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Moving Teams to High Performance
Facilitator Notes: Xxxxxxxxxxx © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Agenda Time Topic 00:00 Introductions Topic title End of Session
Fill in the table on the slide with the times and topics. These can be very specific or very general. Be sure to include any breaks along with the start and end times. During the training today we will cover the following: Quickly review the planned agenda This training is scheduled to run for XXX hours, and we’ll take break(s) at approximately [times]. This session will be highly interactive. What questions do you have about what we plan to cover? © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Workshop Objectives At the end of this training… [objective #1]
Objectives are not included in the training sessions as they are specific to the business. Complete your workshop objectives based on the key skills or knowledge you want the participants to learn A good beginning for a list of objectives is: At the end of this training, the participants will be able to … Possible objectives are: Recognize the elements of a top team Trace team development through 4 stage model Identify techniques to accelerate team development Create list of actions for each stage © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Getting to High Performance
Top Team What are the characteristics that you think define a top team? Have participants call out traits of an ideal top team. Flip chart their answers W - Use the blank slide and annotation text feature to record the answers the group provides. © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Getting to High Performance
Trust Common goals Flexible Empowered Balanced Top Team Clear Mission Problem solving Individual self esteem Conflict resolution Leadership Accessible/visible Recognition Purpose Morale Look at the list that populates the slide. Point out how it is similar to the list the group suggested. There are many characteristics of a top team. The goal of the workshop is to help you move your team toward having these characteristics. Interaction Nimble Respected Clarity of roles Open Communications Focused Relationships Decision-making power Decisive Productive Involvement Motivation © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Stages of Team Development
Performing Feeling excited about participating in team activities Feeling team strength Showing high confidence in accomplishing tasks Sharing leadership Performing at high levels Norming Forming Resolving discrepancies Developing trust, support and respect Developing self-esteem and confidence Being more open and giving more feedback Sharing responsibility and control Using team language Feeling moderately eager Anxiety Where do I fit? What is expected of me? Testing the situation and people The Tuckman model has been around since the mid 1960s with little change. It has stood the test of time. The model states that all teams go through 4 stages of team development: forming, storming, norming, and performing. It’s important to know that it’s normal to go through these stages (including Storming), but not “normal” to stay too long in any one stage. How quickly you move through the stages depends on the actions that you take as a leader. Each box will animate onto the slide. As you go through the stages, you may want to walk through an example of a team (work, sports, etc.). Forming – teams always begin in this stage and will return to it whenever there is a change to the team make-up (when people leave and new people join). It is in the forming stage that it’s important for a Leader to set clear expectations and provide the direction needed during uncertainty. There tends to be much cooperation and face-to-face agreement but may need to address unspoken opinions and disagreements. Storming – once the team members become more familiar with each other, they are more comfortable to disagree and state true feelings and beliefs. Conflict, frustration, and competition for power are common. Norming – in this stage, members begin to create ‘rules’ for working together including managing conflicts, roles, balancing workload, and understanding each other’s work styles. Performing – the performing stage, the team is operating smoothly. This does not mean there is not conflict or disruptions but the team has set the rules for handling these Storming Discrepancy between hopes and reality Feeling frustrated incompetent and confused : anger around goals, tasks and action plans Reacting negatively toward leaders and other members Competing for power and/or attention Team Development Model – Bruce Tuckman © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Forming Performing Norming Storming Assignment
On a blank piece of paper, create a cross-hatch and label as shown As these concepts are covered, there will be an assignment. The goal is to leave the training with a one-page document with actionable items that you can do to move your team to high performance. Ask participants to take out a sheet of paper and mark it with a cross-hatch (as shown) with Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing marked in the appropriate corners. Norming Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Forming Performing Norming Storming
This slide is an example of what your sheet of paper should look like. Norming Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Forming Performing Norming Storming Assignment
On a blank piece of paper, create a cross-hatch and label as shown After each section we cover (forming, storming, norming, and performing) write specific ideas that will help you move through the process Avoid general comments like “Build relationships” Be specific – “Build relationships through team building activities during the first 5 minutes of the weekly team meeting” This is what you will need to do: After each section we cover (forming, storming, norming, and performing) write specific ideas that will help you move through the process Avoid general comments like “Build relationships” Be specific – “Build relationships through weekly team building activities during the first 5 minutes of the team meeting” At the end of the session you will have a actionable list that you can implement. Norming Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Stages of Team Development
Performing Feeling excited about participating in team activities Feeling team strength Showing high confidence in accomplishing tasks Sharing leadership Performing at high levels Norming Forming Resolving discrepancies Developing trust, support and respect Developing self-esteem and confidence Being more open and giving more feedback Sharing responsibility and control Using team language Feeling moderately eager Anxiety Where do I fit? What is expected of me? Testing the situation and people This is a transition slide from exercise explanation to the topic Storming Discrepancy between hopes and reality Feeling frustrated incompetent and confused : anger around goals, tasks and action plans Reacting negatively toward leaders and other members Competing for power and/or attention © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Team Development is a Cycle
Performing Team members Team leadership Goals/objectives Project Norming Forming What can make a team move back to Forming? Whenever there is a change in: Team members Team leadership Goals and objectives Projects Click to open the list. Team development is a cycle that can happen at any time in the development process. (click to show lines from Storming and Norming). Changes always make the team revert to the Forming stage. The speed in which the team progresses through the different stages again will depend on: Size of the change Experience of remaining team members Experience of the leader The team must go through all 3 stages to get to Performing, no matter where it was when it moved back to Forming stage. If you think you’ve skipped a stage, look at little closer. Teams rarely will skip a stage. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Team Development Performing Norming Forming Storming
Feeling excited about participating in team activities Feeling team strength Showing high confidence in accomplishing tasks Sharing leadership Performing at high levels Norming Forming Resolving discrepancies Developing trust, support and respect Developing self-esteem and confidence Being more open and giving more feedback Sharing responsibility and control Using team language Feeling moderately eager Anxiety Where do I fit? What is expected of me? Testing the situation and people As with a project, you need to plan and attend to many details early phases to ensure a successful implementation. Same with a team. If you take care of the priority tasks in the Forming and Storming stages, this will set you up for success and make moving to and through norming and performing much easier. Storming Discrepancy between hopes and reality Feeling frustrated, incompetent, and confused: anger around goals, tasks and action plans Reacting negatively toward leaders and other members Competing for power and/or attention © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming And, if you focus much of your energy during the Forming stage, the Storming will be minimized. These are some key actions that will create a solid foundation and help you move a team through the stages more quickly. Read bullets. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Explain the team development stages to your team Discuss the steps for going through the Forming stage and how important it is to establish a strong foundation Provide key examples of what you, as the leader, will be doing Describe the situation with the confidence that the team will be successful Remind the team that this is a natural part of successful team development Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming These are some fundamental topics and techniques the team leader can share with the team. Touch on each one briefly adding any comments that will support. Explain the team development stages to your team Discuss the steps for going through the Forming stage and how important it is to establish a strong foundation Provide key examples of what you, as the leader, will be doing Describe the situation with the confidence that the team will be successful Remind the team that this is a natural part of successful team development Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming Setting expectations for the team about what the journey will help head off disappointments. What do you think will be impacted by going through the team development process? Possible answers: morale, productivity, and commitment. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming Productivity As the team goes through the team development process, two areas are impacted. Productivity will take a dip during the first two stages of the team development process. This is an important expectation to have and communicate to both the team and those looking at team/business performance. It is a natural part of building an engaged, high-performance work team. Commitment – In the forming stage, commitment begins high; team members are excited about the prospect of the new experience. Commitment drops off during the storming stage then begins to climb again during the norming and performing stage. As a leader, what do you think is important to demonstrate throughout the team development process? Look for and discuss answers like: Consistency Support Communications Storming Forming Storming Norming Performing © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Commitment Norming Forming Productivity As the team goes through the team development process, two areas are impacted. Productivity will take a dip during the first two stages of the team development process. This is an important expectation to have and communicate to both the team and those looking at team/business performance. It is a natural part of building an engaged, high-performance work team. Commitment – In the forming stage, commitment begins high; team members are excited about the prospect of the new experience. Commitment drops off during the storming stage then begins to climb again during the norming and performing stage. As a leader, what do you think is important to demonstrate throughout the team development process? Look for and discuss answers like: Consistency Support Communications Storming Forming Storming Norming Performing © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Company Purpose What is the purpose of your team? Use the team exercise to help define your purpose Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming Every team has a purpose but not every team knows what its purpose is. Ask if anyone knows the [company] purpose? Congratulate the person who knows the purpose (if someone steps up). Click to reveal the purpose: To enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural and social environments. What is the purpose of your team? Write answers on a flip chart. W – write on the blank slide Note that most teams will have a very general purpose (e.g., serve the customer with quality work) where more high-level teams will need to examine their purpose more deeply. As a leader, it’s important to make sure your team understands its purpose Click to reveal the ‘Use the team exercise. . .’ Using the annotation text tool, type in one or two purposes that are volunteered in the white space below the question Storming Source: Tuckman © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Team Purpose Exercise Have your team members discuss these questions to help define the purpose of the team What’s the reason that our group exists? What does our group produce? Why is it important? How does our work affect our external customer(s)? How does our work allow others in the division/organization to function more effectively? ‘ Continued on next slide This exercise is an example of that can be used in a team meeting. It won’t be used during this training. Briefly go through the process for conducting this exercise: In order to help discover your team’s purpose, conduct this exercise with your team: During a team meeting, ask the team the questions on the slide and discuss the answers From the discussions, form a one-sentence statement that describes your team and its purpose Get team member agreement on the purpose © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Team Purpose Exercise (continued)
What differentiates us from other groups in this division/organization? What activities are you each involved in? With what groups/people do you need to work? Who depends on your work to get their work done? Which groups’ output do you depend on in order to get your work done? This slide is a continuation of the previous slide © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming Clarifying goals, priorities and tasks will help the team stay focused on the most important things. Involving your team in defining them will help build commitment. People help support what they help to create. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Five executives of one energy company’s senior management team were asked to list the top ten priorities Only 2 were consistent for all members Only 7 were consistent with 2 – 3 members Thirteen priorities were mentioned by only one team member Teamwork at the Top Erika Herb What are your team’s top goals and priorities? Do your team members agree? How do you know? Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming A great example of not focusing on goals and priorities is this study from Teamwork at the Top. Go over the results of the report. What are your team’s top goals and priorities? Listen to answers (or write on a flip chart) Do your team members agree? and How do you know? Discuss the need to be sure the team has the same ideas of what the priorities are. It is very common for assumptions to be made Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Focus on goals, priorities, and tasks Find out from your team what they think are the top 1-2 priority goals for your team for: The next month The next 3 months The next 6 months – 1 year Discuss and confirm goals and priorities Make sure there is alignment with business line and regional goals and priorities Identify timeframes and measures of success Confirm who is individually and collectively responsible for goals Brainstorm supporting tasks and strategies to achieve the goals Discuss what the team should start, stop, and continue doing Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming These are tips for focusing on goals, priorities, and tasks. Go over each briefly and answer questions Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Virtuoso Teams for Excellent Results Chose members on skills and focus on specialties Emphasize the individual and elicit the best from each player Focus on ideas Work together and intensively Provide direct feedback Ensure that creativity trumps efficiency Virtuoso Teams HBR, August, 2005 Performing Norming Forming Go over the points from the Virtuoso Teams (Harvard Business Review) article using comic as the example Choose members. . . – when we get to select our own members, we should look for a variety of talents Emphasize the individual. . . – whether we select our own team or not, find the skills that they do best and find a way to utilize the talent Focus on ideas – let people express ideas freely acknowledging that you don’t have to use every idea that is presented Work together. . . – make sure the team understands that working together is an important aspect of reaching high performance Provide direct feedback. . . – team members should be able to provide feedback to each other although, in the Forming stage, feedback is often viewed as criticism Ensure that creativity. . . – some of the best ideas might be ignored because of the ‘that’s not the way we do it’ philosophy. Be sure that you as a leader are open to creativity Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Now that you are a new team, what team norms do you need to establish? Performing Group norms are important to establish Why? What procedures are important to establish? Write the group answers on a flip chart. W - Use the annotation text tool to type the answers on the blank area of the slide. Norming Forming Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Now that you are a new team, what team norms do you need to establish? Communications Meeting management Conflict management Performance management Problem-solving Decision-making Project management Rewards/recognition Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming These are some of the common answers to the exercise. Make note of any significant differences between the lists. Because the answers are on the previous slide, toggle back and forth to compare. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Examples of Team Norms Performing Norming Forming Ask participants to come up with a list of examples of team norms. List answers on a flip chart page. Discuss key or unique answers. Using the text tool, type the examples that participants call out on the blank slide Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Examples of Team Norms “We will be accountable for meetings: we will participate, be on time, bring what we are responsible for, find out what we missed if absent.” “Decisions of the team will be made in our team meetings and not questioned outside the meeting.” “We will not use the ‘Reply to All’ button on our unless the information is essential to all team members. “We will communicate by phone first and follow up with a short confirming the discussion” Performing Norming Forming These are some of the common answers to the exercise. Make note of any significant differences between the lists. Because the answers are on the previous slide, toggle back and forth to compare. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming Building relationships and rapport is one of the areas that often gets pushed aside because of more pressing matters – productivity seems more urgent or the team isn’t comfortable with the more soft relationship-building processes. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Building relationships and rapport Conduct and participate in team-building exercises Work on strategic projects together Knowledge sharing Identify what results in mistrust Fostering Executive Team Strength Corporate Executive Board Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming These are some ways to build relationships and rapport. Team building activities – there are books of icebreakers and team building activities available. Work on strategic projects together – working on a strategic project provides opportunity for communication in many different circumstances, including under stress Knowledge sharing – provide a venue and environment to share knowledge amongst the team Identify what results in mistrust – if situations are resulting in mistrust amongst the team members, identify it and address it quickly Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming Spending time together as a team (beyond work) is often difficult but is essential to team cohesiveness. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team What types of social activities have you done with your team? Performing Norming Forming What types of social activities have you done with your team? Write answers on a flip chart. Discuss emphasizing that it should be a true social event that is of interest to all that doesn’t require any special skills. Write social activities answers on the slide using the annotation text tool. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team What types of social activities have you done with your team? Saturday BBQ (with the families) Group lunch Sporting event or show tickets Quarterly awards dinner Performing Norming Forming These are some examples of social activities Toggle back and forth to compare these answers to the answers given by the participants Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Tips and techniques for spending time together All participate in activities Social aspect - use time to get to know each other Invite spouse and family members Create a schedule Performing Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Norming Forming These are some tips for spending time together: All participate in activities – there should be an opportunity for everyone to participate. The activity should not be a specialty activity that not everyone can participate Social aspect – there should be a social activity built in – a meal, a time to mingle, or some other activity that allows people to talk informally Invite the spouse and family members – when possible, invited the spouse and family members. Make it a family-friendly activity (remember, the staff will spend almost as much waking time with the team as with their own family) Create a schedule – as with so many other competing priorities, if it doesn’t get scheduled, it doesn’t get done. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team Performing Norming Forming This is a transition slide out of the explanation and into the exercise Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Forming Performing Norming Storming
What specific actions can you take during Forming? Acknowledge the situation Map out the journey of the team’s life, what are the predictable highs and lows Establish the common purpose of the team Focus on goals, priorities and tasks Make it clear how people contribute to the purpose and goals – role, skills and experience Establish team norms Build relationships and rapport Spend time together as a team EXERCISE Give participants 2 – 3 minutes to come up with at least 4 specific ideas for moving their team(s) through the Forming stage. Remind them that you are looking for specific actions they can take, not general concepts. Ask participants to report back on their ideas. Push back when the idea seems to general – get more specific ideas. Write the ideas on a piece of flip chart paper titled ‘Forming Ideas’ Use the annotation text tool to write the ideas on a slide. Save the slide show with annotations at the end of the program and copy the ideas to a document. Send the document to the participants. Norming Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Norming Forming This is a transition slide to move the group from the Forming stage to the Storming stage. Click to close Forming and open the attributes of Storming. Go over the attributes of Storming explaining that the next step is to look how to accelerate the team through this stage. Storming Discrepancy between hopes and reality Feeling frustrated incompetent and confused : anger around goals, tasks and action plans Reacting negatively toward leaders and other members Competing for power and/or attention © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Norming Forming Storming is natural and essential for change Allow expression of differences (and frustrations) Handle disagreement ‘there and then’ and encourage team members to do likewise Reinforce positive conflict resolution efforts Revisit roles, goals, tasks and expectations Balance individual needs with the overall team needs This is a transition slide to introduce the accelerated techniques. Move to the next slide and the first bullet Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Storming is natural and essential for change! Norming Forming Storming is natural and essential for change Allow expression of differences (and frustrations) Handle disagreement ‘there and then’ and encourage team members to do likewise Reinforce positive conflict resolution efforts Revisit roles, goals, tasks and expectations Balance individual needs with the overall team needs The key is that Storming is a natural part of team development Click to open the icon – emphasize that Storming is a natural part of team development and must be addressed. Storming cannot be bypassed. Use examples of high performance teams you’ve worked with or teams you know of and how they went through the Storming stage Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Ways to improve expressions of differences Group norms (from the Forming stage) Communications Meeting management Conflict management Problem solving Norming Forming Storming is natural and essential for change Allow expression of differences (and frustrations) Handle disagreement ‘there and then’ and encourage team members to do likewise Reinforce positive conflict resolution efforts Revisit roles, goals, tasks and expectations Balance individual needs with the overall team needs Why is it important to find ways to express differences? Look for answers like: Differences often are misunderstood Differences will continue to create conflict Provides an opportunity for communication Open text box and go over ways to help improve expression of differences. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Handle disagreements immediately: Teach staff to resolve conflict themselves Set expectations as you determine roles Reinforce your expectations – be consistent! Walk the talk Norming Forming Storming is natural and essential for change Allow expression of differences (and frustrations) Handle disagreement ‘there and then’ and encourage team members to do likewise Reinforce positive conflict resolution efforts Revisit roles, goals, tasks and expectations Balance individual needs with the overall team needs Next is the concept of handling disagreements immediately (open the text box to cover some tips for doing so.) Teach staff. . . – if the staff can resolve its own conflicts, the leader doesn’t have to get involved. When team members are handling conflict on their own, the team is well on its way to the Norming stage Set clear expectations. . . – conflict often comes from misunderstanding of roles. If these roles were set in the Forming stage, this may be less of an issue. If not, set the expectations again Reinforce expectations – once roles have been established, stick to them (the Storming stage often leads to territorial battles) Walk the talk – when your have a conflict or see a conflict, deal with it immediately and let team know that you have done so Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing “What get’s reinforced, get’s repeated” Brian Tracy Rewards/recognition Performance and developmental feedback – formal and informal Norming Forming Storming is natural and essential for change Allow expression of differences (and frustrations) Handle disagreement ‘there and then’ and encourage team members to do likewise Reinforce positive conflict resolution efforts Revisit roles, goals, tasks and expectations Balance individual needs with the overall team needs When the leader sees conflict being managed, it should be reinforced positively. Open the text box. Reinforcement can be done with immediate recognition, during evaluation periods, and by providing feedback. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Revisit roles, goals, tasks and expectations: During team meetings and one-on-ones On a scheduled basis With yourself Be vigilant following and reinforcing roles, goals, tasks, and expectations Norming Forming Storming is natural and essential for change Allow expression of differences (and frustrations) Handle disagreement ‘there and then’ and encourage team members to do likewise Reinforce positive conflict resolution efforts Revisit roles, goals, tasks and expectations Balance individual needs with the overall team needs Revisit and reinforce roles even when no conflict exists – keep the topic open and clear. Open text box and go over when you can revisit roles. Emphasize that the leader should schedule this as a normal part of the team process. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Team Individual Norming Forming Storming is natural and essential for change Allow expression of differences (and frustrations) Handle disagreement ‘there and then’ and encourage team members to do likewise Reinforce positive conflict resolution efforts Revisit roles, goals, tasks and expectations Balance individual needs with the overall team needs Balance team and individual needs. What does it mean to balance team and individual needs? Look for: Sometimes the needs of the team and needs of the individual aren’t the same. Are both valid needs? Look for: Yes they are both valid Open text box ask participants to make a list of team needs (what does the group, as a team, need) and individual needs (what to individuals need). Look for: Team – work together, success, use resources wisely, good leader Individual – work on challenging projects, success, flexibility, use skills and talents Discuss the differences and similarities. Pick one difference and discuss how the leader might address this need without impacting the team or de-motivating the individual. Using the annotation text tool, write responses on the slide on each side of the scale Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Norming Forming Storming Storming is natural and essential for change Allow expression of differences (and frustrations) Handle disagreement ‘there and then’ and encourage team members to do likewise Reinforce positive conflict resolution efforts Revisit roles, goals, tasks and expectations Balance individual needs with the overall team needs Transition slide into the exercise © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Forming Performing Norming Storming
What specific actions can you take during Storming? Storming is natural and essential for change Allow expression of differences (and frustrations) Handle disagreement ‘there and then’ and encourage team members to do likewise Reinforce positive conflict resolution efforts Revisit roles, goals, tasks and expectations Balance individual needs with the overall team needs EXERCISE Give participants 2 – 3 minutes to come up with at least 4 specific ideas for moving their team(s) through the Storming stage. Remind them that you are looking for specific actions they can take, not general concepts. Ask participants to report back on their ideas. Push back when the idea seems to general – get more specific ideas. Write the ideas on a piece of flip chart paper titled ‘Storming Ideas’ Use the annotation text tool to write the ideas on a slide. Save the slide show with annotations at the end of the program and copy the ideas to a document. Send the document to the participants. Norming Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Team Development Performing Norming Forming Storming
Feeling excited about participating in team activities Feeling team strength Showing high confidence in accomplishing tasks Sharing leadership Performing at high levels Norming Forming Resolving discrepancies Developing trust, support and respect Developing self-esteem and confidence Being more open and giving more feedback Sharing responsibility and control Using team language Feeling moderately eager Anxiety Where do I fit? What is expected of me? Testing the situation and people This slide shows the entire process. The first two stages, Forming and Storming, done correctly will make the last two stages more successful. Check if there are questions about Forming and Storming before moving into Norming and Performing Storming Discrepancy between hopes and reality Feeling frustrated incompetent and confused : anger around goals, tasks and action plans Reacting negatively toward leaders and other members Competing for power and/or attention © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Team Development Performing Norming Forming Storming
Feeling excited about participating in team activities Feeling team strength Showing high confidence in accomplishing tasks Sharing leadership Performing at high levels Norming Forming Resolving discrepancies Developing trust, support and respect Developing self-esteem and confidence Being more open and giving more feedback Sharing responsibility and control Using team language Feeling moderately eager Anxiety Where do I fit? What is expected of me? Testing the situation and people Transition slide to the Norming stage Storming Discrepancy between hopes and reality Feeling frustrated incompetent and confused : anger around goals, tasks and action plans Reacting negatively toward leaders and other members Competing for power and/or attention © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Norming Forming Find areas that the team agrees on and focus on the positives, what the team does well Develop self-esteem and confidence in individuals and in the team by celebrating success Encourage open feedback Ask people to review and improve processes This is a transition slide into the first bullet Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Norming Forming Find areas that the team agrees on and focus on the positives, what the team does well Develop self-esteem and confidence in individuals and in the team by celebrating success Encourage open feedback Ask people to review and improve processes As a team enters the Norming stage, areas of agreement will become apparent. These might include successes on projects, internal collaborations, and external recognition. As a leader, it is important to focus on these strengths, especially in the early stages of Norming. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Basic Rules for Celebrations Available to all Based on a specific accomplishment Reasonable Consistent Norming Forming Find areas that the team agrees on and focus on the positives, what the team does well Develop self-esteem and confidence in individuals and in the team by celebrating success Encourage open feedback Ask people to review and improve processes When the strengths begin to emerge, celebrate successes with the team. Open the text box for basic rules. If there is time, ask the question below. If there isn’t time, click for some basic answers What would you think are some basic rules for celebrations. Write the answers on a flip chart Discuss answers then open answers on the slide: Available to all – don’t leave anyone out because of dietary restrictions (due to food) or location (if on a remote team). Based on a specific accomplishment – what get’s recognized, gets repeated Reasonable – the reward fits to accomplishment Consistent – don’t skip the process for any reason Use the annotation text tool to write answers on the text box. Before revealing the answers on the text box, erase your annotations. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Encourage feedback by Listening to team members Asking for members to share feedback and encouraging push-back Coaching team members on giving and receiving feedback Norming Forming Find areas that the team agrees on and focus on the positives, what the team does well Develop self-esteem and confidence in individuals and in the team by celebrating success Encourage open feedback Ask people to review and improve processes In Forming, open feedback was offered and received with courtesy; in Storming, it was offered and received as a way to criticize and created conflict. In Norming, feedback should be truly open and received as an opportunity to improve. The leader in the Norming stage is encouraging that team members talk candidly with each other and address any potential conflict. The leader can encourage feedback by: Listening to conversations in meetings Prompting feedback and pushback Coaching individuals in communication techniques – both in giving and receiving feedback Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Norming Forming Find areas that the team agrees on and focus on the positives, what the team does well Develop self-esteem and confidence in individuals and in the team by celebrating success Encourage open feedback Ask people to review and improve processes Process improvement is one of the most exciting aspects of the Norming stage. In Forming, process improvement was difficult because processes may have been changed in order to make others happy. In Storming, process improvement may have met with resistance due to power struggles and personality conflicts. The Norming stage offers the opportunity for process improvement with the intent of improved production and efficiencies. The leader can encourage process improvement by giving individuals and task teams the opportunity to work on proposals to be considered by the team. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Norming Forming Find areas that the team agrees on and focus on the positives, what the team does well Develop self-esteem and confidence in individuals and in the team by celebrating success Encourage open feedback Ask people to review and improve processes This is a transition slide into the exercise Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Forming Performing Norming Storming
What specific actions can you take during Norming? Find areas that the team agrees on and focus on the positives, what the team does well Develop self-esteem and confidence in individuals and in the team by celebrating success Encourage open feedback Ask people to review and improve processes EXERCISE Give participants 2 – 3 minutes to come up with at least 4 specific ideas for moving their team(s) through the Norming stage. Remind them that you are looking for specific actions they can take, not general concepts. Ask participants to report back on their ideas. Push back when the idea seems to general – get more specific ideas. Write the ideas on a piece of flip chart paper titled ‘Norming Ideas’ Use the annotation text tool to write the ideas on a slide. Save the slide show with annotations at the end of the program and copy the ideas to a document. Send the document to the participants. Norming Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Team Development Performing Norming Forming Storming
Feeling excited about participating in team activities Feeling team strength Showing high confidence in accomplishing tasks Sharing leadership Performing at high levels Norming Forming Resolving discrepancies Developing trust, support and respect Developing self-esteem and confidence Being more open and giving more feedback Sharing responsibility and control Using team language Feeling moderately eager Anxiety Where do I fit? What is expected of me? Testing the situation and people Address the key points of the Performing stage. Note that this is the highest stage and can be vulnerable to change. Storming Discrepancy between hopes and reality Feeling frustrated incompetent and confused : anger around goals, tasks and action plans Reacting negatively toward leaders and other members Competing for power and/or attention © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Share decision making, ownership, and accountability Continue to celebrate success and look for new challenges yet Watch for overconfidence in the team Norming Forming This is a transition slide into the keys to maintaining the Performing stage. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Share decision making, ownership, and accountability Continue to celebrate success and look for new challenges yet Watch for overconfidence in the team Norming Forming Begin to delegate decision-making, ownership, and accountability with the team members, both as individuals and as a group. Provide team decision-making opportunities Teach team members how to reach a decision together Coach team members and individuals toward good decisions and explain the reasons for your direction As a leader, delegation is an important skill. What are decisions you can delegate (or will be able to delegate when the team reaches this stage)? List different options on a flip chart page Use the annotation text tool to record the ideas on the page or ask participants to submit ideas through the chat feature. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Share decision making, ownership, and accountability Continue to celebrate success and look for new challenges yet Watch for overconfidence in the team Norming Forming Celebration of success continues into the Performing stage What were the four basic rules of celebrating: Available to all Based on a specific accomplishment Reasonable Consistent The specific accomplishment in the Performing stage may be more difficult to achieve than it was in the Norming stage – performing teams should accomplish bigger challenges. The “…yet” in the text box leads to the next bullet. Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Share decision making, ownership, and accountability Continue to celebrate success and look for new challenges yet Watch for overconfidence in the team Norming Forming Yet, watch for overconfidence in the team. Over confidence can lead to the team: Accepting mediocrity Paying less attention to the team process Losing site of team goals Disengagement (as well as individual disengagement) Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Accelerating Team Development
Performing Share decision making, ownership, and accountability Continue to celebrate success and look for new challenges yet Watch for overconfidence in the team Norming Forming This is a transition slide into the exercise Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Forming Performing Norming Storming
What specific actions can you take during Performing? Share decision making, ownership, and accountability Continue to celebrate success and look for new challenges yet Watch for overconfidence in the team EXERCISE Give participants 2 – 3 minutes to come up with at least 4 specific ideas for moving their team(s) through the Norming stage. Remind them that you are looking for specific actions they can take, not general concepts. Ask participants to report back on their ideas. Push back when the idea seems to general – get more specific ideas. Write the ideas on a piece of flip chart paper titled ‘Norming Ideas’ Use the annotation text tool to write the ideas on a slide. Save the slide show with annotations at the end of the program and copy the ideas to a document. Send the document to the participants. Norming Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Assignment Determine the stage your team is in
Forming Storming Norming Performing Identify at least 3 specific actions you can take to move the team through this stage Some actions may require going back to an earlier stage Create an action plan that you will share with your Manager Team Describe assignment emphasizing that the leader needs to be realistic in order to get the most out of it. Determine stage – be realistic when identifying the stage – don’t out the team in a later stage than it really is Indentify specific actions – this may mean looking at an earlier stage or stages to be sure the team has the foundation to accelerate Create an action plan – writing the plan down makes it more real, sharing it creates a sense of accountability © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Questions Performing Norming Forming Storming
Take questions and discuss answers Storming © The Employee Engagement Group All Rights Reserved
Thank you Thank participants
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