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1 Proposed AWD Text for Coverage and Capacity Optimization (SON) IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 9) Document Number: IEEE S802.16m-09/1742.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Proposed AWD Text for Coverage and Capacity Optimization (SON) IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 9) Document Number: IEEE S802.16m-09/1742."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Proposed AWD Text for Coverage and Capacity Optimization (SON) IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 9) Document Number: IEEE S802.16m-09/1742 Date Submitted: 2009-08-31 Source: Jung-Mao Lin, Chie Ming Chou, Frank Ren ITRI Wern Ho Sheen Chaoyang University of Technology / ITRI Venue: Re : Call for Contributions on Project 802.16m Amendment Working Document (AWD) Content /Area: SON Base Contribution: IEEE C802.16m-09/1742 Purpose: To be discussed and adopted in TGm Notice: This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. Patent Policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: and. Further information is located at and.

2 2 Background  In Section 16.2.1 of SDD (IEEE 802.16m-08/003r9), after determining the location of the blind areas, the SON functions should subsequent perform coverage extension and capacity optimization –An ABS can adjust its transmitting power during initialization, however, the adjustment only be applied for itself By scanning neighborhood ABS’s A-preamble –To improve coverage and capacity, power configuration regarding to one or multiple ABS is required Ex, when a Femto ABS powers on/off, the power of other Femto ABSs may be re-configured to optimize the performance  In this contribution, an inter-ABS coordination based power configuration is proposed to speedup the configuration.

3 3 Proposal : inter-ABS coordination power configuration  Reconfigure the DL power of ABS is an instinctive way to optimize the coverage and capacity –However, when reconfiguring the DL power of ABS, it may increase the interference to neighbor ABS at the same time.  To solve the problem, an inter-ABS coordination power configuration is proposed to adjust ABS(s)’ DL power –SON server will coordinate the involved ABSs when one makes the request The request can be made by event-triggered (ex: detect a blind area) or periodic triggered The involved target ABS may include all type neighboring ABSs with the same carrier frequency –Involved ABSs may in-turn transmit a specific sounding sequence at a common coordinated channel –Other neighboring ABSs will receive and measure the sounding sequence at common coordinated channel and report to the SON server SON server can calculate the suitable DL power for one or multiple ABSs and give commend to reconfigure DL power –The calculation is an-implementation issue

4 4 An example of inter-ABS coordination power configuration process ABSNeighbor ABSSON server Coordinate a common time interval, resources and a dedicated signal Sounding sequence 1 Make measurements Report measurement result Decide a suitable DL power Power configuration results Operation Sounding sequence 2 Make measurements Report measurement result Power configuration results Operation

5 5 Conclusion  An ABS can use the power configuration process to reconfigure the DL power. –The power configuration process will take the interference effect into consideration to prevent causing interference effect for other operating ABS  TGm should consider this and adopt the proposed text in C80216m-09_1742

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