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Infinite Campus: Parent Portal Training Jesse Rice Elementary September 18, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Infinite Campus: Parent Portal Training Jesse Rice Elementary September 18, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infinite Campus: Parent Portal Training Jesse Rice Elementary September 18, 2014

2 I.What is Parent Portal? II.How do I register for Parent Portal? III. How do I access Parent Portal? IV. What information can I obtain from Parent Portal? V.Parent Portal Help

3 I. What is Parent Portal? Parent Portal allows parents or guardians to access their child’s grades, attendance records, and personal information online. Parent Portal has replaced Parent Connect. Former Parent Connect users must now register for Parent Portal. Registration forms can be obtained from any school office.

4 Return the completed registration form along with a photo ID to any one of your children’s schools II. How do I register for Parent Portal?

5 In approximately 2 weeks parents or guardians can pick up Activation Letter containing your Activation Key from your child’s school office. II. How do I register for Parent Portal?

6 d III. How do I access Parent Portal Access the Bibb County School District website at Click on the (+) sign next to Parent and Student Information

7 d III. How do I access Parent Portal Click on the Parent Portal Link

8 d Click on the down arrow next to HELP when accessing Parent Portal for the first time

9 d If you have been assigned a Campus Portal Activation Key click on the link “Click here”

10 d Enter your Activation Key in the appropriate boxes, and click the submit button

11 d Once you have entered your Activation Key, you will be prompted to enter a User Name (at least 3 characters) and Password (at least 8 characters and contain one number or symbol)

12 d Make a note of your login information, and click the Create Account button

13 d Click on the link “Click here” to access the Parent Portal login page

14 d Enter your User Name and Password, and click the Sign In button

15 d IV. What information can I obtain from Parent Portal?

16 d Use the left side of the screen to navigate to the various areas of the Portal including: 1. Student Information 2. Family Information 3. User Information 4. School Links

17 d Your child’s course schedule Class Assignment Details Assignment Grades A link to e-mail the teacher Attendance information Student Behavior Immunization Record Student Assessment Bus Transportation information Student Fees A To Do list of assignments Printouts of any missing assignments and your child’s course schedule 1. Student Information

18 d Household members Relationship to the children Children’s enrollment Home address Phone numbers E-mail address 2. Family Information

19 d Account Management (Change Password) Contact Preference (Message Contact Preferences) Access Log (Timestamp of account login information) 3. User Information

20 d Bibb County School District Homepage Link: 4. School Links

21 d When you have finished navigating in the Portal, please remember to Log Off using the log off link.

22 d V. Parent Portal Help The Parent Portal Application and User Guide can be found at

23 d Thank you for attending Parent Portal Training!

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