C-1, Getting Serious About Sustainability Julie Whitman Vice President-Programs, Indiana Youth Institute November 17, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "C-1, Getting Serious About Sustainability Julie Whitman Vice President-Programs, Indiana Youth Institute November 17, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 C-1, Getting Serious About Sustainability Julie Whitman Vice President-Programs, Indiana Youth Institute November 17, 2014

2 Steps to Sustainability Mission Clarity Program Evaluation Board Development Strategic Plan Fund Development Plan Execution

3 Mission Clarity Dust off your mission statement Rules about making a mission statement Define your sweet spot: what are you best in the world at? Vow not to do anything else

4 Program Evaluation Define the impact you want to have Not what you do, but what is different because of what you do How do you know? Indicators Gather data, analyze, report Act on the information

5 Board Development Number one requirement: people who are passionate about your mission People who are key connectors: can open doors for you Board members are donors Board education: roles and responsibilities Partnership: the board is not the enemy

6 Strategic Plan Revisit vision and mission, but not forever SWOT analysis Given the external environment and our internal strengths, what are our greatest opportunities? What steps should we take to maximize those opportunities? Mission fulfillment

7 Fund Development Plan Get training Examine current sources of revenue Ways to diversify Prospect research Foundations, corporations, individuals, government Create a concrete plan with goals and a timeline

8 Execution Excellence in programs Financial management systems in place Take steps on fund development plan, track results Avoid mission creep Watch allocation of time

9 Execution, cont. Involve the Board Solicit Prospects Offer choices, ways to help Get them to commit Make it easy for them, reminders Stewardship

10 Resources IYI Managementhelp.org Board Source The Fund Raising School United Way—Nonprofit Resource Network Current funders

11 The Indiana Youth Institute promotes the healthy development of Indiana children and youth by serving the people, institutions, and communities that impact their well-being. Indiana Youth Institute

12 Who We Serve IYI doesn’t serve kids directly; instead, we serve those who work with kids: teachers, school counselors, afterschool program coordinators, youth ministers… anyone who works with youth IYI provides 16 services (13 of which are free) to over 8,000 youth workers in Indiana (www.iyi.org)

13 Information services …to support program development, grant proposals, public awareness of youth issues, and policymaking Training and capacity-building resources …to enhance, expand, and sustain youth services Parent and community involvement tools …to cultivate connections and partnerships that will benefit kids What We Provide

14 Information Services IYI Weekly Update Kids Count in Indiana Data Book and Data Center Virginia Beall Ball Library Issue Briefs Free Custom Research Health Insurance Initiative IYI’s website

15 Training and Capacity Building Resources Regional trainings Webinars Professional Development Grants Because Kids Count Conference Ask IYI Consulting Services Custom Solutions

16 Community Connection Youth Worker Cafes Kids Count Media Indiana Mentoring Partnership College and Career Counseling IYI Outreach Staff

17 Julie Whitman Vice President, Programs jwhitman@iyi.org 317-396-2714 www.iyi.org

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