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Entry to the Profession: Teacher Preparation and Licensure NSAII 2014 ANNUAL MEETING Las Vegas, Nevada Ann Nutter Coffman, NEA Richelle Patterson, NEA.

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Presentation on theme: "Entry to the Profession: Teacher Preparation and Licensure NSAII 2014 ANNUAL MEETING Las Vegas, Nevada Ann Nutter Coffman, NEA Richelle Patterson, NEA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entry to the Profession: Teacher Preparation and Licensure NSAII 2014 ANNUAL MEETING Las Vegas, Nevada Ann Nutter Coffman, NEA Richelle Patterson, NEA Kathie Skinner, MTA

2 The Education Context  ANN: Please insert the wordle here…. I don’t have that set of slides


4 Performance Assessments for Preservice Candidates (NBI 5) NEA will form a representative task force of NEA members to explore the use of teacher performance assessments for pre- service teacher candidates. The task force will consider:  Support teacher performance assessments that are authentic measures of teaching, locally scored by experienced college, university and school-based teaching professionals, provide formative information to candidates and faculty, and inform program development or improvement of teacher preparation programs;  Assure that the use of performance assessments in teacher education meet appropriate criteria and are adopted and implemented with input from college, university and school-based teaching professionals, and teacher candidates;  Support affiliates' efforts to ensure that experienced college, university and school-based teaching professionals are integrally involved with the development, adoption and implementation of teacher performance assessments and other state requirements for entry into the teacher profession;  Support affiliates' efforts to oppose any state or national mandate that undermine faculty and curriculum in teacher preparation programs and the involvement of school-based teaching professionals in the preparation and assessment of pre-service teacher candidates;  Assure that multiple measures are used to assess a student's readiness to enter the teaching profession and that the edTPA developed by SCALE and scored by Pearson, Inc., currently mandated in several states, and other similar models, are not the only measure of a student's readiness to enter the profession;  Support affiliates' efforts to oppose the use of student test score data to evaluate teacher education programs and the forcible implementation of any one-size fits all, corporatized model of teacher performance assessment; and  Explore ways to work cooperatively with other teacher preparation stakeholders within NEA to engage in a deeper dialogue about teacher performance assessment. The task force will forward its report and any recommendations for further action to the NEA Board of Directors by the May Board meeting. RA 2014 & New Business Item 5

5 A teaching profession that embraces collective accountability for student learning balanced with collaborative autonomy that allows educators to do what is best for students. A vision for the teaching profession based on three guiding principles: 1. Student learning is at the center of everything a teacher does. 2. Teachers take primary responsibility for student learning. 3. Effective teachers share in the responsibility for teacher selection, evaluation, and dismissal. The Commission on Effective Teachers and Teaching

6 “I am setting as NEA’s guiding star the advancement of a profession of teaching that centers on the success of students.” Dennis VanRoekel 1.Raising the Bar for Entry 2.Teachers Ensuring Great Teaching 3.Providing Union Leadership to Transform our Profession NEA Three Point Plan for Reform

7  Seattle Teacher Residency  San Francisco Teacher Residency  Milwaukee Teacher Residency  Appalachian State University/ NCEA Cooperating Teacher Training  NTEP  Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Washington  (LA, GA, CT) State and Local Engagement

8 NEA and Entry to the Profession

9 Teacher Preparation Accountability Logic Model Failing Students Failing Teachers Failing Teacher Preparation

10 “The education of teachers in the United States needs to be turned upside down.” “The nation needs an entire system of excellent programs, not a cottage industry of pathbreaking initiatives.” NCATE’s Blue Ribbon Panel Report

11  NCATE + TEAC = CAEP  CAEP Standards Commission (2013) - “Raise the Bar” for teacher preparation  Higher Expectations for Clinical Partnerships  Higher GPA and standardized test requirements  Focus on the quality and reliability of evidence  Program continuous improvement Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

12  Rankings and ratings of teacher preparation programs  Private foundation funding and widespread support  Highly contentious standards (and debatable)  Focus on program inputs and collect most data through course syllabi and FOIA requests  Coming out with a report on inflated teacher preparation grades on Wednesday National Council for Teacher Quality (NCTQ)/ U.S. News & World Report

13  Failed 2012 Negotiated Rulemaking Process  Promises, promises…this week??  60 day comment period  Required report from every traditional and alternative preparation program on four measures  Graduate placement and retention data  Student impact  Graduate and principal surveys  Accreditation (program approval?) USED, Title II Teacher Preparation Program Regulations

14 “School-ready” principals and “learner-ready” teachers State Policy Levers licensure; program approval; and data collection, analysis, and reporting Network for Transforming Educator Preparation (NTEP) CCSSO “Our Promise, Our Responsibility”

15 The Council of Chief State School Officers InTASC & NTEP Teacher Licensure

16 National Association of State Directors for Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC)  Ethics  PESBA Teacher Licensure

17 Pre-service performance assessments present opportunities to:  Bridge teacher preparation and practice  Yield collaborative P-16 program redesign  Ensure profession-readiness regardless of preparation route  Align pre-service and in-service evaluation systems Why Pre-Service Performance Assessments?

18  Pre-Service Performance Assessments  edTPA  PPAT  State models (e.g. PACT, Oregon, Kentucky) Teacher Licensure

19 Across the States

20 Part of a Multiple Measures Assessment System Embedded Signature Assessments (campus designed examples) Observation/Supervisory Evaluation & Feedback Observation/Supervisory Child Case Studies Analyses of Student Learning Analyses of Curriculum/ Teaching edTPA as Capstone Assessment Assessment Integration of:  Planning  Instruction  Assessment  Analysis of Teaching  Academic Language

21 Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT)

22  Washington  California  New York State RAs and Pre-Service Performance Assessments

23 The Massachusetts Story Massachusetts is one of seven states participating in the CCSSO Network for Transforming Educator Preparation What’s Good  NTEP Advisory Task Force working with the SEA is comprised of public and private educator preparation program staff, PreK-12 teachers and administrators, and MTA. What’s Not-So-Good  State team working with CCSSO is comprised solely of SEA staff.  None has significant teaching experience.  None has educator preparation experience.  Excludes Association.  Excludes higher education.

24  Multiple measures  Observations by district and prep program personnel  Student feedback  Student learning outcomes  Massachusetts-specific performance assessment Pre-Service Performance Assessment

25 Design Principles

26 License Renewal Bombshell ​ “Proficient” Evaluation rating AND “moderate” student impact rating for each of 3 years = RENEWAL ​ “Moderate” student growth AND “satisfactory ” student feedback AND “successful and effective” parent engagement ratings = RENEWAL ​ Either SEA reviews evaluation ratings and impact ratings OR district rates practice and attainment of goals = RENEWAL

27 Questions??

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