A practical toolkit for training 12th February 2014 www.carolyneyre.com 07956 210 120.

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1 A practical toolkit for training 12th February 2014 www.carolyneyre.com 07956 210 120

2 What is good child protection training? What it doesn’t have to be …. A twilight every 3 years on legislation, signs and indicators Something to dread Delivered by the LA Didactic

3 DfE guidance on CP training “Employers are responsible for ensuring that their staff are competent to carry out their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and creating an environment where staff feel able to raise concerns and feel supported in their safeguarding role” “Staff should be given a mandatory induction, which includes familiarisation with child protection responsibilities and procedures to be followed if anyone has any concerns about a child’s safety or welfare.” Working together to safeguard children (DfE 2013)

4 Best practice …… “… complies with requirements and often moves beyond them; it is not seen as a burden but as a reasonable and essential part of the fabric of the school; it pays attention to the meticulous and systematic implementation of policies and routines; it involves every member of the school community in some way …” ‘Safeguarding in schools: best practice’ Ofsted 2011

5 Core components Schools and FE colleges should ensure that all staff Have an induction that includes how to recognise and report any concerns about a child immediately Know that it is an offence for a person in a position of authority to have a sexual relationship with a child under the age of 18 in their care Are equipped to carry out their responsibilities for child protection effectively Are aware of their school or college’s arrangements for CP Understand how early help can improve outcomes for vulnerable children Have an understanding of specific issues such as FGM, homophobic bullying, e-safety DfE draft guidance ‘keeping children safe in education’ 2013

6 Common features of outstanding schools A culture where safeguarding is everyone’s business and everyone’s responsibility Safeguarding policies written in plain English, often exceeding minimum requirements Training is high priority and goes beyond basic requirements Accountability is established at all levels in the school QA is integral to daily practice and any findings are acted upon quickly ‘Safeguarding in schools: best practice’ Ofsted 2011

7 Communicating with staff Training provision: LA / LSCB training officer Independent training providers Local speakers E-learning (eg virtual college, Educare) In-house – does your LSCB offer T4T and / or supporting materials? Work-books Staff meetings (keep minutes of) Departmental projects Focus weeks or terms Information sheets


9 Non-CP safeguarding trainers Police School Liaison Team Community Safety groups Fire Authority Domestic abuse project Substance / alcohol misuse service Community cohesion project School nurse Other designated CP staff in the area Voluntary / Third sector contributors LA Early Help / CAF team Industry / commercial organisations Young people (youth parliament / children’s panel / school council)


11 Exercise The 21 st century child faces risks and challenges that we may not have thought about in the past. In your groups, discuss and list the signs or indicators that might alert you to these identified safeguarding issues

12 Need a quick fix? Do it as often as you can Be creative – what is available on your street? Don’t assume you have to be the expert – staff often learn more from the discussion than the slides If the wheel has already been invented, use it And some rules … Always keep a record of who was there Remind staff about personal safety / emotional impact and where they can get support Keep a copy of the hand-out / slideshow Evaluate – what difference did it make?

13 Thank you www.carolyneyre.com 07956 210 120

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