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NUTRITION Choosing Healthy, Low-Fat Foods. GOOD NUTRITION……………. Gives us more energy, prevents diseases and makes us feel better! The food you eat actually.

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Presentation on theme: "NUTRITION Choosing Healthy, Low-Fat Foods. GOOD NUTRITION……………. Gives us more energy, prevents diseases and makes us feel better! The food you eat actually."— Presentation transcript:

1 NUTRITION Choosing Healthy, Low-Fat Foods

2 GOOD NUTRITION……………. Gives us more energy, prevents diseases and makes us feel better! The food you eat actually makes up the cells in your body. There’s an old saying that we are what we eat! Chose food that will help your body to become stronger and more energetic. Making wise choices about what we eat matters!

3 CARBOHYDRATES Complex CHO (STARCHES)………………….. GRAINS: breads, whole grains, rice, pasta and potatoes Give your brain and muscles energy Are a good source of B vitamins and iron VEGETABLES/FRUITS: broccoli, carrots, salad, pears, apples, etc. Help eyes, hair, blood and boost your immune system Are a good source of vitamins A and C, minerals and fiber “Good Carbohydrates”

4 CARBOHYDRATES Simple CHO (Sugars)……………………………. Made From: White, brown and raw sugars, honey, corn syrup and molasses Provides little nutrition Adds extra calories that can lead to extra body fat “BAD CARBOHYDRATES” Indigestable CHO Fiber…………………………… Can’t be broken down and absorbed Not an energy source

5 PROTEINS Proteins……Help build muscles, fight infection and heal wounds Best Sources….Poultry, fish, peanut butter, beef, tofu and eggs

6 FATS Fats……………. Keep hair and skin soft Protect our organs Insulate our bodies Fuel the body Help to absorb vitamins Help to clot blood Saturated Fats……..Found in butter, cheese, milk products, palm coconut oils ( used in commercial baked foods) Unsaturated Fats…Found in plant foods, fish, oils (olive, peanut canola), tuna, salmon Trans Fats…………Found in many snack foods, baked goods and fried foods I GRAM OF FAT = 9 CALORIES

7 DAILY REQUIREMENTS Based on an 1800 Calorie Diet Carbohydrates…….6o% of 1800 calories.60x 1800 = 1080 calories Proteins…………….10-15% of 1800 calories.15 x 1800 = 270 calories Fats…………………>30% of 1800 calories.25 x 1800 = 450 calories TOTAL 1800 calories

8 LOSE 1# A WEEK Do The Two Step………………………….. 1. Cut 250 calories every day from your diet preferably in the form of fat, sugar and alcohol. 2. Burn 250 extra calories every day with physical activity…….. cycling a few minutes in the morning and walking a mile after lunch. The more you move, the less you need to restrict your diet. 1# = 3500 calories 500 calories x 7 Days = 3500 calories (1#)

9 College Eating and Fitness 101 Healthy eating doesn’t have to be difficult if you keep these general nutrition principles in mind. 1. Eat nutritious meals and snacks: Food is the fuel needed to keep your body and brain energized 2. Balance healthy eating with fitness: Exercise helps to relieve stress and keeps your body strong 3 Listen to your body: Recognize when you are hungry and full

10 Healthy Eating Tips Eat 3 meals /day or 6 smaller meals Down size your portions Try whole-grain breads/cereals Ask yourself, “Am I really hungry?” Eat fruits instead of cookies, cakes or candy Have 21/2 cups of vegetables/day Eat low-fat dairy products Have your big meal at lunch Drink natural fruit juices and water rather than soda Have baked snacks or 94% fat-free microwave popcorn Rather than fried foods have grilled or baked Take a daily vitamin Read labels

11 Fitness in College Life Walk or bike to class Join an intramural/varsity sport Go for a walk with friends Take a fitness class when offered Utilize the Fitness center

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