SHS Senior Seminar 2011 Your Goal: College and Career Search Apply Fund.

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1 SHS Senior Seminar 2011 Your Goal: College and Career Search Apply Fund

2 Your Counselor Mrs. Mascia (Howell) last names A-Dej Mrs. Connelly last names Del-Lee Ms. Morrissey last names Lef-Ri Mr. Colucci last names Ro-Z

3 Your Senior Folder Informational Packet: Mrs. Mascia Transcript: Mrs. Mascia The Common Application: Mrs. Connelly Financial Aid and Scholarship: Mrs. Connelly

4 Organizing Checklist: Stay Organized and Be Aware of Deadlines!!! Educational Release Form: We will not send your materials to any colleges without it Transcript Request Form: Must Be Submitted to Mrs. Sharnick at least 10 days prior to the deadline. Informational Packet

5 SAT SCORE CHOICE The College Board has approved Score Choice™, an important change to the current SAT® Score reporting policy. This new policy gives students the option to send SAT scores by test date in accordance with a particular college’s score use practice. Score Choice is optional, and if students choose not to use it, all scores are sent automatically. Each college, university and scholarship program has different score-use practices. Students are responsible for following an institution’s practice, and colleges and universities will only receive the scores that students send them. You can select scores only by test date for the SAT and by individual test for the SAT Subject Tests. *You will not be able to select scores by section of the SAT. Any or all of your scores can be sent to a college on a single report. It will not cost more to send multiple or all of your test scores. Score Choice applies only to the score reports that you send to colleges. All scores will continue to go to you and your high school. Remember to take advantage of the four free “score sends” during registration. As part of your registration fee, these can be used to send scores to colleges, universities for scholarship programs. They will not be available for use after the test.

6 Informational Packet Cont. Fee Waivers: Free/Reduced Lunch students may use up to two fee waivers for the SATs, SAT Subject Tests, and up to four college applications. Teacher Recommendations Resume

7 Transcript : Putting it all together What is your transcript? First quarter grades, Mid-Year, Final Grade Reporting

8 Ways to Apply The Common Application Advantages: The obvious advantage to the Common Application is that it saves you time. Instead of typing the same information multiple times, you have only to do it once. More importantly, there's only one personal essay to write. This not only saves time, it allows you to channel all your efforts into crafting a single, flawless essay. –If you choose to complete the application online, you also save postal time and fees. Disadvantages –The main drawback to the Common Application is its limited acceptance. More than 240 colleges and universities currently accept the application, but that is still a fraction of the 4,000+ institutions around the country. –The Common Application continues to grow in acceptance, however, and may one day be accepted by the majority of colleges and universities.

9 Ways to Apply The Common Application Continued How Does it Work? You can use the Common Application in one of two ways: Download it for free at The four-page application functions just like a spreadsheet document, allowing you jump around from field to field, cut and paste text, and save multiple versions of your work. Once the form is complete, just print it out, photocopy it, and send it off to any number of participating institutions. Complete the application online for free at and submit it directly to participating institutions. The site is encrypted for your privacy and requires that you register beforehand. Once you've created an account you can save, alter and revise your application as often as you like before submitting. Your Report Card For Mid-year Grades

10 Ways to Apply CT Mentor: What Is a Mentor System? A Mentor system is an online resource to help students and their families select a college, apply for admission, and plan to finance higher education. CTMentor offers access to information and admissions applications for statewide and independent colleges and universities within Connecticut. The student is responsible for the standard fee charged by a college or university upon submitting an application for admission, but otherwise, Mentor systems are provided free of charge. Paper Applications

11 Scholarships See the Scholarship Bulletin in the Guidance Office/On-Line Use websites and books to learn of scholarships that you are eligible for Some scholarships come directly from the school you will attend Some scholarships come from our community

12 Use Resources in Guidance Office and Library Books Computers for On-Line Search/Applications/SAT Prep/SAT Registrations Counselors and Mrs. Scott in the Library Paper Applications

13 Keep Your Grades Up ! Schools will ask for your mid-year grades and final transcript Don’t relax, you’ve only just begun!

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