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IS as a tool for Green Growth The EU perspective Teresa Domenech, UCL ISR.

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Presentation on theme: "IS as a tool for Green Growth The EU perspective Teresa Domenech, UCL ISR."— Presentation transcript:

1 IS as a tool for Green Growth The EU perspective Teresa Domenech, UCL ISR

2 EU Policy Strategy in IS Europe 2020 strategy: a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Priority Area: promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy (focus on energy efficiency) Flagship initiative Resource Efficient Europe – Roadmap to a resource efficient Europe Waste in managed as a resource by 2020 Role of IS in boosting efficient production by promoting reuse of raw materials and process residuals Raw Materials Initiative Industrial Policy Communication Update – Markets for waste recycling – Move towards a closed-loop economy (European standards for graded qualities of recycled materials 7 th EAP DG ENT Green Entrepreneurship

3 Stakeholder Advisory Groups European Resource Efficiency Platform (EREP) – Membership – Recommendations to improve resource efficiency in Europe (short term and long term policy actions) European Innovation partnership on raw materials

4 EREP recommendation in IS “The EU and Member States should foster industrial symbiosis by promoting a pan-European network of industrial symbiosis initiatives, under which facilitators could be connected to allow match- making, including across borders and beyond the EU. The potential for creating new, or scaling up existing, networks should be exploited and a platform for knowledge exchange established. This would help companies to source inputs and to get value from their residues”.

5 EU regulation- Encouraging or hindering IS? WFD – review of targets – End-of-waste criteria Extended Producer Responsibility schemes

6 Thanks for your attention! Contact:

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