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How to write an A2 Essay The Basics L.O – To explore/ revise how to write a effective A01 and A02 at A2.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write an A2 Essay The Basics L.O – To explore/ revise how to write a effective A01 and A02 at A2."— Presentation transcript:


2 How to write an A2 Essay The Basics L.O – To explore/ revise how to write a effective A01 and A02 at A2

3 How to approach essay writing

4 Preparing and Planning Research is the key task! 1) Read widely 2) Work out a broad structure 3) Put your work in a logical sequence 4) An emerging answer All of this should seamlessly blend into writing the essay.

5 Essay Structure A01 IntroductionMiddleSummary Abstract SubstantiveSummative In an A01 you PEE

6 Introduction A01 Beginning (or abstract) Context What is being discussed,argued or demonstrated Use the key phrases in the essay title Keep it relevant

7 The Main Body (Substantive) A01 §P§Present evidence §D§Don’t forget to PEE (It is not good enough just to regurgitate information with no backing.) §L§Logical order §R§Refer often to the title §R§Refer to all parts of the question (Level 5) §S§Show connection to other subject areas/ knowledge, internal or external of R.E. (The stronger and more convincing they are the higher your marks)

8 Summary (A01) §Only needs to be a few sentences just rounding off the essay so it comes to a natural and not abrupt ending.

9 Essay Structure A02 IntroductionMiddleConclusion Abstract SubstantiveConclusive In an A02 you PEA Abstract Conclusion Substantive OR!!!!!!

10 Introduction A02 Slightly less detail if its on the same topic as the A01 Can be followed by your conclusion Your introducing your critical arguments

11 The middle A02 §You need to form an ARGUMENT §Not a comparison, an ARGUMENT §You PEA instead of PEE §Independent thought, however this does not mean making bland or opinionated or unsupported critical comments. §

12 Conclusion (A02) §Re-state your argument using the key words from the title §Be confident in your argument §Come to an answer or a conclusion to answer the question §Your essay is a journey and your conclusion is the destination. §

13 Essay Writing: A Final Word §Remember that confidence comes from the hard graft that you put into your notes and research- if you don’t do this you will not build a logical argument, nor show any understanding of the subject matter. §ESSAY WRITING IS LIKE GARY PLAYERS VIEW ON GOLF AND SUCCESS……..

14 “The more I practice, the luckier I get.”

15 Essays §In pairs go through the essays I have given you to mark for homework §Discuss what mark you gave them and why §Go through and PEE or PEA, you may want to use different coloured pencil crayons to gently shade in each section.

16 Now your turn to PEA about something. ‘Which is better…’ §Blackberry or Iphone §Diet or full fat coke §Saturdays or Sundays §Exams or coursework §School uniform or casual §Sixth form or college §Ben and Jerry’s or Häagen-Dazs §Common room or study room §Year 12 or 13 AbstractconclusionSubstantive

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