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Teamwork Chapter 6.

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1 Teamwork Chapter 6

2 Why Do We Need Teamwork? Many hands make light work
Sum of the whole is greater than its parts Use collective strengths, personalities, talents, and skills Together we stand, united we fall Can mean the difference between success and failure

3 Transitioning from individual to group to team
Independent—operating individually Interdependent—depending on the help of others Types of groups: Families Friends Neighbors Churches Communities

4 Groups versus teams All groups are not teams Teams have a common goal
Teams have identifiable tasks Teams work for the good of the group Teams collaborate, discuss, and have a shared understanding of their mission Team members get to know each other’s strengths and preferred way of doing things Teams set timelines and meet to discuss progress

5 How to build a successful team
Clear expectations Do team members understand why the team was created? Are the expectations identified for the team’s performance and outcomes? Context Do team members understand why they are participating on the team? Can team members define the team’s importance to the overall goals of the company?

6 How to build a successful team
Commitment Do team members want to participate on the team? Do team members feel that the mission is important? Competence Does the team feel that it has the appropriate people participating? Does the team feel that its members have the knowledge, skill, and capability to address the issues for which the team was formed?

7 How to build a successful team
Charter Has the team taken its assigned area of responsibility and designed its own mission, vision, and strategies to accomplish the mission? Control Does the team have enough freedom and empowerment to feel the ownership necessary to accomplish its charter? Do team members understand their boundaries?

8 How to build a successful team
Collaboration Does the team understand team and group process? Do members understand the stages of group development? Are team members working together effectively interpersonally? Communication Are team members clear about the priority of their tasks? Is there an established method for feedback?

9 How to build successful teams?
Creative Innovation Is the organization really interested in change? Doe it value creative thinking, unique solutions, and new ideas? Does it reward people who take reasonable risks to make improvements? Consequences Do team members feel responsible and accountable for team achievements? Are rewards and recognitions supplied when teams are successful?

10 How to build successful teams
Coordination Are teams coordinated by a central leadership team that assist the groups to obtain what they need for success? Have priorities and resources been allocated? Cultural Change Does the organization recognize that the team-based, collaborative, empowering, enabling organizational culture is different from the traditional, hierarchical organization it may currently be?

11 Impact of Team Building Events
Boost enthusiasm and positive morale People feel good about themselves and each other Employees get to know each other better and have a common experience to talk about at work

12 Team Building Downsides and Risks
Help employees become cynical about their organizations Occurs when the team building events are held outside of the context of the company’s normal way of doing things Example: send people off to team building event but all work incentives are based on individual goals and efforts People lose productive hours complaining

13 Team Building Downsides and Risks
Harm trust, motivation, employee morale Occurs when team events are not followed up with meaningful activities in the workplace People become jaded about such events as a waste of time and energy Occurs when team events have no follow-up

14 Team Building Success Factors
Use a team to plan the event Model behavior you seek from the team building sessions Include teams in overall corporate structure of philosophies, values, and practices People in a team environment share a purpose, vision, mission, and development system that enables people to grow personally and professionally

15 Team Building Success Factors
Reward and recognize team behaviors Teams solve problems and improve processes Team building events can enhance and help an organization grow stronger when used on an ongoing basis

16 Character of Teams The character of the members of the team will have a great impact on how effectively the team functions The character of the team will be no better than the character of the members and how well they work together to accomplish team goals The team is no better than its weakest link

17 Character of Teams Teams must: Have a good reputation
Be respectful of team members, other teams, and community (business, school, church, etc.) Exhibit appropriate behavior Be responsible and live up to the team’s purpose and goals Contribute in a positive way to the improvement, enhancement or growth of the community Understand and accept diversity Care for team resources—human, material, financial

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