Cottonwood School 2009-2010. Breakfast 8:00 A.M. Classes Begin 8:30 A.M. Morning Kdgn Ends 11:25 A.M. Afternoon Kdgn Starts 12:30 P.M. Classes Dismissed.

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Presentation on theme: "Cottonwood School 2009-2010. Breakfast 8:00 A.M. Classes Begin 8:30 A.M. Morning Kdgn Ends 11:25 A.M. Afternoon Kdgn Starts 12:30 P.M. Classes Dismissed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cottonwood School 2009-2010



4 Breakfast 8:00 A.M. Classes Begin 8:30 A.M. Morning Kdgn Ends 11:25 A.M. Afternoon Kdgn Starts 12:30 P.M. Classes Dismissed 3:25 P.M.

5 Mission I believe I can learn the skills necessary to become a caring, creative, and productive person. I believe I can demonstrate: *A positive attitude *Proficiency in reading, math, written communication, social studies, science and technology *Academic and social problem solving skills *Independence, responsibility, and healthy self-esteem

6 Monday’s Menu Deli Turkey on Wheat SunChips Baby Carrots Mandarin Oranges Raspberry Sherbet Milk

7 Be Safe Use the crosswalks when crossing the street and look both ways (Parents - look-out for the children)

8 Information for Parents, Guardians and Students Mission Statement for Cottonwood: I believe that I can learn the skills necessary to become a caring, creative, and productive person. I believe I can demonstrate: Independence, responsibility, and healthy self-esteem A positive attitude Proficiency in reading, math, written communication, social studies, science and technology. Academic and social problem solving skills Staff, parents, and the community will provide the support necessary to achieve this mission.

9 Cottonwood Motto Cottonwood Motto “Working Together – Learning Together”

10 General Information Index Student Arrivals/Dismissals Office Hours Attendance/Absence School Safety Student Behavior/ Discipline Threats of Violence Weapons Crisis Management Harassment School Closing Visitors Parent/Teacher Group Guidance Services Summer School

11 General Information continued Make-Up work Illness Helping Students Succeed Birthday Parties Animals/Plants Electronic Mail & Internet Contact Position/ Person for Cottonwood Contact Person for district-wide concerns Contact Person for Board of Education Policies

12 Student Arrivals/Dismissals 8:00 Breakfast begins at Cottonwood 8:20 a.m. Doors open/ First bell rings 8:30 a.m. All morning classes begin 11:25 a.m. Morning kindergarten dismissed 12:30 p.m. Afternoon kindergarten classes begin 3:25 p.m. Dismissal

13 Office Hours at Cottonwood Elementary office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

14 Attendance/Absences Please contact the school office by 9:000 a.m. on the day(s) your student will be absent. The student’s absence will be marked unexcused if no contact from home is made to the school prior to 9:00 a.m. Unexcused absences on 3 consecutive school days, or 5 days in a semester, or 7 days in a school year will result in a report of truancy.

15 School Safety All doors will be locked by 9:00 a.m. except for the Main (southwest) door at Cottonwood School. Report any safety concerns to school staff. Kansas School Safety Hotline # is: 1-877-6262-8203.

16 Student Behavior/Discipline Courtesy, respect, and self-discipline is a mutual responsibility of the home and school. Cottonwood school wide discipline plan includes the following: – Student conferences/student action plans – Detention – Parent/Student conferences – Suspension, and/or expulsion if necessary

17 Threats of Violence All threats (verbal, written, or physical) are taken seriously. There is no such thing as ‘just joking’. 1. Threats should be reported immediately 2. Administration will investigate the seriousness of the threat. 3. Disciplinary action will follow district policy.

18 Weapons Dangerous weapon means any article not commonly or commonly used or designed to inflict bodily harm. Students found in possession of a weapon will be subject to disciplinary action including expulsion and will be referred to law enforcement.

19 Crisis Management Cottonwood has a Crisis Management Plan in which to deal with catastrophic events such as: – Tornados – Weapons – Fires – Bomb threats – Sudden death situations

20 Harassment Racial and sexual harassment will not be tolerated in the USD 305 District. 1. Harassment should be reported immediately to authorities. 2. School/District will promptly investigate all complaints of harassment and take corrective action.

21 School Closings In the event of bad weather or other emergencies the Superintendent of Schools may make the decision to close Salina Public Schools. Listen to radio stations: KSAL/KY94, KINA/KSKG, KQNS, KZBZ, KSAJ, KCVS, KILS and KHCC/KHCD

22 Visitors You are always welcome to visit your child's classroom. Please make an appointment by sending a note or by phone. Stop by the office to let staff know when you arrive and pick up a visitor’s badge.

23 Parent/Teacher Association Cottonwood has an active PTA Previous fund-raisers included: – Bingo – Chili Feed & Book Fair – Popcorn Sales – JT Enterprises Contact PTA Co-Presidents, Karina Reinert or Bevin Welsch, for further information.

24 Guidance Services Counseling can be initiated by a request of the student, parent, or school personnel. Counseling services can be individual and/or group counseling. Mrs. Heath is our counselor

25 Extended Learning The extended learning program is designed for remedial help in reading. Information regarding extended school programs will be available in the Spring, contact the Principal, Jerry Baxa

26 Make-Up Work Two days are allowed to make up work missed for each day of absence. Specific questions regarding student’s homework, please contact the teacher.

27 Illness When students are ill, they should remain at home. Students returning to school need to have a written excuse if normal school activities are to be limited. If a student becomes ill during the school day, the designated adult will be contacted. Please keep emergency phone numbers and contact persons’ names updated.

28 Helping Students Succeed Encourage and expect high performance Show interest in what your child does Provide proper conditions for home study Limit time spent watching TV Provide proper supervision at home if you are unable to be there Attend parent meetings

29 Parties & Celebrations Schedule with teacher in advance to bring simple birthday treats. Carbonated Beverages are not allowed. Healthy snacks are encouraged. Please limit the amount of candy. Treats MUST be pre-packaged.

30 Animals/Plants Cottonwood follows the Animals in Kansas Schools Guidelines prepared by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Students must receive prior permission from teacher and building principal. Proper care & handling procedures will be followed.

31 Electronic Mail & Internet Students must demonstrate responsible behavior when accessing the Internet on school computers. Parents must sign a permission/agreement form before students are allowed electronic mail or internet usage.

32 Contact Position/Person for Cottonwood: 309-4600 Contact Position/Person for Cottonwood: 309-4600 Principal: Jerry Baxa Lead Teacher: Vicki Scanlon SFA Facilitator: Patricia Huerta Counselor: Mary Jo Heath ESL Interpreter: Ana Gonzalez Nurse: Mary Lou McKenzie

33 Contact Position/Person for Cottonwood: 309-4600 Contact Position/Person for Cottonwood: 309-4600 Psychologist: Mike Williams Social Worker: Kim Stoeber Volunteer Coordinator: Renee Corn Secretary: Debbie Shirack

34 District contacts Dr. Peg Dokken-Opat, Executive Director of Administrative & Student Services 785-309-4721 Or Dr. Rob Winter, Superintendent of Schools 785-309-4727

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