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RCC Leadership (LEAD) Certificate Leadership, Excellence, and Development Introduction to Leadership Theories.

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Presentation on theme: "RCC Leadership (LEAD) Certificate Leadership, Excellence, and Development Introduction to Leadership Theories."— Presentation transcript:

1 RCC Leadership (LEAD) Certificate Leadership, Excellence, and Development Introduction to Leadership Theories

2 Why should YOU pursue the LEAD Certificate? A LEAD Certificate from the RCC can give you the knowledge to succeed at Temple and beyond LEAD Certification will allow you to: –Develop an understanding of major leadership theories –Determine your own personal leadership philosophy –Practice leadership skills

3 Spring 2012 LEAD Series – 3 Phases Phase I: Intro to Leadership Theory –Review 3 major leadership theories –Choose which 1 or 2 theories you would like to pursue Phase 2: Foundations of Leadership Theory –Attend 2 workshops to delve deeper into the theory you chose Phase 3: Culmination –Complete your written assessment –If completed successfully, attend celebration & receive certification

4 Welcome to Phase 1 The goal of this workshop is to introduce you to the 3 major Leadership Theories you will have the choice to pursue: –Social Change Model of Leadership –Servant Leadership –Transformational Leadership

5 The Social Change Model (SCM) of Leadership Briana Chang Lin Lawson

6 Defining the Social Change Model “Leadership is ultimately about change, and effective leaders are those who are able to affect positive change on behalf of others and society.” (Higher Education Research Institute, 1996, p.10) Change is the ultimate goal of the creative process of leadership- to make a better world and a better society for self and others.” (HERI,p.21) ”How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” -ANNE FRANK

7 What is SCM of leadership? 5ee-k 5ee-k Directions –While you watch, jot down what you think are key ideas in the SCM of leadership development

8 The 7 C’s of Social Change Citizenship Collaboration Common Purpose Controversy with Civility Consciousness of Self Congruence Commitment

9 Social Change Model of Leadership- Basic Premise Inclusive- of people in positional and non-positional roles Leadership is a process (not a position) Promotes values of: equity, social justice, self-knowledge, service, collaboration

10 Overall Goal of the Model Change: Believing in the importance of making a better world and a better society for oneself and others. Believing that individuals, groups, and communities have the ability to work together to make that change.

11 Why get involved in social change? Gain knowledge and opportunity Have an impact Form relationships

12 Real Life examples Uganda Project Pink Gloves

13 Future ideas for SCM…What are your thoughts? What are the needs of Temple or Philadelphia that should be addressed? What has been done to address these needs? What resources do you need to make change happen?

14 Servant Leadership Developing your model Correy Brown Jay Lou

15 Definitions of Leader A person or thing that leads. A guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group. One that leads or guides. One who is in charge or in command of others. One who heads a political party or organization. One who has influence or power, especially of a political nature. A person who rules or guides or inspires others A person who is in front or goes first A person who is the head of, organizes or is in charge (of something) The head …of any body… as of a tribe, clan, or family; a person in authority who directs the work of others…

16 “The Servant as Leader” THE SERVANT-LEADER IS SERVANT FIRST –It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. –Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first…

17 Servant Leadership Traits Listening Empathy Healing Awareness Conceptualization Foresight Stewardship Commitment to the Growth of People Building Community Persuasion

18 Leader Characteristics Awareness Self & Organization “Sharply awake and reasonably disturbed” (Greenleaf) Persuasion Opposite of positional authority Convince and build consensus – quickly Conceptualization B.H.A.G. but S.M.A.R.T. ◦ Big Hairy Audacious Goal & Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time bound Make time for strategy Foresight Consequences of present decisions on future outcomes Focusing on Leading others through these characteristics

19 Combined Characteristics Stewardship Entrusted with resources of others Return on investments Commitment to the Growth of People “Green and growing or ripe and dying” (Hunter) Not just your favorites Building Community Effectiveness Camaraderie Characteristics emerging from the combined Servant & Leader dimensions

20 The best test, and difficult to administer, is: Do those served grow as persons? Do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? Will they benefit or at least not be further deprived?"

21 Characteristic Breakout ServantLeader Awareness Persuasion Conceptualization Foresight Listening Empathy Healing Stewardship Commitment to People Building Community Breaking out Spears’ characteristics into 3 dimensions… SERVANT-LEADER †

22 Servant Characteristics Listening Active, not just passive 360°, top to bottom Listen completely before deciding Empathy Separate person from their work Walk a mile in their shoes Personable with appropriate individuals Healing Help your staff become whole Consider their history Build a future together Focusing on serving others through these characteristics…

23 Paradoxes Servant-Leadership, itself a paradox, requires a constant balance… StrongBe Open To Change Busy Listen Admit You Don’t KnowWise Serious Laugh RightSay, “I’m Wrong” Compassionate Discipline PlannedBe Spontaneous GreatBe Without Pride LeadingServe Enough To

24 Examples of Balance Great Enough to be Without Pride Team gets the credit, you get the blame Compassionate Enough to Discipline Must not be soft – set high expectations and follow through Right Enough to Say, “I’m Wrong” Leaders make mistakes too, admit you are human Wise Enough to Admit You Don’t Know Find out quickly, but do not mislead Busy Enough to Listen Beware the busy manager – they do not lead Paradoxes are not easy to balance. Here are a few examples…

25 Leading Enough to Serve Focus on the Organization Humble, no ego or pride Emphasize the role of others in success Accept responsibility in failures Constantly seek opportunities for improvement Roll up your sleeves Stress what is best for the organization, not the few 360° Support Listen to Stakeholders No job too big, no job too small Participate, listen and build consensus to lead, not manage Far more…

26 Transformational Leadership "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life….” ~ Steve Jobs, Transformational Leader Prepared by: Quanda Garrison

27 Transformational Leadership 1)What is Transformational Leadership 2)The four components 3)Recognizing Transformational Leaders 4)How to be a Transformational leader

28 Transformational Leadership Question: What is one thing you would change about the world if you could? –It doesn’t have to be big, but it should be something you care about.

29 What is Transformational Leadership? “leaders inducing followers to act for certain goals that represent the values and the motivations – the wants and needs, the aspirations and expectations – of both leaders and followers” - James MacGregor Burns

30 What does that mean? Leaders and followers work together to pursue a common goal. –Bottom up vs. Top down: –The outcome is its own reward

31 4 Components Be a role model for others through your actions Motivate and Inspire –Generate enthusiasm for your cause! Empower –Solicit input, share decision making –Stimulate others to take charge Individual Consideration

32 Recognizing Transformational Leaders

33 How to be a Transformational Leader Find something you care about Inspire others to join your cause Empower others to take charge So how will you change the world???

34 Now What? Which Leadership theory or theories suit you best? Social Change? Servant? Transformational? To find out, complete the survey at the following link: formkey=dGNYRjFnd3NIUURIelVES3VMdXVmZEE6MQ You may need to sign in with your AccessNet username and password.

35 Thank you! The RCC will analyze your results and will be in contact with you about your results. Based on these results, you will know what Foundations of Theory Workshops you should attend.

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