysis (avoid absolutes!) §R§Refer often to the title §B§Balance! (Especially in a question that begins with a quote) §R§Refer to all parts of the question

10 The Main Body (example) Paragraph 1: Description of geographical influences using specific examples: ie. Nile deposits soil, seen as a magical event, etc. Paragraph 2: Egyptian religion discussed using specific examples: names of gods, myths described, holy of holies mentioned, etc. Paragraph 3: Strict Egyptian social structure discussed, pharaoh, Ma’at, nobles, priests etc.

11 Conclusion §Re-state your argument using the key words from the title §Be confident in your argument §Hint at a broader context? §What other issues would you explore, given more time?

12 Conclusion Example “As illustrated above, geographical, religious and social factors influencing Egyptian society played a large role in creating a remarkably stable, but at times stagnant and vulnerable civilization in the Nile River Valley. This situation was very different from early civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. Given more time the writer would explore the role of artistic apprenticeship and its connection to Egyptian tomb “paint-by-number” stylistic artwork.”

13 Essay Writing: A Final Word §Remember that confidence comes from the hard work that you put into your notes and research- if you don’t do this you will not build a logical argument, nor show any understanding of the subject matter. §ESSAY WRITING IS LIKE GARY PLAYER’S VIEW ON GOLF AND SUCCESS……..

14 “The more I practice, the luckier I get.”

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