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TAKEN FROM CRESWELL, 1990 Teknik Menulis (Scholarly Writing)

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Presentation on theme: "TAKEN FROM CRESWELL, 1990 Teknik Menulis (Scholarly Writing)"— Presentation transcript:

1 TAKEN FROM CRESWELL, 1990 Teknik Menulis (Scholarly Writing)

2 Kesalahan penulis Lebih suka untuk mendiskusikan studi-nya daripada menulis tentang hal tersebut. Writing is thinking and conceptualizing a topic

3 Kiat2 Menulis 1. Pada tahap awal, tuliskan ide2nya daripada membicarakannya 2. Membuat beberapa draft daripada memoles satu draft saja Dua model penulis : the brick-layer dan “the let-it-all- hang-out-on the first-draft”

4 Langkah2 Penulisan 1. Membuat outline (kalimat atau visual map) 2. Menulis dan mengembangkan draft dengan berpatokan pada outline 3. Memoles (polishing) kalimat-kalimatnya

5 Membangun Kebiasaan Menulis The habit of writing : 1. Establish the writing process – the discipline of writing on a continuous and regular basis. 2. Establish good writing habits (Boise, 1990) :

6 The Habit of Writing 1. Make writing a daily activity, regardless mood and readiness to write 2. If you feel you do not have time for regular writing, begin by charting your daily activities for week or two in half-hour blocks. 3. Write while you are fresh 4. Avoid writing in binges 5. Write in small, regular amounts 6. Schedule writing tasks so that you plan to work on specific, finishable units of writing in each session. 7. Keep daily chart 8. Plan beyond daily goals 9. Share your writing with supportive, constructive friends before you feel ready to go public 10. Try to work on two or three writing projects concurrently

7 Dalam Penulisan Draft Gunakan terminologi yang konsisten Gunakan kalimat aktif Rajin meng-edit dan merevisi draft Koreksi tata bahasa (grammar) nya

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