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Senior Phase Workshop Glasgow 13 th March 2014 Workshop Presenters: Kenny McKeown, QIO; Tracey Stewart, QIO; Teresa Little, DHT Braeview Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Phase Workshop Glasgow 13 th March 2014 Workshop Presenters: Kenny McKeown, QIO; Tracey Stewart, QIO; Teresa Little, DHT Braeview Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Phase Workshop Glasgow 13 th March 2014 Workshop Presenters: Kenny McKeown, QIO; Tracey Stewart, QIO; Teresa Little, DHT Braeview Academy

2 Aim of Session To explore how Dundee City Council Education Department, with partners, enhances senior phase provision through consortia arrangements

3 Delivery of Advanced Highers - City Campus Baccalaureate – Interdisciplinary project Senior Phase Provision - D&A College/In-school Employer Programmes Senior Phase Partner Consortia Supporting Pathways into Positive Destinations Building skills for life, learning and work through different contexts

4 Delivery of Advanced Highers - City Campus/Consortia Arrangements Partnership with University of Dundee and Abertay University – established in 2011, evaluated and revised 2012 Core subjects – Maths, English, History, Modern Studies, Geography, Modern Languages, Business Management, Accounting Pupils attend 2 afternoons per week – Tues/Thurs Independent Travel Mobile Teachers Benefits/Challenges School Consortia Arrangements

5 Scottish Baccalaureate – Interdisciplinary Project Delivered in partnership with Abertay and Dundee Universities, D&A College and employers supporting projects in Sciences, Languages, Social Sciences and Expressive Arts Academic Tutors Induction Programme Joint Assessment and Quality Assurance Offered as stand alone option for S6 – extending choice UCAS Applications

6 Work Experience Quest Scotland Modern Apprenticeships Employer Programmes

7 Senior Phase Provision - D&A College/In-school Evolution of model for senior phase Inclusive rather than deficit model S4-S6 with opportunities for progression/HNC In-school provision

8 How a School Manages This Provision Challenges and Solutions

9 Provision at all levels Progression routes Impact on courses in school Course choice procedures and timetabling Challenges

10 The way forward Provision at all levels & Progression Routes City Campus and Consortia arrangements for Advanced Higher pupils (some Highers) College provision through D & A College and DCC partnership Courses provided in school through D & A College, SkillForce and Braeview Academy. Links with local employers

11 The way forward Impact on classes in school & timetabling Regular meetings with the partner providers, staff who manage the curriculum and timetablers Earlier course choice procedures Timetable partnership arrangements.

12 LEVEL ABCDEF ADV. HIGHER City Campus HIGHER English Classical Studies Mathematics Music SKILLFORCE Employability Skills and First Aid qualifications for Xmas leavers Business Management Computing Dance & Aesthetics History Physics PE RMPS Administration Art Human Biology Computing Design & Manufacture German Geography Photography Art Chemistry Drama Dance & Aesthetics PE Graphic Communication Modern Studies Music COLLEGE COURSE 1 period PSHE 2 periods PE/ ENRICHMENT 1 period English 1 period Maths NATIONAL 5 English Classical Studies Biology Chemistry Physics Geography History Modern Studies RMPS Mathematics Accounting Music Travel & Tourism English (S4) Business Management Computing Dance & Aesthetics History Practical Metalworking Physics PE RMPS Mathematics (S4) Administration Art Biology Computing Design & Manufacture French Geography German PE Dance & Aesthetics COSMETOLOGY Art Business Management Cake Decorating Chemistry Drama Dance & Aesthetics PE Graphic Communication Modern Studies Music COLLEGE COURSE Art Cake Decorating Computing Practical Woodworking History Music Physics NATIONAL 4 NATIONAL 3 English Biology Chemistry Physics Geography History Modern Studies RMPS National 3 Sciences Mathematics English (S4) Mathematics (S4) Practical Metalworking* Administration Art Biology Computing Design & Manufacture French PE Dance & Aesthetics COSMETOLOGY MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENTANCE Business Management Chemistry Drama Graphic Communication Hospitality Modern Studies Music (Nat 4 only) PE COLLEGE COURSE Art ASDAN Practical Woodworking Computing Physics Hospitality History Music (Nat 4/3) Vocational Taster Courses Horticulture, Construction, Catering, Employability Skills

13 Pupil Evaluation All groups Develops their self confidence Increased belief in themselves and their future Supported their transition into a Positive Destination including further or Higher Education College and vocational courses in school Increased awareness of employment opportunities Vocational Courses in school and SkillForce Pupils engaged in school Increased aspiration

14 Future Considerations Accommodating an increase in numbers across the Senior Phase Quality Assurance of Learners’ Experiences Capitalising on projected labour market intelligence


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