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From the Retention Project home page, click on the link on the menu that reads “Input & Approve Timelog (On-Corps)”

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Presentation on theme: "From the Retention Project home page, click on the link on the menu that reads “Input & Approve Timelog (On-Corps)”"— Presentation transcript:


2 From the Retention Project home page, click on the link on the menu that reads “Input & Approve Timelog (On-Corps)”

3 Select the program year from the drop down menu (be sure that it is 2012- 2013) and click submit.

4 Next, select Site Supervisor

5 Enter your username and password. Your username is your last name and the first letter from your first name (i.e. Bob Jones =jonesb) and your default password is: Retention!!

6 OR 2) click “Review & Approve” to see submitted time logs. This is by far the easiest way to access timelogs. There are two ways to access member Time logs once you have successfully logged in. 1) You can access time logs by going to Time Tracking, Member Services Hours, then Approve Member Timesheets.

7 Once on the “Approve/Review Timesheets” page, double check to make sure that you have selected the correct timesheet. If it is the wrong timesheet you can choose a different one from the drop down menu.

8 If you do not approve of the member’s timesheet, select “I have reviewed and DO NOT approve this timesheet.” Then, enter a reason for the rejection in the text box, and hit “Submit.” The member will be notified of the rejection and the timesheet will be unlocked for corrections and resubmission. Once you have reviewed the members submitted service hours and approved, select “I have reviewed and approved this timesheet.” and select “Submit” at the bottom


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