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B usiness P ermits and L icensing S ystem ( BPLS) Computerizationfor LGUs LGUs.

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Presentation on theme: "B usiness P ermits and L icensing S ystem ( BPLS) Computerizationfor LGUs LGUs."— Presentation transcript:

1 B usiness P ermits and L icensing S ystem ( BPLS) Computerizationfor LGUs LGUs

2 2 Jumpstarting Electronic Governance in Local Govt Units (eLGU) Project – Applications Devt Copmponent for BPLs Local Implementation of National Competitiveness for Economic Growth (LINC-EG) BPLS Computerization Project Coverage

3 eLGU BPLS one of the priority systems in the Applications Development Component of the (“Jumpstarting Electronic Governance for Local Government Units (eLGU) Project ”.

4 eLGU BPLS Objective : To establish a computer-based business permits and licensing system that will not only effectively enhance the business tax collection performance of the LGU and support the need for information vital to the monitoring of delinquent and inactive business enterprises, but also, and more importantly, uplift the quality of service being rendered to the public.

5 eLGU BPLS System Features System Features Covers the complete business cycle processing for Business ( Application, Assessment, Approval, Payment, Releasing ) OST-based, web- enabled, SMS-capable and GIS ready

6 Target Beneficiaries : Municipality LGUs eLGU BPLS

7 TotaL Deployment : 174 LGUs Full System Implementation : eLGU LGUs : 16 Lgus CESO LGUs : 49 Lgus

8 An offshoot of multi agency and multi sectoral nationwide project on streamlining BPLS to simplify business registration process in the country BPLS Computerization Guidelines for LGUs Rationale: Since the BPLS streamlining project covers ALL cities and municipalities, there is a need to provide a more general set of guidelines for LGUs who have streamlined their BPLS processes and would like to embark on the next component which is … automating their BPLS.

9 LINC-EG BPLS Computerization Guide Project Objectives : 1. To develop a base design that incorporates all the mandatory regulatory requirements for BPLS ( which the NCC can use in inviting private sector software companies to develop a more comprehensive systems application design which the NCC can then recommend to the LGUs ) 2. To provide LGUs with a generic set of guidelines on how they can automate their business permits and licensing systems.

10 Timeframe : February - June 2011 LINC-EG BPLS Computerization Guide Project

11 Activities : Data Gathering on the BPLS Computerization Experience in Selected LGUs BPLS guidelines preparation incorporating a minimum set of standards for LGUs willing to computerize their BPLS BPLS base design development to serve as input to the development of a more comprehensive/detailed systems application design for a computerized BPLS. BPLS Computerization Guidelines for LGUs

12 Project Status : Phase I - Scoping and Data Gathering

13 BPLS Computerization Guidelines for LGUs Implementing Partners :

14 Commission on Information and Communications Technology

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